Late night hunger! What do you eat?



  • patsnyder89
    if this happens almost everyday, then schedule a certain amount of calories to have left over so u can fill the hunger void. As long as at the end of the day you hit ur macro needs u should be fine

    This - if you're routinely hungry at night, then plan for a snack at night. Eating late won't hurt you.

    Thank you Lora
  • LadyRoff
    LadyRoff Posts: 56 Member
    I always have a large evening meal, so it keeps me full for the evening, but I always save calories for a treat, either chocolate, doritos, or ice-cream! Im not the healthiest eater to be honest, but I am staying in my calories and losing weight....

    This is actually excellent advice....because if u r way too strict and just eat "healthy" (rabbit) foods then u risk the chance of losing ur intrest in dieting. Make sure you get at least 80% whole nutrient dense foods (non-processed), then its ok to add a little treats. As long as you reach ur macros at the end of the day ur golden.

    Ah ha! I gave good advice, excellent thanks lol!! :) I know me, and if i cut it all out, then I will fail hence what i said above :)
  • patsnyder89
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    Lots of great advice on this thread, thanks everyone. I will do a better job evaluating what I am eating during the day and make sure I am eating enough for dinner.
  • bljyrql
    bljyrql Posts: 4 Member
    I've found that eating a few pita-style cracker or chips with laughing cow (or Happy Farms - different brand) cheese seems to cut the hunger and it can be any where from 100-150 cals.
  • zkss27
    zkss27 Posts: 62
    This thread has been helpful, and I love the fact that people are being overly critical! I see so many threads where it seems like people are attacking one another and so hell-bent on winning an argument. Good job, everyone :)