
I often get a varied reaction to my recent transformation. Quick background I'm a typical workout guy, got big, muscular. Bulked up and got away with my poor dietary habits because I looked muscular in a t-shirt and have a 6' frame to hide the fat. Then personal issues challenged me and I decided to spin it positive and get in the best shape of my life, the healthiest I've ever been (reach my BMI). Balance between diet and workout. And I feel great and try to encourage others. I still have a lot of potential to realize and try to work hard toward that. Yet some people, even those closest to me are often supportive and negative towards me in the same breath. I get that people project their own shortcomings or frustrations on me when it comes to diet and working out. They think my transformation is 'extreme' and too much and lament their lives are too busy to accomplish what I have so far done while also lauding what I've done. I'm just as busy as the next person and we all know the commitment required to achieve our fitness/diet goals. I consider myself average. I did not win the genetic lottery so if I can do it literally anyone can. And I tell people that. I don't have an iron will. I have a sweet tooth. But I am motivated. And that is a quality I believe everyone can find in themselves.


  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    My reaction is wow! You look amazing and I don't find you to be arrogant or nauseously obnoxious which is a rare quality these days. Obviously, whatever you are doing is working. We cannot all be perfect 100% of the time with everything. Don't let the attitudes get to you. Of course our world is full of it, but you just continue to not let it affect your judgement for what you already know to be a fact. People do get jealous and can comment positively or negatively. If I was a guy I would certainly be jealous but, it would stir up my inner competitiveness to better myself and say, if he can do it, so can I. You are right, we are all very busy, but if you want something so badly you can taste it, you don't give up. I commend you for staying positive. Failure is not an option in my mind and no matter if I struggle with a bad day or bad workout or everyday my body is sore, each day I am getting better. You control your own outcome in life and that goes for anything you do. You already know this. Your transformation is extreme, but is something to be proud of. I hope to achieve this and am happy to hear stories like yours that continue to motivate me on my journey. Fabulous job! ;)
  • look great man, stay self motivated thats about the only way to make it. it doesnt matter if u had a body of the gods, there is always someone out there that will have a negative comment, thats just how it is lol. But keep it up, dont compare urself to others and keep improving you.
  • u look great man, stay self motivated thats about the only way to make it. it doesnt matter if u had a body of the gods, there is always someone out there that will have a negative comment, thats just how it is lol. But keep it up, dont compare urself to others and keep improving you.
  • JerroldAquino
    JerroldAquino Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks. I've always believed the only person who can tell you something can't be done is yourself. Once you've told yourself that it will never happen. I will continue to strive for my personal best.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    transformation throws out a truth that many people cannot handle.


    Every time people see someone doing this, it is a reminder. It is a split second moment of clarity when they remember that they have the power to do this as well! But then they shut it down because they dont want to tdo the work, dont think they deserve the results, feel guilty about both of those things, realize they kinda suck, slide into a defensive mental state and then BOOM - 3 seconds have passed and they insult you.

    It isn't jealousy. Its fear, envy and disappointment in themselves for not being one of the brave ones.

    Just keep being a shaining happy example of what transformation truly means.

  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    PS Well done Sir. You probably dont get enough props.