What is YOUR main dietary change since MFP?

trejon Posts: 203
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
The major difference I am seeing for weight loss is not drinking my calories. Before MFP I did not see that the 5 sweet teas and many soft drinks a day plus the weekly margarita binges were just empty calories.


  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Just smaller portions generally. I have always eaten quite well/healthily - just far too much of it!!! :happy:

    Although my biggest weakness did have to be re-evaluated. Fortnightly visits to the local Indian restaurant are now monthly - and I also choose my dish carefully and kill myself with over-exercising on the day! (Nearly died the first time I entered all that I had eaten into MFP after the first trip...I knew it was bad, but who knew just how bad!!)
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    chips!!! I love salty over sweet, so the ice cream and cake doesn't bother me. But the chips and dip, NACHOS are my favorite!!! I've used carrots to replace the crunchy, or rice cakes, lowfat crackers, etc. and hummus or cottage cheese in place of dip. But about once a month I make lowfat nachos with baked tortilla chips, ground turkey, black beans, veggies and lowfat cheese.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    Just smaller portions generally. I have always eaten quite well/healthily - just far too much of it!!! :happy:

    Although my biggest weakness did have to be re-evaluated. Fortnightly visits to the local Indian restaurant are now monthly - and I also choose my dish carefully and kill myself with over-exercising on the day! (Nearly died the first time I entered all that I had eaten into MFP after the first trip...I knew it was bad, but who knew just how bad!!)

    I thought the same about chinese food. All those veggies can't be that bad--yea right!!!
  • Skipping out on extra snacks that I thought weren't making a big difference in my calories. And Trejon, I agree with you that not drinking your calories is a huge step. 4 years ago when I started my journey into a healthier lifestyle, I chose to give up soda. I was drinking so many of my calories and probably hurting my body with it too.
  • Learning how many calories certain foods have that you never would have guessed!

    Learning how to eat better

    Learning how much fat is in stuff - like that sandwich at the deli that looks so fresh and healthy but happens to have 24 grams of fat!

    Having a calorie goals helps you remember to ask yourself - do i really need this? Do I really want it? The answer is usually no.
  • Portion sizes! Instead of subconsiously snacking and helping myself to a second or a third helping and feeling miserable, I eat one small portion and it's just enough! I also see sweets/deep fried food as a real 'treat' and not just something you have every day or meal.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I actually eat more! I eat more often, much more meat, and less carbs.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I think my main dietary change is my snack options and no longer drinking soda (even diet) unless you count naturally sparkling water. I eat alot more cottage cheese and cucumbers and tomatoes than before MFP and alot more carrots and hummus and what I did eat in place of these new healthy options were things like cheetos, sugary cereal (2 bowls of cinnamon toast crunch in the evening anyone?), or ice cream. I also have cut WAYYYYYY back on fast food and when I do get fast food I get the healthiest option available on the menu (like a salad at wendy's with dressing in a little ketchup cup to dip my fork in and a small chili that I only eat half of) before MFP? Spicy chicken sandwhich with cheese no tomato, biggie fry, large diet coke. I can't believe it to this day that I actually requested no tomato on all of my fast food sandwiches, the one part of the sandwhich that could give me any nutritional value and I nixed it.

    I'm so glad I've changed, I feel better. If I do go for a spicy chicken sandwich one day I will make sure to get the tomato still intact and opt for a side salad instead of the fries, and WATER!
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    Actually reading and learning food labels: What a serving size REALLY is!!! And measuring things out.
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    water water water only and raw foods & protien o and eatting more often than i would before like every two hrs...measuring serving sizes
  • fitandhealthy
    fitandhealthy Posts: 82 Member
    sorry, but I have a few, not just one: drinking lots of water, keeping sodium and sugar down, smaller portions, cutting out all processed junk/fast foods, and learning to eat 6 times a day (I used to skip meals all the time thinking it was better! HA!) :blushing:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I'm with you, I was drinking too much sweet tea!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    when getting fit, i cut down a lot on snacking. i seriously used to eat all night long, even after dinner. now instead of eating lightly through the day and binging at night, i eat a large breakfast and lunch and eat lightly in the evening. i also cut out a lot of bread compared to the amount of bread i used to eat.
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    Portion size! I used to eat way too much - I have always eaten pretty healthily - but I was eating too much - e.g. too much rice or meat

    The other thing I have done is cut down on the amount of sweets - Haribos to be precise - I used to eat a bag in 2 days - once or twice a month - I now take a month to eat 1 bag - I still get my sugar fix every other day but I now i only have 1 or two sweets rather than 20/30!
  • I've been eating more fruits and veggies for snacks rather chips or fatty things. The whole drinking calories thing ive noticed too. other then maybe a glass of milk in the morning i have been drinking basically just water. even diet sodas ive cut out because of the other stuff in it. What will be hard for me is cutting back alcohol. I do like to go out with my friends a few times a week, whether its beer or margaritas, but i have been good about looking at calories in those drinks, and keeping my daily calorie limit in check with what i drink. So i think its been balancing out.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Smaller portions, less sugar.
  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    For me its realizing how many calories were going into my mouth. Before i was like oh well I'll just eat this and at times I though its not that high in calories its ok..... well hello it wasnt. Its like now i'm like NO you should and I dont I'm not even hesitant in doing it, I'll just be like no thanks and its done :flowerforyou:
    Also let's say I go out for drinks I prepare myself by drinking lots of water before and after, the other day i went out for margaritas i was like so I prep'd and the next day when i weighed myself I was good. So I'm slowly but surely getting the hang of this :heart:
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    For me it's planning what to eat in advance, logging everything and not snacking unless i can afford the calories
  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    portion sizes for sure. I usually used to help myself to second helpings that were usually just as big as my first helping. Also since realizng just how unhealthy restaurant food can be i've made an effort to always try and eat half and take the rest home or put it away in the fridge. I've managed to take my favorite meal from my favorite chinese restaurant and turn it into 3 seperate meals. I used to eat the whole damn thing in one sitting. it's still not easy, but i definitely notcie the difference.
  • TGIBriday83
    TGIBriday83 Posts: 68 Member
    For me it's planning what to eat in advance, logging everything and not snacking unless i can afford the calories

    this was another big one. i used to just rush and throw my lunch together in the morning before work. now i take the time each night to plan out my lunch and snack and pack it all up. i found that i'm making a lot better decisions and as stupid as it sounds, i'm able to strategize what i'm going to eat, when i'm going to eat it and why i'm eating it. I've also taken the time to plan what i'm mixing together to get a good mix of carbs and protein with each meal and snack.
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