Extremely Disappointed!



  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    I have set myself up with a short term goal of 20lbs & my reward for this will be a long over due hair cut & color. I am very much looking forward to this & really had hoped to do this before my family visits mid April, but now I am not so sure.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Congrats on the 15 lbs so far! That's AMAZING! I don't think you understand how amazing that is? Be proud!

    As so many others have said, just keep going. I'd suggest making lots of small goals, not just seeing the big picture of the total amount of weight you want to lose. Start in 5-10 pound increments.

    Also, don't be discouraged that when you have a lot to lose, it'll come off fast and then slow down. Know that that's natural and what everyone goes through, and keep at it! :flowerforyou:
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    A day at a time. It will happen. Just be patient. You'll fall off the wagon, but it's a dang WAGON! Just jog a little bit, catch up to that slow moving SOB and hop back on. Sometimes you'll have an extra horse on there and it will be faster, but those ponies get tired and they need a break sometimes too. Ya feel me?
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Holy smokes, 15 lbs in a month, that is an amazing change. However, reality is, 1lb a week is realistic and safe and will be more likely to result in a healthy metabolism, weight that stays gone, and your skin will be more likely to keep up with you as you lose. Rapid weight loss like that over several months will slow your metabolism, end up with a lot of loose skin that is not very pretty, and get in the way of your fitness goals, you do have fitness goals right? Well pat yourself on the back for your quick start, eat right, exercise, and let your body get the job done. You'll be much healthier and happier with the end result.
  • Smackemdanno
    Smackemdanno Posts: 83 Member
    It took me 17 years of fat and happy marriage to get to 320 lbs. I am not going to be disappointed if it takes the next 10 years of skinny and happy marriage to lose 100 lbs. Along the way I am going to enjoy life, eat well, exercise with my wife by lifting weights and go on walks together. Impatience and suffering is the killer. You have lost half of what I lost in a year and 2 months within your first month. Be happy. Be satisfied. Enjoy the journey
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    Thank you! I am not willing just yet to share my food journal publicly however I do have alot of "real life" friends that I found out are also using MFP so we chat regularly & I am ok with talking food with them. I have gone back over my meals from last week & undoubtedly found the culprit in my disappointment. Not to say its the only reason but I know it def has something to do with the scale not showing my hard work. Lesson learned big time!
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    Any day that I step on the scale and it is down (no matter how much) is a good day to me! You have done AMAZING so far! Don't give up now. I lost 8 lbs in one month and that was it for a whole other month, but finally it started doing down again. Water retention has a lot to do with it. Just having your period could add another 5 lbs. for a week. You are gonna be so greatful you didn't give up 6 months down the road. :o)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    what are you NUTS????? :noway: seriously??? 15lbs gone in one month and you're disappointed? smh...it will take me 8 months to lose 15lbs...now I know we are comparing apples and oranges here...but seriously, is there anything reasonable that wouldn't have disappointed you? Suck it up, keep working hard and in 6 months you'll be even farther toward your goal...that is the only way to make lasting change...and bear in mind this is a lifetime, lifestyle change, since I assume you aren't putting yourself thru this just to gain it back.
  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    I'll make this short sweet and easy!! 1) 15 in a month AMAZING!!!!!! but don't expect it to trend. Ever see the Biggest Loser? Week One they kill it, and they warn them that week 2 will DUMP compared... Stay the course sweetie!! 2) things like "Female" stuff will play into the scale as well. Stay the course.... and 3) Weigh weekly. same clothes, same time, same scale. Measure monthly. Stay the course. When you set up your MFP account what did you set? 1 lb a week, 1.5?? 2?? Well your first month you blew it out at 4. Now you're right where you set it at.......Stay the course, Slow and steady means you won't roller coaster. You didnt get this way overnight.... Stay the course. and yell when you need us. 1 lb a week is 50 a year ya know. That's why I run the #OnePound Challenge. (Search the groups) and friend me if you want. =)
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Please don't give up! I'm on here the 3rd time and realized that was a huge mistake! Take one day at a time. From past experience, know that you will have setbacks, but they are temporary.

    I'm on my 3rd time too and trust me, there will be times where you want to throw in the towel and just give up. Either you won't feel like exercising or you just want to eat McDonalds twice that day or whatever. DO NOT DO IT! Trust me on this.

    Fifteen pounds in a month may not seem like a lot, but go to the grocery store and pick up three 5-lb bags of flour and carry them around for awhile. Then remember that load used to be on your body. Someone gave me that idea once and it's amazing how it puts things in perspective. As for the scale, if you worked out extra hard your muscles are likely storing water for repair from the extra exertion. That's one of the reasons why the scale is sometimes our worst enemy.

    You're doing a FANTASTIC job!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    wow 15 pounds in one month is fantastic. Good job! I have had weeks where i have BUSTED my *kitten* and no results show but then the NEXT Week my results really show and I didnt do as much. sometimes it takes your body that long to adjust to what you are doing. don't fret over it, you are doing a great job and sticking to your guns.
    Keep it up and dont look at how much you have to lose total. start setting up mini goals. So just say for now that your goal at this point is to lose 25 pounds. Once you lose those, set up another one - and so forth. it makes it easier.....

