My 6 week challenge



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Day 17-30 mins cross training. I actually did a little over an hour. I first started off with Insanity Cardio Abs, I had not done that one in a while and really liked it. I love feeling my abs working. Then I did the TurboFire Sneak Peak, approximately 17mins. I burned 252 calories in only 17 mins, if that tells you how tough the workout is. I was sweating like crazy in the first 2 mins of the workout. Loved it. My ankle/calf was hurting during this one though, so I did have to be a little careful. I then decided that after dinner I would do some yoga to maybe stretch out my ankle/calf. Downward dog felt really good. This yoga I found was On Demand and it was really nice and relaxing. I am really glad that I did it. I slept really good last nite. No cramps in my leg. :bigsmile:

    I did actually go to the doctor this morning. He just stated that since I have started my HM training I have upped my mileage significantly and I need to back off a little. He has practiced in Sports Medicine so he had seen this before. I asked him about my run tonite and Saturday. He said you can do it, but take Ibuprofen afterward and ice it. So, I am glad he did not tell me not to run, just to back off on how many miles a week. Whew, nothing serious. :drinker:

    That is totally great news and I know that will keep you from being bummed if he would have said no running!!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    That is totally great news and I know that will keep you from being bummed if he would have said no running!!!

    That is what I thought.

    How are you doing? :bigsmile:
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    I thought I had made a post decribing my past week, but I can't find it. If it is one here somewhere and I just don't see it I apoligize for repeating myself. Basically the past week has been pretty crappy. I had a migraine that took me out of commission from Sunday through yesterday. Everytime I stood up or even sat up I felt like I was going to faint and throw up at the same time. Because of this I haven't exercised since last Friday. I can't believe a whole week of not exercise went by that quick. Anyway, I am determined not to beat myself up about this too much. I will do strength straining tonight and resume running tomorrow morning. Heres to feeling better. Atleast I stuck pretty well to my diet.

    BTW Jennifer and Cnbethea way you guys are doing great. You are truly my inspiration.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I thought I had made a post decribing my past week, but I can't find it. If it is one here somewhere and I just don't see it I apoligize for repeating myself. Basically the past week has been pretty crappy. I had a migraine that took me out of commission from Sunday through yesterday. Everytime I stood up or even sat up I felt like I was going to faint and throw up at the same time. Because of this I haven't exercised since last Friday. I can't believe a whole week of not exercise went by that quick. Anyway, I am determined not to beat myself up about this too much. I will do strength straining tonight and resume running tomorrow morning. Heres to feeling better. Atleast I stuck pretty well to my diet.

    BTW Jennifer and Cnbethea way you guys are doing great. You are truly my inspiration.

    Sorry to hear about the migraine. If I were you, I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. Migraines are not easy to deal with and as long as you kept to clean eating, you did awesome. Glad you are feeling better Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I thought I had made a post decribing my past week, but I can't find it. If it is one here somewhere and I just don't see it I apoligize for repeating myself. Basically the past week has been pretty crappy. I had a migraine that took me out of commission from Sunday through yesterday. Everytime I stood up or even sat up I felt like I was going to faint and throw up at the same time. Because of this I haven't exercised since last Friday. I can't believe a whole week of not exercise went by that quick. Anyway, I am determined not to beat myself up about this too much. I will do strength straining tonight and resume running tomorrow morning. Heres to feeling better. Atleast I stuck pretty well to my diet.

    BTW Jennifer and Cnbethea way you guys are doing great. You are truly my inspiration.

    Sorry to hear about your migraines I do know that they suck as I suffered from one all day yesterday and praying it doesn't come back today this is something new for me I just started getting them this past year they started coming around my TOM but now they are starting to just come when I am stressed as well and like you I felt like I was going to throw up I did manage to go to work but I did not workout yesterday they really come with a heavy blow that will knock you off of your feet so hang in there and that is definitely not something you want to beat yourself up over. Glad to hear your going to try to get back into things today and you didn't let your food choices get out of control good for you have a great weekend and know that today is a new day!!!!:happy:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    That is totally great news and I know that will keep you from being bummed if he would have said no running!!!

    That is what I thought.

    How are you doing? :bigsmile:

    Well as I told belldandy1 yesterday I suffered from a migraine they are starting to become an issue when I am stressed and around my TOM and I don't like it one bit so I didn't get in a workout yesterday and I am hoping that it don't come back on me today so I can!!!! My plan is to just continue to push myself through the weekend and continue on the plan as yesterday was cardio recovery so I'm not to bummed about missing it I know I should but if needed I can make it up on Sunday!! my other dilemma is I am starting to feel lighter but I don't plan to weigh til the end of the month also I am starting to look soft what I mean by that my tummy area look like it is getting smaller but not tighter any thoughts on this?
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Jennifer and Belldandy1 where are you?:sad: I hope all is well. I had a terrible Saturday I slipped back into my old eating today the first part of the day was great the second half I went crazy!! I am a person that have to have things ready available or it's easy to go off course so tomm it is back to preparing my meals in advance. I hope you all are enjoy the rest of the weekend I know for me tomm is a new day and back on track. I am thinking with such a bad day I may need to go back to my Mon weighing in to give myself a reality check.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Well as I told belldandy1 yesterday I suffered from a migraine they are starting to become an issue when I am stressed and around my TOM and I don't like it one bit so I didn't get in a workout yesterday and I am hoping that it don't come back on me today so I can!!!! My plan is to just continue to push myself through the weekend and continue on the plan as yesterday was cardio recovery so I'm not to bummed about missing it I know I should but if needed I can make it up on Sunday!! my other dilemma is I am starting to feel lighter but I don't plan to weigh til the end of the month also I am starting to look soft what I mean by that my tummy area look like it is getting smaller but not tighter any thoughts on this?

