Need some motivation! Please..

Hello everyone!

This is my first time officially using this program, tried it once before but it was so easy to "forget" to log my calories and then eventually give up. Last night a friend of mine recorded a video of us as we were happily belting out some lyrics to our favorite songs and I was horrified at what I saw. I looked so big in the video I was sincerely embarrassed. I definitely knew I had gained some weight recently but I didn't really think anyone could tell...I was sorely mistaken.
Last year I did the "New Lifestyle Diet," not sure if any of you have heard of it, but it's basically a diet where you only drink shakes and lose large amounts of weight. It was great because it worked, but like most diets, extremely short lived. I lost 25lbs in about 4 weeks but here I am a year later 30lbs heavier than I was before I lost the 25lbs. I was 246, went down to 221 and am now sadly at my highest weight ever of 266.
That sad part is, I am only 20 years old. I am currently in college and am taking on so many units that I am at school from 9am to 10pm. I am so good at starting diets or "changing habits" and can keep up with it for quite a while, but I don't have much support. Due to that, it is easy for me to fall off the bandwagon. I live with 5 roommates whom all are barely 120-130lbs so I am constantly feeling less and less worthy to myself, it's terrible. Although they are supportive, I just don't trust telling them how unhappy I am with myself, they would never understand.
So I am here today, determined to make a difference at last and stick with it....and I am pleading for some support. I am so young, I want to live life the way my friends do, I want to be healthy, and I want to be happy.

Please help me...

Thanks for your time :)
-Carolina A.


  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    It always helped me to think of all the heart attacks and hospital bills I was avoiding and I really didn't like the idea of probably leaving my children with out a father.
  • PhatMama9
    PhatMama9 Posts: 298 Member
    I SO know how you feel hun! I am at about the same weight and with an almost nine month old while working from home and caring for her at the same time, this can be hard. But something else it seems we have in common is we are stubborn and determined women! When we make up our mind to do something, hell or high water we will do it! So please, friend me, lets keep each other motivated. In your picture I see a beautiful girl with a glowing smile, don't think of yourself as overweight, think of yourself as the awesome person you are who needs to get healthy. And you will! No one is better than you, this is just something you have to do for yourself so it doesn't keep you from being healthy and so it doesn't mess with the way you should see yourself no matter your size etc. Good luck, you go girl!
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    The weight does not go on overnight and it will not come off overnight. Start with small, sustainable changes. You can always make more changes as time goes on. You can do this! Add me if you like

  • LisaMfit4life
    LisaMfit4life Posts: 567 Member
    Hi! I think that you are on the right track because it sounds like you have the determination to make a difference in your lifestyle. What type of nutrition/fitness program are you looking for? I think that I could help you if you need some advice on nutrition and a program to help you achieve your goals. There are a few things to think about. First of all: What are your ultimate goals? I understand that you want to lose weight, but what is your desired goal? How much activity are you currently getting? How much exercise have you gotten in the past? What is your fitness level? I will send you a friend request and we can talk more. I look forward to talking to you.
  • jumipyoon
    jumipyoon Posts: 2 Member
    I know how hard it is to stick to a diet. I've never done one of those intense diets where you lose a bunch of weight at once, but it doesn't sound healthy nor effective. The best way is to slowly and steadily lose your weight without hurting your metabolism. Right now I am doing 1 pound a week (i am pretty small already 5'8, 140 pounds, just trying to lose about 10 pounds, but i am working on adding muscle too), but i know that without my cheat meals i could not do it. If i don't eat a couple of cheat meals a week, i just miss that junk food so bad and end up binging and going all out. so treat yourself to your favorite meal once in a while. it's also really important to keep your end goal in mine. i find that is what is really keeping me going and making me stick to my diet. i am going on vacation in 2 months and i want to look good in my pictures! haha. make short-term goals and long-term goals and any time you lose motivation, think about the end goal rather than thinking about how you feel and look in the moment. also, if you fall off the wagon a day or two or even a week, don't just think you lost all your progress and give up. keep going because what you did before was not wasted! good luck!