I need major help!

I have been on MFP for over 2 years, but never 100% dedicated. I know, everyone is gonna say, "Get motivated!" I do not handle the whole "tough love" approach at all. I mean, I have been haranged for YEARS by family about weight.

I have done the extreme diets, the extreme workouts, the combination of the two.... but I can't get the weight off. To be honest, I have only ever been able to lose about 10lbs! Which is still 50lbs too heavy! I have Insanity, P90X, Slim in 6, Chalene Extreme, etc.... the thing is... I am AT LEAST 60 lbs heavier than most of the people doing the workouts in the videos! I mean, I was doing Insanity but am totally burned out.

My husband made a deal with me the other day that if I lose about 60lbs.... He will pay for a breast reduction/lift (which would help). So, now the huge issue is how am I to get this IMPOSSIBLE weight off!?!?! How can I keep motivated to continue working out, without burning out!?! I know healthy eating is a huge part and I am not disciplined to go TOO extreme and I am the type that DOES forget to eat and then is starving!

I need major help, advice, guidance, etc.


  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    I am sorry that you can't seem to get something working for you :cry: . In all that you wrote what I see (and maybe I am wrong) is that you don't have the willpower to get what you want which is to drop the weight and be healthy. The battle starts and ends in your brain and if you burn out before its even started then its never going to happen. I know this tough love won't work for you but the truth hurts and it is never going to change. If someone tells you its ok you will get there just to sugar coat it are you going to get up and move and get your food in check? Probably not right? :huh: You have insanity and you say you are 60 lbs. heavier than those people...wow! I am doing Insanity and I started when I weighed 245!?! I know I am a lot heavier than them but I didn't want to give up my fight with losing weight so I am going to be finishing the entire 60 day program on Sunday. I will start round 2 right after because I am tired of being fat. You need to get it together for yourself, not your husband or anyone else but yourself. If Insanity or P90X, etc. are too hard at least keep your your caloric needs and go walk for an hour every evening as a start. You need to get moving though, plain and simple. You are not an abnormal human being whose weight simply will not come off, you just need to find a happy medium with food intake and moderate exercise and keep it going until you reach your goal. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i'm 237lbs so i'm abt 89lbs heavier than the ppl in the dvd's (i'm doin insanity right now) & it's really tough, so i feel ya on that.

    have u considered doin nutrisystem or jenny craig? they give u the foods and u just choose what u want 2 eat. it's pretty much a "here's the food now eat it" type of system.

    i did jenny craig for 2wks & lost 15lbs!! & that was w/o me exercising. i was just eatin what they gave me plus the veggies, diary & fruit that i had on the side.

    so if u added the eatin plus the exercisin u'd probably lose more than the 10lbs u've lost in the past.

    the only reason that i'm stopped doin jc is b/c i'm currently in the middle of a divorce & can't afford it. so i'm in the process of gettin an additional job so that i can pay off some things & start it back up. i REALLY enjoyed doin it & the consultants were awesome. i'm lookin forward 2 doin it again.
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    Oh, I will finish Insanity.... I mean, I am a month into it. With work, not sleeping well, and just bleck.... I am lacking some major energy. I have tried Nutrisystem, it was not my fav. JC has appeal, but funding is tough since I am the only pay check coming in.
    I am trying to find that groove again....it's been in hidding for a year or so....Since my husband deployed and returned from Iraq.
  • jcarter0525
    I know how you feel, you're not alone. I've been on MFP for over a year now. I've lost 30 lbs but I've stabalized now for a few months and have lost nothing more. The only reason I've lost this much is because my life got busier with school. I like what msciccone1 said, you have to do it for yourself. i know a breast reduction is something to look forward to, i could use one myself, but losing weight should be a personal goal. If you lose 60lbs, get a breast reduction, then gain it back, what have you won? Well, you lost your boobs but got your *kitten* back. I would suggest maybe some self help books to try to make a life style change? and if those videos make you want to pass out when you're done, try something a little less tiring. Do you have a Wii? Invest a little money and get a Wii Fit. Or even the boxing game on the Wii sports is good enough! That thing has me panting! It's always good to have a workout that makes you want to come back the next day and the next...hope I helped even a little...good luck with everything!
  • perrenn
    perrenn Posts: 11
    A cheaper alternative to the jenny craig and nutrisystem is the weight watchers online. Its lke $50 for 3 months. Thats the point system one. It really teaches you about portion size. You can eat whatever you want, technically, but you have to have smaller portions. I lost 30 pounds on that in 3 months. I had plateaued before that for a while and nothing was working. So maybe check that out online. I also just walked a few days a week when I was doing that because I wasn't ready for intense exercise. Good luck!
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member

    I think that if the Insanity or other workouts are making you feel defeated then maybe try other things, walking, biking, swimming, a combination of different exercises works best for me so that I don't get bored. I also do the wii fit and I have "active" as well, I love it! I am halfway through a 30 day challenge and it is keeping me on my toes, even on my off days.

    Remember to think positive and that it is a long journey, we didn't put the weight on overnight and it will not come off that way either.

    Feel free to add me if you want and we can support each other.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    1. don't call it impossible weight
    2. to start, maybe find an exercise that doesn't wipe you out? something you enjoy? a team sport, perhaps?
    3. workout partner will def. help. can your husband join in the exercise wagon? a friend?
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I have at least 40 pounds to lose and they have been the hardest ever.

    What's worked for me is making small changes and really enjoying feeling good.

    I haven't lost a lot of weight in the last week, but I feel better and I haven't binged like I used to. That is a big accomplishment for me. I know if I keep on focusing on health the weight will follow.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    As many people have said, you really need to be in the mindset to change before it will happen... I was on here for a month or so before I actually committed to it.

    Can I suggest a different approach? It seems as though you start out, all guns blazing and get so burned out that you give up (possibley because you feel like for all this hard work you should be seeing bigger results?).

    This is more of a marathon than a race. Some people will get in there, change everything they do all at once and some will achieve great weight loss, will they keep it off? Unfortunately, the evidence isn't on their side.

    Instead, why don't you make a list of all of the things you need to do (or stop doing) to be more healthy.

    e.g. Cut down takeaways
    Eat more vegetables
    Work on my carb portions
    Switch to low fat dairy
    Only have 1 sweet biscuit where you would usually have had 2
    Cut down the sugar in tea and coffee
    Exercise more (can start small and work up with this one)

    These are just examples, obviously they need to be specific to you. Then just pick one at a time to change. You will probably barely notice it but over time you will be teaching yourself to be more healthy. Then if you ever get to the stage where you feel you need to count calories to get the weight off (if you dont see results from the changes alone) at least you will have a head start on the habits!

    Just an idea. Good luck!
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270

    I'm not going to tell you off, I've been in the same situation as you so many times, and I can get motivated for a couple of months but then it just falls away.

    All I can say is.

    You will know when you are ready to lose that weight, something will click on in your head.

    However if you sit around thinking "that's impossible" then you are going to find it difficult. If you can get to a point where you are saying to yourself "I can do this, doesn't matter how long it takes" then you WILL do it. Don't become discouraged, keep your head high, what what you're doing at all times and be strict with yourself. You can treat yourself when you've lost those 60lbs, until then, be good! :)

    That's my tuppence, I wish I listened to that myself 10 years ago.
  • FluffnStuff
    FluffnStuff Posts: 387
    Thanks you guys! I will keep at it and work on my attitude.