    Sorry, no good excuse for not coming and checking on everyone. I hope your weekend went without any migraines.

    What they say is abs are made in the kitchen. You are getting a smaller stomach and that is fantastic, nothing to sneeze about. LOL Now just keep up with the clean eating and working your core with all exercises. You will get there. Abs are hard to define. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Jennifer and Belldandy1 where are you?:sad: I hope all is well. I had a terrible Saturday I slipped back into my old eating today the first part of the day was great the second half I went crazy!! I am a person that have to have things ready available or it's easy to go off course so tomm it is back to preparing my meals in advance. I hope you all are enjoy the rest of the weekend I know for me tomm is a new day and back on track. I am thinking with such a bad day I may need to go back to my Mon weighing in to give myself a reality check.

    As long as you only weigh once a week instead of everyday. I know a lot of people that weigh everyday and they may have a good arguement, but I myself don't agree with it. Once a week is enough to stress me out. LOL

    We all have our days, at least you know what to do to get back on track. How was yesterday for you? :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I will post my last couple of days here shortly. I hope everyone had a great weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 18-Last Thursday, 3 mile run & Strength training. Well, I went to the doctor that day about my leg and he told me to back off a little, so I just did a 2 mile run. It wasn't one of my best runs. I also was running somewhere new and it starting get dark and I had to be careful with my footing. So, that is what I blame it on. Had a good strength training session today. I just love pumping iron and seeing my arms really work for me. It is empowering.

    Day 19-Last Friday, rest day. I scheduled a rest day due to the fact I was doing my 5 mile run in the morning. It is not good to over do it before a big run. Rest is a weird word for me anymore, but I just tried to keep myself busy with things to keep my mind off exercise. Went to bed early.

    Day 20-Saturday, 5 mile run. I DID IT!!! That is the longest run I have done so far and it felt awesome. My leg didn't hurt too much so I just kept pushing through and I did not walk but 20 secs to get a drink and kept going. One lady who passed me said, remember that it is all in your head, and that helped me keep running. No walking for this girl. LOL I did it under an hour as well. That was one of two goals. To finish and to do it under 1 hour. Now I know that a 10k will be no problem. That is only 1.2 miles more, so, no sweat. When I got home I, obviously, took a shower and ate lunch. Then sat down and passed out on the sofa. Guess my body really needed it.

    Day 21-Sunday, 40 min cross training. Okay, I didn't do that. I let my leg rest and plus I was still tired from yesterday's run. I had band practice and I had to have a foot rest for my leg. The guys were nice about it. I love my guys, they are great.

    Day 22-Monday, 3.5 mile run. One more rest day. Boy, I can tell you that was really hard to just sit and ice and do nothing. UGH!!! Don't like being hurt. I know it is best to rest now and let it heal rather than hurt it further.

    Day 23-Tuesday, Strength & Brazil Butt Lift Tummy Tuck. Okay, so I found something I could do that would not have to use my leg. It felt good to get the muscles moving. When I went to bed, I could feel my abs burning. So love that feeling. I went to get my wedding dress fitted and they had to make it one size smaller. WHOOOHOOO!!! That was soooo kewl. Can't wait to get it back next month. She told me not to lose anymore weight for the next couple of months. I told her that I won't promise anything. She said 5 pounds won't be so bad, but 10 could be an issue. I am basically maintaining now anyway, which I am not really sure what that means. LOL I feel really great at this weight, but if I lose then okay.

    Day 24-Wednesday (today), Yoga or Pilates. Depends on what time I get home from band practice what I do, but I will make sure to do something. I really do miss working out. I actually feel a little depressed when I don't workout. I need the high of working out I guess.

    Have a great afternoon and I will talk to you all again soon. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 24 & Day 25-Rest. Well, I have been way-laid for this week due to my leg pain. I think it also made me feel a little depressed since I was not able to run. So, I wasn't feeling good and decided it to be a good week to not eat healthy. I think that had something to do with me feeling nauseated yesterday. Went home early and slept a couple of hours had dinner and some 7Up and went back to bed.

    I feel 100% better today. No headache and just all over better. My leg/ankle is feeling better. I do still feel a little twinge here and there. I will rest it this weekend and try running on Monday. I really need to get back in the game. I don't like not being able to do something I really want to do. I plan on doing upper body strength and abs tonite. Can't wait. :drinker:

    Day 26-The plan, Upper Body Strength and Abs.