    good luck!
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    15lbs in a month is AWESOME!!! The scale will disappoint you sometimes, I worked hard all week last week and the scale didnt budge. But then Sunday morning it had dropped 3lbs. You cant just go by the scale. We are becoming healthier and stronger every day!
    I know how you feel. I have (ideally 100 lbs) to lose. I have exercised for three weeks straight,very hard. In two weeks lost 8lbs. Got on the scale today and have gained 4. I almost lost it.(mad). I thought with tracking my food and exercise, that would be the answer. So I understand your frustration. At this point not sure what to do..I guess back to the drawing board. :(
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    The scale can be mean! Just tell it its mean then pick yourself up and keep at it it will even out over time. Dont expect the big losses you got at the beginning to last - they wont. You have had a fab start this is just a little bump on the road. Be strong!
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    Im not weighing myself this time I have a pair of jeans and a top I try these on every couple of weeks. The fit is getting better, I concentrate on my food diary and exercise meeting the targets and not going over. For me the worry of the scale no longer haunts me. Im just getting on with the job of improving by health by eating better and exercising more. Its not perfect yet and I have a long way to go but I feel its much easier and less stressful this time round.
    i really hope that you find it in yourself to keep going and not to get hung up on what the scale is saying. Good Luck!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Hey everyone, I know alot of you have been doing this for a while now & I am officially 1mth in today, how do you keep motivated when you kick *kitten*, have an amazing week & then the scale disappoints? I have 15lbs gone as of this morning which I know for a month is great, however when I look at the bigger (much bigger) picture, I still need to lose about 125lbs so compared to that, 15lbs seems so little! This morning, for the first time ever, my scale showed only a 1lb loss. I feel defeated. Last week was a rare exception & I got in more exercise then I normally can & I didn't allow myself a break mid week because I really wanted the scale to show it this week.

    Now I feel like all that was for nothing! I know it might show in measurements but was only planning to do those monthly. My first measurements were done 2wks into this (Feb 25) so was planning to wait til Mar 25 to do them again. How often to you measure? If you have a bad week on the scales do you measure then to find encouragement?

    Thanks for listening (reading) & answering my questions :-)

    15lbs in one month is terrific, 1lb loss per week is average after the few few weeks, so you just have to continue, continue, continue, keep logging, keep doing your exercise and recording your weigh-ins.

    Don't concentrate on how much left you have to lose, take each week at a time and before you know it, you will be at your goal weight.
  • cryswest57
    cryswest57 Posts: 141 Member
    The scale doesn't tell the whole truth all the time because our weight fluctuates throughout the day. Maybe just check the scale once per month and do biweekly measurements. Once you see your size go down through measurements, you should feel a lot better. :)
  • twentyco
    twentyco Posts: 70 Member
    I started where you did -- with 140 pounds to lose -- last November. I've lost about 45 so far --- sort of. At the beginning, I lost pretty quickly. At around 38 pounds lost, I hit a sort of weird pattern that I'm still in -- I would show a dramatic loss (maybe 4 pounds) on the scale for a couple of days, record it, and then a couple of days later would be back to where I was before --- so I'd show a loss to 274, from 278, and then a couple days after that would be back up to 278, and then spend a couple weeks working my way back down. After that couple weeks, I'd have another dramatic loss all at once (say from 274 to 269) and then would be back to 274 and start working my way back down. So I'm still losing --- I definitely weigh about 3 or 4 pounds less than I did 3 weeks ago -- but it's hard to see it on the scale, because the numbers are confusing.

    So, how do I keep going? One, I tell myself over and over that this is working. Overall I weigh about 45 pounds less than when I started. And what I was doing before I started this was causing me to gain, not lose. So looking at the bigger picture helps, and telling myself that even if I never lose another pound, at least I've lost 45 and am not gaining. Two, I think about how I feel better, rather than worrying so much about what the scale says. How I can walk further and do more, and how I don't need to use a CPAP machine (for sleep apnea) anymore. And three, I talk about it with supportive people in my life, who encourage me to keep going.

    Weight loss isn't linear. The scale will move up and down. Overall, though, you are getting healthier and working your way to weighing less. I want it to be quicker than it is, too --- but I can't control that. The only thing I can control is how I react and whether or not I let the scale get me off track. You absolutely can do this --- you have already accomplished so much! Keep going, because you're worth it!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    So you're more than 10% to your goal, in only one month. That's pretty frickin' amazing and you should be proud.

    Progress will be slow, and it will probably get slower. But every step, every pound is going to get you closer to your goal. Plus, you're in this for the long haul. It's a way of life, like brushing your teeth. You don't brush your teeth for one month and think, "Oh, man... I have to keep this up for DECADES???" You just do it, because it's what you need to do to live the kind of life you want to live.

    THIS is a fantastic way to look at it!! (or course it is, Lorina is the *kitten*)

    OP, you really do need to think about how what you're doing on a daily basis is not just for weight loss but steps toward developing healthy habits for life. This isn't just about getting to a certain weight or size, it's about reducing your risk of diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, cancer, fertility issues, sleep apnea, etc and staying healthy so that you hopefully won't have to worry about any of that for a long long time. And it shouldn't matter if it takes you a year or five years. Every healthy change is a step in the right direction.

    You just have to retrain your brain to quit with the negative thinking. Every pound lost should be a celebration!! There should be no disappointment involved AT ALL! Maybe think about ways you can reward yourself...set aside money every week to get new clothes as you lose or mani/pedis or that collector's item you've been wanting forever...whatever it is that makes you happy.

    Look, I know it's tough, I started out needing to lose 100 pounds and it almost gave me a panic attack to actually write down my weight loss goal knowing I had that much weight to lose. But I finally confronted it and then I moved on to smaller goals and was happy with every single loss. And as the weight loss slowed down, I started focusing more on being more physically fit and really tweaking my diet to get the proper nutrients in. It's a process but you will get there!

    Best of luck to you!!

    p.s. I also love the idea posted above about picking up 3 five-pound bags of flour and carrying them around to gain perspective! It really shows you how much of a difference that supposedly "small" loss really can make.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    You do realize the "fat" wants you to give up...that's why it's making you feel discouraged! Are you sure you want it to win out? Don't get discouraged...get even! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: