Stretch Marks to High Heaven

miss_minga Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I can't stand having stretch marks!! They are horrid, yet I'm supposed to wear them with pride. I'm 20 years old and just had a baby almost four months ago. I love her to death, but I'm now doomed to bear these ugly things. I cannot blame them on her, however, I am the one that did not stop eating. And due to being laid off, I sat on my lazy a**.

I'm Almost ashamed to say that I gained 63lbs. So far I've lost 31lbs, but still have the other half to go. Now I've only been a member of this website for three days, but the idea of it has gotten me so excited, I can't wait to see the results. My only problem is that I tend to stray away from things such as this. I'm hoping to stick though. I'm totally over being at the weight that I am.

Now that my daughter is coming to the stage of wanting to play a lot, I want to be able to do so without getting tired after five minutes. So here I am, trying to do what I can to be the best mom I can for my beautiful baby girl. I would also like to try to set the example of staying as healthy as possible. With good health I know as much as anyone else that we can live a more happy and fulfilling life.

And Hopefully Get Rid of STUPID STRETCH MARKS!!!!
(So I can wear a bikini again with pride lol)


  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! You're welcome to "friend me" if you like. I am sure that you'll find all of the support and info on here to make your efforts successful. :flowerforyou:
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Unfortunately they never go away :(

    But a couple of things to make you feel better - they become almost invisible as they age, and having a tan makes them MUCH less noticeable.

    And it's not all your fault - genetics plays a huge role in the elasticity of your skin. Some of us are just doomed to not stretch as easily as others. No matter how much or how little we gain, we develop stretch marks.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Hello and welcome!

    Just keep at it! Keep going. The more you exercise the stronger you'll become and the longer you'll be able to exercise for longer!

    I've got stretch marks too but I don't have kids. It's been down to my yoyo weight over my teenage years and now I'm 28 and they're still there. I heard you can't get rid of stretch marks? If you can, I'm interested to know how, if anyone knows???
  • jacolyncoker
    jacolyncoker Posts: 86 Member
    Im only 18 and I have stretch marks too! And even though I am here to lose weight, I am not fat and never have been. So its just something everyone goes through. I have them on my inner thighs and hips :l
  • jdier
    jdier Posts: 110 Member
    I have stretch marks thanks to my adorable little boys. Good thing there are other bathing suit options out there- boyshort swimsuits at least cover up some of those stretch marks! The marks will fade a little over time. A new little life is worth it though- congratulations on your baby! :flowerforyou:
  • Hello and welcome :)

    I just put up my first post today too.

    I know how you are feeling about how much weight you gained... I gained 72 lbs with my 3rd child. It was horrible, but like you said... I had no one to blame except for myself. I am the one who decided what and how much food I was putting into my body :)

    Nice to meet you.

  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    More people than you know have stretch marks. Not just pregnant people, or those who have gained and lost a load of weight. And no, they don't go away, there are no special creams and they just plain SUCK!
    Having said that, once you lose the weight you will automatically feel better, and they won't seem so bad when you are at the beach in your two piece with your little angel sitting right next to you in the sand!
    Good luck, you can do it!
  • burtam
    burtam Posts: 42
    You are NOT alone. But stop blaming yourself - GENETICS are a factor - believe it!
    Also, My son was turned oddly in my belly so I stayed "small" for a long time, then one day, he flipped - INSTANT stretch marks! God has blessed you with a beautiful child and the desire to stay healthy for that child.

    Great job on the 31lbs!

    I guarantee you - I have you beat when it comes to stretch marks..... :)
  • Bon180
    Bon180 Posts: 26
    Yep, I got them too....some are as wide as an inch by my pelvic area. I had some pre-baby...but I also when wild with my first child and gained 60 lbs. They fade, there forever, and no one is without any (My brother has them and is thin, from growing fast. My hubbie who knows why, he has always been thin). What I find worse is the skin skirt I now carry because of excess skin. That's annoying. But in the same scene...I had 2 more baby's after the I could not be that repulsive! Cheer up and welcome!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Oh girl! Stretch marks are the cool thing.....especially for carrying a BEAUTIFUL baby for 9 months!! I call them my battle wounds ;) I seriously have them SOOO freaking bad! I put my hands on both sides of my belly button and that barely covers them---and I have HUGE hands!! So as much as it stinks to think about having them--they do fade---but never really go away. And a tan does help to make them look better! I gained 70+ pounds with my first---and over 50 with my second---it is my fault that I let myself go but i can't do anything about it now except get my butt back into shape and rock those stretch marks!! ;) good luck, and stick with it!!
  • Bon180
    Bon180 Posts: 26

    I guarantee you - I have you beat when it comes to stretch marks..... :)

    ME TOO!!!! I'm loaded!!!
  • Are you sure? Mine go from my hips and stomach to halfway down my calves lol
  • jodieunited
    jodieunited Posts: 112 Member
    its rubbish,i tried everything and i mean EVERYTHING.LOOOL
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member

    Doesn't work. :sad: Stretch marks are here to stay unfortunately.
  • MsCoconut
    MsCoconut Posts: 35 Member
    I know how you feel I gained 45 pounds while pregnant! Although your doing something about WAY before I did. My son is already 16 months and I am barely getting on track. Good luck, congrats on your baby and you are welcome to friend me! :wink:
  • i have no kids this year i started getting stretch marks on my belly thighs and all
  • i have no kids this year i started getting stretch marks on my belly thighs and all
  • Bon180
    Bon180 Posts: 26
    Are you sure? Mine go from my hips and stomach to halfway down my calves lol

    Pretty sure, Mine are from under my ribs all the way down town. Hips, butt top, inner thigh, behind knees, under arms, boobs. Its just a mess...Not to mention the loose skin that can be molded into so many fun shapes. Its laughable at this point in my life...but then again I have lived with them for 7 years and all my friends age 30+, so body issues become BBQ fun talk, not Taboo...

    I hope you start feeling better after reading that most people have them...and the ones who don't ARE Lying OR BLIND! :)~
  • burtam
    burtam Posts: 42
    Yep, I got them too....some are as wide as an inch by my pelvic area. I had some pre-baby...but I also when wild with my first child and gained 60 lbs. They fade, there forever, and no one is without any (My brother has them and is thin, from growing fast. My hubbie who knows why, he has always been thin). What I find worse is the skin skirt I now carry because of excess skin. That's annoying. But in the same scene...I had 2 more baby's after the I could not be that repulsive! Cheer up and welcome!

    I am still giggling over you referring to the excess skin as a skin skirt! LOL!!!
    My skirt has ruffles (aka stretch marks!)
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