success stories from 1200 calorie dieters wanted



  • DoingItMyOwnWay
    I find I do best when I NET between 1200-1350 calories. If I don't exercise, that is my best net. If I do exercise, I still do best when my NET is 1200-1350.
    I am 69 years old.

    You really can't compare your caloric needs to the 25 year olds on here. They need to eat more than you do.

    Women over 40 (and especially over 50) -- Please come join this group:

    No skinny teenagers or bulky body-builders... just real women "of an age" who know ourselves and our bodies, have been through childbirth and/or menopause, enjoy real food, and will never, ever spend 1 or 2, let alone 5 or 6 hours a day in the gym. We have real lives, real jobs, real families, we know who we are, we have a sense of humor about that (by the way), and we're willing to share what we're learning (without judgment) with each other.

    And wine. There's always room for wine.

    Oh my ... I knew there would be some that would get their panties in a wad over this one LOL. Guess they missed the part about having 'a sense of humor'. I am on my way to join. It's OBVIOUS that your intent was not malicious ... some people have nothing better to do than to rip others apart. To those people ... stop taking yourselves to seriously ... geez. :yawn:
  • SeaStar
    SeaStar Posts: 113
    I eat 1200 a day and went from 136 to 124 in two months (I'd gained a lot after a trip to thailand). It's worked just fine for me. I drink lots of water, eat back a good amount of my exercise calories and stay motivated even when I am hungry before bed. I am 26 years old, 5'5" for my stats if anyone cares to know. Just my own quick story, haven't read much of the thread. My plan is to get down to 115, so I'm sticking to what's worked so far.
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    Well, 1200 calories is where MFP put me when I entered in all my data, and I consider myself a major success story, especially since nothing else worked for me before this.

    So far, I have lost 31 pounds in 7 months and am still losing at a regular pace. I have had to change my eating to accommodate so few calories, by adding way more raw veggies and the like. That is a GOOD thing! I have learned to eat less "expensive" items in terms of calories (like leaner meats) and to be satisfied with portions a third or a quarter of what I used to eat. I feel great about it, and as I look at my nutrition results I have been able to see where I am repeatedly low (like iron, fibre, and protein) and to make further modifications to take care of these needs. It has been a wonderful experience for me, and really eye-opening. I'm eating far, far less, and yet I'm taking in far, far more vitamins and good things than I ever have in my life.

    NOTE: I entered that I have a "sedentary" lifestyle when first registering, and I am also a short and small-boned person. This is why a 1200-calorie diet is right for me. Of course, if I were doing intense workouts or if I were a bigger person, I would need to eat more. But people should not knock those of us who are meant to be eating 1200 calories a day. We definitely exist.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I posted my longer version story in the other thread. I lost 50 lbs at about 1200 calories and kept it off for 4 years. Life circumstances led to a gain of 10 lbs back (after 4 years). I realized that I didn't really like the weight I had initially stopped at and wanted to get back to my "healthy" weight/ body fat percentage so I started working on losing again.

    First I tried 1800 cal. I gained a little bit of weight over three months. Then I went to 1500, I was losing but it was painfully slow and tedious. I realized that without losing a good amount of weight, I wasn't motivated to track and see the changes through.

    I started working on eating intuitively again with emphasis on healthy veggies and proteins. I tracked all of that and when I was seeing reasonable weight change (with no ill effects) I set that as my average calorie baseline. I am still pretty flexible on a daily basis but I make sure that I am averaging 1200. I have been on MFP since Jan 17.

    I have had my body fat and lean mass checked by DXA when I first started losing weight (last year) and about a month ago. I have not lost LBM but I have lost body fat. This is most likely in part because I watch my protein intake and continue lifting weights. I feel good and have healthy hair and nails. More than the scale weight, these are the things I care about I'm calling it a success for now. I'm getting pretty close to my goal and am going to start upping my calories as I get closer until I reach maintenance. I'm 29, 5'7'' 166lbs 24.7% body fat (shooting for 18-20).
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    Ok.. here's my story.
    I started here around 7 months ago at my highest weight...255
    I have been eating 1200 calls a day, consistently. I'm not week, sick, or ravenous.sometimes I'm a little hungry before bed but nothing bad.

    So far I've lost around 60 lbs (I just got back from a vacation and I didn't log for the full week). My diary is open and you can see I eat fine.
    I'm 45 years old and have a desk job.

  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Ok.. here's my story.
    I started here around 7 months ago at my highest weight...255
    I have been eating 1200 calls a day, consistently. I'm not week, sick, or ravenous.sometimes I'm a little hungry before bed but nothing bad.

    So far I've lost around 60 lbs (I just got back from a vacation and I didn't log for the full week). My diary is open and you can see I eat fine.
    I'm 45 years old and have a desk job.


    You look great!
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    Dear ladies who think the phrase "real women" in the context of "just plain folks" is somehow insulting:

    Lighten up. If you're gonna be this sensitive throughout your life, you're going to need more than the gym to work out all your stress, and it won't matter how thin or buff you are.

    The "real" point of the Ladies Who Lunch group is that not all of us are as athletic or ambitious or able as you are, and we enjoy the support of similarly-situated women. The 40+ women who have joined tonight agree. And so do the other 1600+ who are already participating.

