Want Avocado Help!



  • ndixon
    ndixon Posts: 10 Member
    I just recently started eating avacados and it wasn't until I had a table side guacamole prepared that I appreciated them. So I make my own guac. I use 1 avacado, 1 plum tomato, 1/4 red onion or a little less, a good portion of fresh cilantro chopped fine and fresh squeezed lime juice, salt and pepper to taste and I eat it with melba toast crackers.

    If you're interested, I also have an egg salad recipe that I really like with curry, but curry is a love or hate thing.
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    i have avocado every day. i love it! i use it instead of mayonaise in my turkey wrap. i dont miss they mayo (and i LOVE mayo,, and it makes my wrap taste 100% better..and i know its healthier for me too. <333333
  • SuzieQ724
    SuzieQ724 Posts: 86 Member
    eh some people just don't like them. if you really can't stomach them then there are other sources of healthy fats. me personally, i could and have/do eat them raw. i eat about half an avocado every day. if it fits in my macros i'll eat the whole thing. i will put them on anything. i eat them with my tuna most of the time. but i love putting them in omelettes, on toast...pretty much anything. i have a food board on pinterest and 90% of it is avocado recipes.

    How do you save the second half for the next day -- without it turning brown?
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    I know Avocado is a great source for nutrient dense, good-for-you-oil-dense, calorie-dense eating. However, I can only stomach it a tiny bit at a time. It is not something I grew up eating in fact the first time I ever tasted really fresh, ripe avocado was about 3 years ago. I have never tried just cracking one open and eating half with a little salt/pepper the way my best friend does, the idea makes me about gag. Guacamole is just OK but has to be incorporated with a nice, high-fat, cooked in lard Mexican dish or it's a no-go too. I have no idea how to pick a ripe one, how to tell if one is under ripe or over ripe, etc. So. Does anyone have any ideas for me to just get used to the idea of eating an AVOCADO (gasp) before jumping into the actual taste of the actual thing? I've heard mention of avocado ice cream and avocado chocolate pudding - any recipes? are they REALLY any good?

    If you are eating more whole food then you used to, your taste buds may start to change over time.
  • beckyhoo
    beckyhoo Posts: 34 Member
    Avocado is a nearly perfect food and so versatile. I could put it on pretty much anything, but right now I'm obsessed with using it to top my baked potatoes!

    And if you use them regularly, this is a great investment: http://www.amazon.com/Harold-Import-Company-Avo-Saver/dp/B001IWONL6.