NSV - 5K!!!

Having been going to the gym for the last 6 months and not really following a specific program a few weeks ago I thought I would just see where I was on the C25K program. I was able to run for 25mins, and as the treadmill was one of my least favourite things, I was delighted. I've been working on bumping this up by time for a bit. Last night I decided that whatever happened at the gym this morning, I was going to run 5k.

And I did. Woohoo.

Now a new goal, I can't work out whether I should try and make the 5k faster or whether I should try and run 6k....


  • skschuler
    skschuler Posts: 181 Member
    Great job!
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    feels awesome doesn't it.

    personally id go for faster, burn more in less time :) i started out aiming for 5 k in 30 min, it seemed to take for ever to hit that. Then kept bumping it .1 or .2 for a few minutes here and there.. before i knew it i was doing 6.5 mph, then 7 its awesome. the upside is if i want to go further now i can as i have run for less time to go the same distance.
  • cathers_
    cathers_ Posts: 70
    I think my next goal might be 5k in 30 mins and then once I've got 5k in 30 then maybe aim for 6k in 35 or something like that!
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    right on... whats your pace now?
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I will be happy to finish my 5k next month in under an hour. Congrats to both of you for getting in such great shape!

    In your shoes, I would probably try for speed, too. The faster you finish your 5k, the faster you get to get off the treadmill and go do things you find more fun!
  • cathers_
    cathers_ Posts: 70
    Currently running at 8.5k/hr (5.2mph) so would need to get that up to 10k/hr (6.2mph) to get down to the 30 minute mark. Not impossible but it'll take time I think.

    Going at whatever pace you can is great, and as you say, you have to set your own goals!
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    absolutely, and you will be there sooner than you think :) if you arent already you may want to give intervals a try, take a minute and bump up tp your goal speed, then back down to your current speed, once you recover do it again.
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    I will be happy to finish my 5k next month in under an hour. Congrats to both of you for getting in such great shape!

    In your shoes, I would probably try for speed, too. The faster you finish your 5k, the faster you get to get off the treadmill and go do things you find more fun!

    that will be awesome too. when i started there was no way i would have been able to do it, in time you will be able to too, slow small increases :)
  • cathers_
    cathers_ Posts: 70
    Alternating intervals is a really good idea, back to the gym tomorrow and that's what I'm going to do :D
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    Great job :). After I did the C25K plan, I did the 5K to 10K plan. My speed increased doing a 5K whilst I was doing that :) It really does work :) I did 12.5K this morning, I have a half marathon planned in 6 weeks and I am doing a full marathon in October. I used to hate running but now I love it :)

    Good luck :)

  • cathers_
    cathers_ Posts: 70
    Oh where did you get your 5k to 10k plan?
  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    I used the 10K Trainer Free app from Zen Labs - it's free. It also includes a 5k plan for the first few 8 weeks but I just started at week 9!

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