    To each her own.

  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    I try to stay around 1,200 but I get so hungry, moody and weak. I eat between 1,200-1,500 total, one or two higher days when I mess up. I have only lost 2 pounds in 12 days. :( I need to eat less but I can't function on only 1,200. Dilemma.
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I eat 1200-1300 cals a day and lost 112 lbs in 21 mths.......and have maintained for the last 5 it can work. Find what works for you and stick with it
  • tonyaluz
    tonyaluz Posts: 3
    I have been on 1200-1400 and have plateuaed big time. My loss has slowed to about 1 lb a month even thought I'm owrking out like crazy! I started working with a trainer who switched up my percentages to see if that helps. The level of working out you do seems to change the game a whole lot.

    I am currently on 40% Protein, 30% Carbs, and 30% Fat

    Let's hope this works
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member

    HAHAHAHA This is to funny!
  • Chris99mu
    Chris99mu Posts: 352 Member
    I am 69 years old.

    You really can't compare your caloric needs to the 25 year olds on here. They need to eat more than you do.

    Women over 40 (and especially over 50) -- Please come join this group:

    No skinny teenagers or bulky body-builders... just real women "of an age" who know ourselves and our bodies, have been through childbirth and/or menopause, enjoy real food, and will never, ever spend 1 or 2, let alone 5 or 6 hours a day in the gym. We have real lives, real jobs, real families, we know who we are, we have a sense of humor about that (by the way), and we're willing to share what we're learning (without judgment) with each other.

    And wine. There's always room for wine.

    Thank you for the invitation but I do spend one to two hours at the gym several times a week, and I would sleep there if my husband would let me do it.

    My food is real, not fake; and I believe that every female, regardless of their weight, height, color of skin, choice of diet and/or exercise, or other choices, are REAL women.

    I don’t believe that ladies that spend a lot of time at the gym or decide to do weight training, boxing, or running marathons should not be considered REAL women. After all, many of them hold jobs and families just like you and the ladies in your group.

    So, thank you again for the invitation, but I will not join your group anytime soon. I don’t like the mission statement.

  • Reinventing_Joi
    I am eating 1270 calories a day, or less. I have lost 37lbs since Sept. 26th. I have 13 lbs to go to reach my goal. I could not be happier!!!! The best part, I am not going hungry like I did on other diets. And I get to have my wine when I want it!!!!!!!!!

    Isn't that the BEST? The ability to have a glass of WINE when you want!

    I just started, and I haven't bought a new scale since I moved out of state 3 weeks ago. However, I am averaging 950 Net-1150 Net and have gone waay over one day in the last three weeks! Let me tell you, the inches are falling off. And I'm not eating nuts and berries, I'm eating real food!

    I can see the weight coming off and my mother sees it too!
  • Reinventing_Joi
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm a 1200 gal :) I'm 25, 5 feet tall and need to lose around 100lbs to be where I want to be. I find eating 1200 cals a day easy and so far I have lost 20lbs in around 10 weeks so an average of 2lbs per week. It's working wonders for me and I feel like I'm losing at a realistic weight. It's staying off and there's nothing drastic about my eating or exercising habits! :) SUCCESS!

    I don't call that success. I call that progress. See if you can lose the whole next 100 pounds on 1200. I have seen ONE post on this thread that actually sounds like a "success" story
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    The OP asked for 1200 cal success stories. If u weren't successful y even post ur story just to bring others down? It's like people r in here trying to convince everyone that u cannot have success at 1200 cals just because it didn't work for them.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    net 900 - 1400 calories a day and don't pay attention to the exercise calories. 36 lbs lost and maintaining. It works for me and had excellent lab tests come back and am in the best shape of my life at age 50.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I'm a 1200 gal :) I'm 25, 5 feet tall and need to lose around 100lbs to be where I want to be. I find eating 1200 cals a day easy and so far I have lost 20lbs in around 10 weeks so an average of 2lbs per week. It's working wonders for me and I feel like I'm losing at a realistic weight. It's staying off and there's nothing drastic about my eating or exercising habits! :) SUCCESS!

    I don't call that success. I call that progress. See if you can lose the whole next 100 pounds on 1200. I have seen ONE post on this thread that actually sounds like a "success" story

    ^ this is exactly what drove me to find Eat More 2 Weight Less and up my calories to 2000. I was lucky if I found one or two "success" stories, TRUE success stories, of people losing the weight and keeping it off on 1200 cal diet. Instead, I found many, MANY success stories, as in reaching goal weight, looking toned and healthy, and keeping it off for years at a time from women who eat 2000+ calories per day, lift heavy, and eat what they want.

    The kicker for me was.... what do women athletes do? They eat 2000+ calories per day and lift weight (even if their sport is not lifting). What makes me think I'm any different if I participate in a physical activity like lifting or running or whatever? Athletes calculate how many calories they need to fuel their sport and how many calories they need to maintain a physique—they don't just do whatever MFP says or what so-and-so over here says in some magazine, or even what a doctor said who is not trained in sports medicine. They calculate what they need based on their goals and activity and do it. Everyone should.

    Not trying to bring anybody down here, just pointing out the facts...
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