Husband who hates healthy food!

stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
My husband has been deployed for 3 months now. After he left, I cut out processed foods. Then I started eating all organic, upped my vegetable intake, and cut down on meat.
Now I've cut out all meat and dairy. I feel amazingly healthy and I've lost 27 lbs so far. This is something I want to keep up long term, for life, I hope.
My problem is that my husband eats like a 5 year old. He hates vegetables and loves pizza and macaroni and cheese. How do I keep up my healthy habits when he gets back? Has anyone else dealt with a lifestyle change in their diet without the full support of their families?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'd treat him like a 5yo, lol. Eat what I make or starve :p
  • ttiiggzz
    ttiiggzz Posts: 154 Member
    I got one of those. I cater to him, unfortunately, but I don't eat what I make for him. I guess though he thinks this 'kick' I've been on since the fall isn't going to last. Have I got news for him...
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I cook..if he doesnt eat it he fends for himself. I will ask him what he wants at the grocery store and buy it when I go...if he wants something that doesnt fit in with the healthy I am making, he makes his own. No problem :smile:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I think you could both learn from each other as to what the "right" way to eat is.
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    That's why they make microwave mac and cheese. Cook yourself some dinner, and toss that garbage in the nuker for him. Pizza is good for you though, you should eat lots and lots of it.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Lucky for him, even a five year old can make mac and cheese.
  • KendraElmendorf
    KendraElmendorf Posts: 837 Member
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    When my kids were in their teens I was a Vegetarian, I'd make their kind of food 1st and then I'd make my kind of food and sit down at meal time each with our own foods. Same goes for now when eating with family / friends and Holidays......I make their food 1st and then I make my food. Yes it's more work to make 2 different meals but I'm okay with it because I'm eating the right foods for me :happy:
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    Make him this and laugh at his expression when he tells you he loved it, and you tell him what it actually was:

    Cauliflower also works great as fake mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese.
  • SluppyB
    SluppyB Posts: 12
    Isn't it annoying when people call it a "kick" or a "phase"! I agree with others - you don't have to eat what he eats. Be strong. Keep doing what you're doing. I would let him make his own meals, or if he's completely useless in the kitchen, throw something in the oven or micro for him whilst you make your own delicious healthy meal and let him be jealous ;)
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    You can count on one thing: expecting him to go from pizza and mac & cheese to being something resembling a vegan isn't likely to fly. Maybe you guys could compromise into a Paleo lifestyle with you leaning toward vegetables and him relying on meat/fish, fruits, and vegetables. Also be mindful that you two have vastly different endocrinological needs that can be wildly influenced by diet. If I, for one, cut meat and dairy out of my diet, I'd be doing Low T commercials.

    Good luck.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    At my house, if I cook it you eat it or make your own. My hubby is lazy so he eats whatever it is. Yours will either learn to eat better or become really good at making his own.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    So he's overseas getting shot at and risking his life everyday and when he comes home expecting the comforts that he was accustomed to, you're going to tell him that you made a unilateral change and he has no say in the matter. Thanks for risking your life and sending all your cash home, now eat this plate full of raw veggies while I call you a child to strangers in the Internet.

    Wait, which one of you is the non-supportive one?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    When my husband is deployed I eat how I want. When he's home I fix food he'll enjoy. It's hard enough for him to come home and feel like life has gone on without him. There's no reason why he should also feel like all the food has been changed on him.

    Once he's been home awhile and you've all readjusted you can talk with him about what changes he'd be ok with long-term. In our house we discuss the grocery list. I make what veggies my husband will eat. I eat what fits into my calorie goal and then I eat much healthier lunches and snacks.
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    So he's overseas getting shot at and risking his life everyday and when he comes home expecting the comforts that he was accustomed to, you're going to tell him that you made a unilateral change and he has no say in the matter. Thanks for risking your life and sending all your cash home, now eat this plate full of raw veggies while I call you a child to strangers in the Internet.

    Wait, which one of you is the non-supportive one?

    First of all, the reason I posted this at all is because I want to figure out the best way to accommodate both of our eating habits when he gets home. Not tell him what to eat.

    Your comments are completely uncalled for and you have no place judging me based on, what, my eating habits?! Are you serious?? Get a life, dude!!
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member
    When my husband is deployed I eat how I want. When he's home I fix food he'll enjoy. It's hard enough for him to come home and feel like life has gone on without him. There's no reason why he should also feel like all the food has been changed on him.

    Thank you!! This is exactly why I posted this, I don't want him to feel like I've gone on with my life without him.

    Thank you to everyone who gave productive input! It's much appreciated!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    When my husband is deployed I eat how I want. When he's home I fix food he'll enjoy. It's hard enough for him to come home and feel like life has gone on without him. There's no reason why he should also feel like all the food has been changed on him.

    Thank you!! This is exactly why I posted this, I don't want him to feel like I've gone on with my life without him.

    Thank you to everyone who gave productive input! It's much appreciated!

    Is this your first deployment? The reason I ask is that reintegrating can be rough even if nothing has changed.

    Maybe the best way to approach is to split the difference. Maybe you make homemade pizza, and you can put tons of veggies on yours (that's what we do). Or pick a meat dish he loves and make an extra veggie or two for yourself. Maybe over time he'll be willing to try the more "grown-up" options. Good luck.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    my husband eats like a 5 year old too. hasn't hindered me at all. he's a grown man. yes sometimes that means i make 2 dinners. oh well. i like being in the kitchen. he's not embarrassed that his wife can run circles around him so whatever. i don't control him. sometimes he will try new things. he actually prefers turkey over hamburger now, but for the most part he eats crap.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    I'd treat him like a 5yo, lol. Eat what I make or starve :p

    Don't do this! You have chosen to go vegan - or close to it. He hasn't even been there to discuss it. In the forces he will find it very hard to be a vegan - esp on deployment. His calorie needs will be much much higher and vegan foods will be very limited. So you need to discuss it when he gets back and compromise. You can always make vegan meals with a separate meat component for him to enjoy with it. That's what my friend does for her meat eating husband.

    And according to you I eat like a 5 year old. So thanks for that. Pizza and mac and cheese can be healthy if home-made fyi.
  • stefa711
    stefa711 Posts: 196 Member

    Is this your first deployment? The reason I ask is that reintegrating can be rough even if nothing has changed.

    Yes... Is it that obvious? Haha. Actually 6 months after he comes home it's my turn. So I'm also trying to think about how I'd feel if it was me (because it will be me next).

    I think cooking two meals at a time may become exhausting, so we're going to have to learn to compromise. Pizza one night, veggies the next.

    I actually really liked the comment about trying paleo and then eating to our own preferences.