Still think your 1200 or less diet is a good idea?



  • lenap73
    lenap73 Posts: 11
    I stuff my face with all sorts of veggies and protein when I feel I need it.
    It works for me.
    I'm 5'2. I f I ate 2000 calories per day and didn't work out, I would gain weight (this is exactly how I gained weight)
  • lenap73
    lenap73 Posts: 11
    how long have you been eating this way? many signs of malnourishment are insidious and don't show up for quite some time, or you don't notice them for a while. regardless, i'm not saying you ARE malnourished, I'm just saying it's something to keep an eye on, and maybe at some point down the road get a blood test to verify your vitamin levels.

    It's been a bout 7 weeks. And I'm halfway to my goal. So I'm looking at doing only another couple of months or so. So, your suggestion actually sounds a little weird to me. I think the human body is designed to weather periods of deprivation like this. I don't agree that I need give this any more attention than I am.

    I agree
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I just wonder how many of the people who say "1200 works for me' have actually tried to go at least slightly higher and found that their weight loss stalled.
    Yes, people lose weight on 1200. The great majority of those people could still lose weight on more than that. So why not?
    I honestly believe that setting such a low calorie goal is the reason most people fail at losing weight.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    obviously many of us have not been educated or practiced in caloric needs when we first come onto a site like this...1200 for me was a starting place... my plan all along was that it may need altering as I go....So that's why ... just a place to start.

    so then why not give a some thought to advice from people who have quite a bit of experience in this area?

    What experience? Are you a registered dietician
    Since when are experience and qualifications meant to be synonymous?
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