Want Avocado Help!

Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
I know Avocado is a great source for nutrient dense, good-for-you-oil-dense, calorie-dense eating. However, I can only stomach it a tiny bit at a time. It is not something I grew up eating in fact the first time I ever tasted really fresh, ripe avocado was about 3 years ago. I have never tried just cracking one open and eating half with a little salt/pepper the way my best friend does, the idea makes me about gag. Guacamole is just OK but has to be incorporated with a nice, high-fat, cooked in lard Mexican dish or it's a no-go too. I have no idea how to pick a ripe one, how to tell if one is under ripe or over ripe, etc. So. Does anyone have any ideas for me to just get used to the idea of eating an AVOCADO (gasp) before jumping into the actual taste of the actual thing? I've heard mention of avocado ice cream and avocado chocolate pudding - any recipes? are they REALLY any good?


  • Shawneb66
    Shawneb66 Posts: 124
    I wasn't a fan of avocado, until I stopped eating sour cream. I think it's the creaminess of the avocado! I don't have any recipes, but hang in there...you may develop a taste for it like I have!!
  • oldernotwiser
    oldernotwiser Posts: 175 Member
    If you don't care for avocado there's no point in forcing yourself to like it. There's lots of foods out there that are good for you.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    eh some people just don't like them. if you really can't stomach them then there are other sources of healthy fats. me personally, i could and have/do eat them raw. i eat about half an avocado every day. if it fits in my macros i'll eat the whole thing. i will put them on anything. i eat them with my tuna most of the time. but i love putting them in omelettes, on toast...pretty much anything. i have a food board on pinterest and 90% of it is avocado recipes.
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    Do you make smoothies? You can try putting a few small chunks in a smoothie to slowly get used to them. When I put them in a smoothie, I don't notice much of a taste, but it does make the texture a little creamier.

    I buy them when they are just starting to get a little soft. I don't buy them when they are very soft because they might have mushy spots. I let them ripen on my countertop. When they get soft (ripe.. but you don't want to wait until they get REALLY soft.. I'd say semi-soft) that is when you eat them. If you can't eat them right away, put them in the fridge. Cut them in half, and eat the side WITHOUT the pit first. Put the side with the pit back in the fridge.. I usually wrap in saran wrap and also then put it in tupperware. It will get a little brownish on the top layer from oxidation, but you can always scrape it away if it bothers you.

    I agree with someone else who said if you really can't stomach them, there are other foods to try.
  • dmkoenig
    dmkoenig Posts: 299 Member
    Eating should be an enjoyable experience so if you are gagging avocadoes may not be for you. I put them on top of salads, eat them with healthy Mexican dishes (grilled chiken fajitas with high fiber/low calorie torillas, etc.).

    In terms of determining ripeness, if you gently apply pressure to the stem nub, it is ready to eat if the stem goes into the avocado. If it doesn't go in at all then the avocado needs a few more days ripening. If there is virtually no resistance the avocado may be overripe. I usually buy a bunch when they are on sale and let them ripen for a few days on the counter and then transfer them to the refrigerator where they will usually keep in a ripened state for a week or so.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thanks all,

    that's the thing I don't know for certain if I just can't stomach them, or if I've just never tried a good one or what! I want to at least give them a fair shot before I write them off completely!
  • Corjogo
    Corjogo Posts: 201 Member
    Strange as it may sound, avocados are great in shakes, ice cream (yum) and in hummus. The creamy texture works as a mayo substitute from sandwiches to salads. Checks the website http://www.californiaavocado.com/recipes/ for recipes. Buy them HARD. Let them ripen on the counter top. They feel somewhat like a medium ripe banana when they are ripe. I, too never had them in my youth now I have a tree growing in my yard. You can acquire a taste for them if you give them a chance...or NOT as one person suggested.
  • Oven bake a salmon fillet with dill and lemon juice then when cool mash up with the avocado, makes a tasy filling for romaine lettuce leaves or in a wholemeal pitta bread and salad,
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Strange as it may sound, avocados are great in shakes, ice cream (yum) and in hummus. The creamy texture works as a mayo substitute from sandwiches to salads. Checks the website http://www.californiaavocado.com/recipes/ for recipes. Buy them HARD. Let them ripen on the counter top. They feel somewhat like a medium ripe banana when they are ripe. I, too never had them in my youth now I have a tree growing in my yard. You can acquire a taste for them if you give them a chance...or NOT as one person suggested.

