Hello, I'm new to this site but not to dieting!

Hi my name is Deanna, I'm 25 years old and I've struggled with keeping off and now getting rid of the 35 pounds or so I put on once I started university. I really need motivation and encouragement to keep me going, so I hope I came to the right place. So far I love this site!! If you can recommend a group to join, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks.


  • kelseynolan
    :D I will be your support! This site seems like it will really useful!
  • JulieGrevious
    thats what is so great i have finally admitted i cannot diet i need to eat real food and cannot and will not give it up i have proved that to myself after 20 years of struggling with weight issues,i put my food in and it counts it, of course i try my best at staying with my calorie limits and so far it hasnt been a problem. I highly reccomend this sight and when you excercise it adds it up for you so you dont feel deprived,if you want to look at my food intake it is open and you can see that im sure not depriving myself. try it you'll love it. Julie
  • Annabelle_M
    :D I will be your support! This site seems like it will really useful!

    Yippee, you joined!!!!!!
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    You came to the right place! Welcome :o]
  • Annabelle_M
    Thanks for the warm welcome!!