Need support, wanna pig out

Help!! I've been working on losing weight, getting fit, and eating healthier for about a month and a half now. I've been doing so well and have been pumped! However, right now all I wanna do is pig out. I want pizza, brownies, cookies (I have a sweet tooth, obvs.) and whatever else I can get my hands on. Cheese! Blocks of cheese! I need some support or motivation, please.


  • katedevall
    katedevall Posts: 240 Member
    Help!! I've been working on losing weight, getting fit, and eating healthier for about a month and a half now. I've been doing so well and have been pumped! However, right now all I wanna do is pig out. I want pizza, brownies, cookies (I have a sweet tooth, obvs.) and whatever else I can get my hands on. Cheese! Blocks of cheese! I need some support or motivation, please.

    Resist the urge!!!

    Side question though. Do you incorporate any of these foods into your diet? I found its helped to beat the cravings by having some of the foods I crave maybe once a week as long as it fits into my calorie goals.
  • You have think of it this way: Is the pig out really worth putting on the extra pounds? Will you feel satisfied after pigging out? You can have what you love, just in moderation!!! If you threw it all away with one session of pigging out, you would regret it and would probably fall completely off the band wagon! Keep doing what you're doing and stay on track... eventually that feeling will go away... you're body is just in shock right now! :)
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    big glasses of water, if you havent eaten supper or have the room have a slice of pizza, its not that bad, just limit it to what your remaining calories are. failing that dill pickles and hot peppers, low to no cal and can help make you feel full
  • Jessika39
    Jessika39 Posts: 35
    I have a few suggestions for you

    1. Eat a least 2 slices of cheese pizza
    2. There is sugar free fat free pudding 1% milk (homemade) is delicious
    3 honey graham with fat free whip cream (refrigerated like a sandwish ice cream bar. ( I love it)
    4 Eat but also exercise

    Hope this help a little.

  • lucy529
    lucy529 Posts: 127 Member
    totally agree with Kate you should incorporate some of the things into your diet also find healthier versions I do that and love that am able to eat many things but for now try to resist the urge go for a walk or distract yourself with something else. good luck

    you want pizza try cauliflower pizza i love it and it tastes like pizza (don't care what anyone says I LOVE IT)
    brownie look up the website FOODIE FIASCO she has tons of recipes and they are good i had her microwave chocolate cake and gotta say it killed the chocolate cravings she had tons of recipes most are low cal
  • direwolves
    direwolves Posts: 7 Member
    That's really good advice--fitting in some of those foods into your diet can make a big difference.
  • outasflyguy
    outasflyguy Posts: 4 Member
    Whenever I feel like pigging out, the best way I found to resist the urge is to occupy myself with something else... so a lot of the times, I end up going to the gym when I feel my hungriest... or drinking tea.... or cleaning my room... I feel that it really helps to get my mind off of the urge to splurge.
  • lisanhorowitz
    lisanhorowitz Posts: 38 Member
    Buy a cookie, eat three bites of it, throw the rest in the garbage. If you can do that, you can control your life.
  • Ajellyfish77
    Ajellyfish77 Posts: 36 Member
    First up you can do this! Sit down and really ask yourself WHY do you want it? If it is legitamitly a craving then have a little something and go for a walk :) vegetarian pizza is surprising low in cal (by comparison) and if you get it cheese free (I am a vegan) even more so! Sundried tomatoes will replace that chewy texture :) A few green olives that salt craving :)
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    This is fairly normal. :) Everybody gets cravings. I was craving a block of cookie dough last night something fierce (1200 cals for the whole thing, I felt like I could eat it all, lol!) , but I had two bites to get a nice taste of it and resisted the rest so as to not undo 3 days of work. I had 250 cals left for the day, so I had an ice cream bar instead to knock out the sweet tooth without blowing my 'budget'.

    That being said, let yourself have treats. You'll go nuts if you don't. Have some lower-cal options around like pudding cups, blocks of chocolate, shortbread cookies, flatbread, sauce and cheese to make lower-cal pizza-snacks, whatever it takes. Try to follow the 'better' options around 80% of the time, then let yourself have what you really want the rest of the time. :)
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Help!! I've been working on losing weight, getting fit, and eating healthier for about a month and a half now. I've been doing so well and have been pumped! However, right now all I wanna do is pig out. I want pizza, brownies, cookies (I have a sweet tooth, obvs.) and whatever else I can get my hands on. Cheese! Blocks of cheese! I need some support or motivation, please.

    Resist the urge!!!

    Side question though. Do you incorporate any of these foods into your diet? I found its helped to beat the cravings by having some of the foods I crave maybe once a week as long as it fits into my calorie goals.

    Yep with this too, if you are cutting out foods that you enjoy on a day to day basis then you will stumble. I have been eating 1200 cals a day plus my exercise cals for helluva long while and my exercise cals give me the `treats` a glass of wine, some cheese, chocolate, crisps (not all at once lol) but you get my drift
  • nell0010
    nell0010 Posts: 3
    Is this a case of you eating smaller meals than you're used to and therefore not having that "full" feeling? Too many days of that in a row can send me "needing" to fill up. Tonight I shared a big bowl of popcorn with my daughter. It was homemade, popped on the stove top with very little oil (maybe 1 TBSP), and a little Schneider's buttersalt (1/4 - 1/2 tsp). Okay the butter salt was the kicker, BUT popcorn is something you can eat a whole load of and get that full feeling. Are there other foods that you can eat till you're full but have very few calories/fat content? (eat it SLOWLY). I certainly don't recommend this every day, but every so often... Plus all the other replies I've read here make a lot of sense. If you ever do give in and go way overboard, don't beat yourself about it. As long as it's a one-time thing, you're not going to lose all your hard work in one day. Better to shake it off, remind yourself of the bonuses, and get back on track. If you're in a good exercise regime, one day will not break the bank. It's doing it everyday that will hurt.
    PS: Please do not go for microwave popcorn, no matter how healthy the box says it is. Just not worth it. Best to you!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    How will you feel if you eat all you want?

    That should supress your desires.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Someone recently shared this with me: Make a deal with yourself for one more day. If you still want to go hog wild tomorrow, you can.

    Tomorrow you might have to make the same agreement with yourself, but chances are that you will have gotten over whatever is driving you today.
  • diva_kate
    diva_kate Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you all! I do allow myself all those things in great moderation, I just think my hormones are a bit outta whack right now. I just ate some Greek yogurt to curb the sweet craving (Chobani Bite Coffee with Dark Chocolate- it ROCKS and is only 100 calories) and I'm gonna go hop on my stationary bike here in a minute. I made myself another treat for after my workout by melting together two tablespoons of peanut butter and a square of 86% cacoa dark chocolate. Hopefully that'll banish whatever is trying to take ahold of me!
  • Help!! I've been working on losing weight, getting fit, and eating healthier for about a month and a half now. I've been doing so well and have been pumped! However, right now all I wanna do is pig out. I want pizza, brownies, cookies (I have a sweet tooth, obvs.) and whatever else I can get my hands on. Cheese! Blocks of cheese! I need some support or motivation, please.
    Ironically, i would say plan to give in once a week.
    I pig out once every week to 2 weeks, giving myself permission, and find it's easier to get myself to work out and to eat healthy. (BTW, lost 24 lbs doing things this way)
    Part of the attraction to those things is we think "bad food" or "junk" and we as human beings are highly drawn to rebel, to fight oppression.
    I pig out on salad loaded down with meat once a month, i go to a pizza buffet once a month and pig out to the nth, i do ice cream sundaes once a month, and get cookies once a month. i'm not tempted, not driven because i have no need to rebel.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I started my diet 2 months ago, I've lost 12 lb since, and I've had pizza 3 times, cheese pretty much every day (usually low fat, full fat when I have calories left at the end of the day), and 4 brownies this week (the fiberone ones).

    It's totally possible to incorporate them in your diet. Just eat a small amount.
  • sassynkp
    sassynkp Posts: 148 Member
    The fact that you got on MFP and did not just dive in says a lot! Be proud that you recognized the temptation and reached out for help. Next, ask yourself are you really hungry or just is it a reaction to boredom or emotion. Then think about how you will feel after eating all that food. ( probably physically not well since you have been eating well) And then what can you do to replace that need to " pig out". I like to do journaling- it helps me clear my head a re-focus. Remember it is about moderation- not deprivation. You can incorporate your favorite eats into your calorie count. Good luck.
  • Kaddehawk
    Kaddehawk Posts: 12
    One thing I learned from previous (failed) attempts to lose weight is to NEVER say Never to a food you really like. That is often the root of a craving. It's an unfortunate human trait to want what you can't have, so If you tell yourself it's forbidden, get the idea. I always allow myself the Possibility of eating anything I want, then when faced with temptation I can Make the decision to not eat it. That way it is a voluntary decision and makes me feel good about making it. If Pizza is a fav food, here is a simple alternative that allows you to have it but limits the amount available. Because of a food allergy I figured out a simple, single serving alternative. It can be done with Pita, English muffins rolls, flat breads, what ever your choice. I like to use a football shaped whole wheat roll I get at Walmart, split in half. Place the bread on a baking sheet, toast lightly under the broiler. Put on a layer of tomato sauce, crushed tomatoes, marinara or spaghetti sauce and the herbs of your choice. Then add any toppings &/or cheese you desire. When assembled put back under the broiler until heated through / toasted / or cheese is melted and bubbly, depending on your toppings. There you are! Pizza for one and you know Exactly what is in it!
  • diva_kate
    diva_kate Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for all your support and ideas. I just finished an hour workout and am happy to report that my junk food cravings are GONE!