    THANK you, this is more what I'm looking for than the "just give up" statements above! If I just gave up on trying all the new foods I'm afraid to try, or that my perceptions have been skewed by TV (eg brussels sprouts), I'd still be eating Twinkies and McNuggets all the time. My food horizons are in severe need of expansion and this is one of the things that is readily available to me and CHEAP being as I live in the midst of Avocado Country in So. California!

    (ps - Hummus is another one I've never had! I did roast some chickpeas the other day and they came out OK though!)
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    My favorite way to eat it is on sandwiches. Actually, that's the ONLY way I like eating it. I make a spread, similar to the kind the Jimmy John's and Subway serves. It's really easy: just take two RIPE avocadoes (they have to be squishy otherwise your spread will be chunky, not creamy), mix in 1 T of real mayonnaise (you could use light too if you prefer) and season to taste with garlic salt and seasoning salt, or whatever other seasonings you like. The way I make it, it comes out to about 37 calories per tablespoon.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I spread 1/4 of a ripe one on my sandwiches.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    I literally just finished eating this. I can tell you it was amazing.


    TRY THIS NOW! I promise you'll like it. If you freeze the avocado I heard it's just like chocolate icecream!
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    My favorite way to eat it is on sandwiches. Actually, that's the ONLY way I like eating it. I make a spread, similar to the kind the Jimmy John's and Subway serves. It's really easy: just take two RIPE avocadoes (they have to be squishy otherwise your spread will be chunky, not creamy), mix in 1 T of real mayonnaise (you could use light too if you prefer) and season to taste with garlic salt and seasoning salt, or whatever other seasonings you like. The way I make it, it comes out to about 37 calories per tablespoon.
    That sounds delicious, thanks for sharing!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I literally just finished eating this. I can tell you it was amazing.


    TRY THIS NOW! I promise you'll like it. If you freeze the avocado I heard it's just like chocolate icecream!

    I'll head to Plowboys after I drop the kids at school this morning and pick up a couple! This sounds amazing.
  • kokalvt
    kokalvt Posts: 143
    Try using avocado as a substitute for alfredo sauce in pasta dishes, I think it's amazing! Google 'Creamy Avocado Pasta'...great recipe!
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    My toddler loves what my husband has deemed "bananacado" which is simply a mashed banana with half a mashed avocado. It was among his very first foods and it stuck. We now have it as a smoothie with some vanilla yogurt and a splash of milk. I like avocado as a sandwich spread or mixed with a little salsa as a dip. I also make a salad of it with some diced tomato, red onion and vinaigrette dressing on some baby spinach. It really is a food that texturally takes some getting used to. Don't give up on it.
  • Sarabopp
    Sarabopp Posts: 1
    For breakfast, I enjoy an egg and avacado salad. I take half a dozen hard boiled eggs and a whole ripe avacado, chop them up, mix and mash them together slightly. I drizzle olive oil to make it more moist and finish it with salt and papper. This makes 4 servings! It is enough for my fiance and I for two days. If you make any more than two days ahead of time it starts to get brown and does not taste as fresh. It tastes delicious and keeps me full for a while. Good luck!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I make a salad with corn, black beans, tomato, onion, green pepper, and avocado. I just use balsamic vinegar for a dressing, but a splash of lemon juice is good too. Let it marinate for a bit and then eat. You can adjust the amounts of the vegetables to suit your taste.

    ETA: If you go the lemon juice route, you made need some seasoning (salt and pepper work best) so it's not as boring, flavor-wise.
  • I stick them on stews, soups and casseroles. my husband and I like them on tuna casserole, adds a little extra creamyness. didn't like them at first but got used to them. I try to eat some every other day. We are having chili tonight and I will throw 1/4 of one on the top of it with some cheese. Mmm...
  • XRavenhood
    XRavenhood Posts: 102
    I'm not an avocado fan either, unless I use it in desserts. My favorite recipe is one ripe avocado, 4 very ripe bananas, and about 1/4 cup cocoa powder. Blend, let chill in fridge AT LEAST an hour, and enjoy! Makes 2-3 portions. Delish.