    Have a great Friday and weekend. :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Jennifer you are a little firecracker and I love the way you keep up with everything even when your not in here tracking it you must be keeping a journal at home as well!:flowerforyou:

    Also I saw where the last couple of days have been a little hard and frustrating with your leg issue and I hope it continues to get better. No need for pitty party we have to give the leg the rest it needs that is out of your control but through it all you can control what goes in your mouth so no more bad foods because your leg needs a rest you need to be feeding it healthy foods instead giving it the extra nurishment to get better..........I have the same habit of feeding my face when I get upset or depress about something but afterwards your left feeling crappy or getting sick as you did and I always thought the food would magically make you feel better yeah right now I know better!!!!

    So cheer up and I think giving your leg a rest will definitely help you be able to do more once it's better and sound like you have some great alternate workout choices in line so you still get to get something in!!:happy:

    Also I was glad to hear about the exciting news about your wedding gown sounds like your going to be taking it in since there is no chance for a new one!!

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    As for me I stopped doing insanity again I can't seem to stick with it right now I have a lot going on you may say I am a little depressed but hopefully things will get better soon. I was trying to get my gym membership back but finances is not allowing for that to happen at the moment there fees went up. I was hoping that getting out the house in to that atmosphere would get me back into the swing of things because I love working out it's not that it's just the things I am going through leave me with no drive to get up and do something. I have done some walks and Jillian 30 day shred but not consistently and I do one day want to be a Isanity grad because I paid my bucks for it so I need to get it done. When I did P90X I went straight through 1-60 no problem and then in phase 3 that's when things started going bad for me and that's when I lost focus and things have been off key every since. I work out because I want to do something but I can't stay focus with all the other stuff going on so I think once that part of my life get's back under control I will be able to focus on a workout program but for now I have to just do my best and try to stay focus because since March this is my first time getting this close to being out of the 160's and I don't want to turn back now!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Cnbethea-I hope that you had a good weekend.

    It sounds like you need to find something to keep you motivated while doing any type of workout program. Remember that being fit and healthy will help you tremendously through any other type of hard times you may have. Don't let life take a back seat, but also don't let your exercise take a back seat. Schedule your workouts like you would your haircut or getting your nails done. Remember how you feel after your workout and push for that everytime. find some type of event to work towards your goals with. Post pics of what you want to look like. Say positive affirmations to yourself every morning while getting ready for work. Find something, anything to keep you moving forward. I know how you feel, I have been there, done that. It took me 4 years to find my motivation to continue pushing forward. I know you can do it. Keep up the great work.

    Have a beautiful week. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Okay, I am starting my half-marathon training over this week.

    Day 1-Strength Training and Abs.

    I will be starting with a shorter distance to run this week and slowly get back up in the mileage. My ankle is still sore, but I will just have to do my best and forget the rest. :tongue: It is not as bad as it was, so hopefully with proper stretching it will be okay. I just can't not doing something. It is driving me crazy and because I have not been moving so much, I have been eating way too much junk. Today is a new day with a new plan. I know I can do this. So, onward I go. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 1-Strength Training, Insanity Cardio Abs and about half of Insanity Pure Cardio Conditioning. It was a great workout. I did abs first wondering if my ankle would hurt during the warm up and it did. Not too bad though, so I pushed through. I started my strength training and decided to keep PCC going in the background and when I could I would join in. It actually was a really good mix. Kept me heart rate up. I am so glad to be back in it. Sweat and all. :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Thank you Jennifer for the pep talk it meant a lot!! I have picked myself up and dusted off so it's back to business and no feeling sorry for myself anymore!!

    Glad to see your back in the swing of things that is great!! I sure hope the pain get better are you using any ice or elevating it after workouts and good stretching?

    I started a Insanity hybrid with P90X to shake things up a bit!! Yesterday was P90X chest and back didn't realize how much I missed it til yesterday:happy: So I did my best and forgot the rest!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Cnbethea-I am definitely icing afterward and trying to get some good stretching in as well. Along with Ibuprofen. It is feeling good this morning.

    I will eventually start a hybrid of P90X and Insanity. You will have to let me know how you like it. Keep up the awesome work.

    I don't know if I mentioned this yet, but, I love your profile pic. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 2-2 mile run. Okay, I walked the first mile and yes, my ankle was a little sore from it, but I pushed through. I decided to see how my new running shoes feel, so I ran the last mile (very slowly). Yes, it still hurt, but it hurts worse when I walk rather than when I run. Weird :huh:

    I am going to try to explain this and I don't really know how to put this into words. When I am running I have all these emotions going on. I am loving the running and what it is doing for my body. I also want to slow down because maybe I am having a little bit of a hard time breathing, but if I don't think too much about the breathing and more about my stride, I don't worry too much. Are my arms in the right place? Is my stride right? I am feeling awesome during all of this by the way. I know I can run now, so I don't want to slow down or walk. I want to push forward, but I also feel like I am holding back. It is just a mixture of crazy emotions. Does anybody else have this happen to them? :bigsmile: