

  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    yesterday i started measuring my food...so i think that was a great accomplishment!!! i stored them in the appropriate containers and so far this week i've been doing pretty good in eating salad every day
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    So I have a late start this morning. I got up at 6:30 anyway and worked out. I forgot how much I love having it done first thing, I am so used to working out before bed now. I only did the elliptical so I will still shred tonight but thats only 20 minutes. I may not even do the shred today if I can fit a yoga session in at nap time. I really should start getting up at 5:30 and working out again, but I love sleep and hate going to bed at 9 every night. My older kids don't usually come out to spend time with me until after the little ones go tot bed so I would miss all that.

    Oh well. Feeling great so far today!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Ug- had to log my gain since its the second week. Hopefully by next week it will all be flushed out when Aunt flo leaves town.

    SW- 195
    LW- 149.3
    CW- 151

    Gain of 1.7. Last week it was 4 lbs so thats not bad.

    On the BRIGHT side- I found a free Eliptical on craigslist near me and as long as I can borrow a truck and pick it up Sat it's mine!! Yay!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay ... up 0.5 lbs this week ... won't panic. I know Aunt Flow is knocking at the door ... the anxiety I've been feeling is proof of that. So it's all good.

    Starting Weight = 208.5 lbs
    Last Week's Weight = 190.0 lbs
    This Week's Weight = 190.5 lbs

    I'm looking forward to some Geocaching after work today :happy: That seems to be my latest hobby. It should be a busy weekend. We're having my daughter's bridal shower on Sunday so that's the beginning of the celebrations.

  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    I have been on this site for over a month and haven't lost anything.
    Last October I started WW and lost 22 pounds.
    I thought i knew enough to do it on my own, but I haven't had anymore success.
  • jacerulli
    jacerulli Posts: 10
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Nobody's perfect. You lost it once before so you WILL do it again ! Keep smiling :happy:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I have been on this site for over a month and haven't lost anything.
    Last October I started WW and lost 22 pounds.
    I thought i knew enough to do it on my own, but I haven't had anymore success.

    With only 8 lbs to lose- it might take a while and a lot of tweaking to cals. Are you eating your exercise cals? Are you measuring your food? What are your calorie goals set at?
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hey guys! I woke up this morning and jumped out of bed. Feeling great for some strange reason. I cleaned the whole house, including the bathroom! :glasses: Now if only I can keep this up and transfer it to my studying I will be set.

    Busymom- I have a wedding in August that I'm looking forward to also! Gotta tone up so I look really good in my dress. And I envy your free elliptical!

    Maggs- That geocaching thing really intrigues me. I went to the website and there are TONS of them near me. How much is the little gps thing?

    Kizzy- nice to have you!

    I invited some people to come over here from another "June Starter-like" group, but I dunno if any will venture over here. It is huge! We used to be that and now we are a happy little family. It is crazy to think that we are the last ones standing...amazing!

    Some other news...got asked out on a date by my neighbor! We went out a year ago, and I hadn't seen him in awhile. Outta the blue he sends me a message and calls, and he wants to go out this weekend. :blushing: :bigsmile: Woohoo!
  • amandacrowder
    amandacrowder Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! I have read a lot of these posts. I just started myfitnesspal not too long ago. I have a long road ahead. Reading everyone's comments puts an emphasis on how much I am not alone in my journey. You all are an inspiration! I hope for as much success as you all, and look forward to seeing everyone thin down and become more confident in themselves. Thank you!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Courtney! You're day sounds amazing! lol It's like my idea of heaven! :laugh:

    I do miss when we were bigger... I love how close we are though, and I wouldn't trade that for bigger any day.

    I hope I can find a truck and a boy to help my get the eliptical! lol My truck is being worked on and my boy is sick! :huh: I will find a way trust me! :laugh:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    So did I tell you guys I'm going to a wedding in Aug which is my new motivation for getting the last bit of weight off?? Yep. lol I needed this though to help remind me of my goal. :bigsmile:

    Hey ... I have a wedding in August too, my baby daughter is getting married :heart:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    There's lots of Aug weddings it seems! How awesome that your daughter is getting married!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000

    Maggs- That geocaching thing really intrigues me. I went to the website and there are TONS of them near me. How much is the little gps thing?

    The gps prices are varied. My friend uses her iphone to geocache so if you have a phone with a gps, that works well. I bought a rather pricey gps because I'm so into hiking too ... I can buy map programs and download trails onto my gps too. It was about $250 (don't tell my hubby). There were some around $80 and others around $500 so I guess I got a middle priced one. It does more than just show you where to go, it has the ability to find fish in a lake, it records the distance you've gone, it has a stop watch, a calculator, and a whole bunch of other gadgets. Personally, I bought it for the touch screen abilities and the easy to read colour screen. I tried something cheaper that was black and white with touch pad controls and found it too difficult to use and I couldn't really see the screen very well (old eyes is what my optometrist says).
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    There's lots of Aug weddings it seems! How awesome that your daughter is getting married!

    Yes, it's very exciting about her wedding. We've been waiting a long time. I can't post pictures of the gown right now because it's a big secret from the groom and her dad. As soon as the wedding is done I'll post some pictures ... if I can figure out how :happy:
  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    The posts this week have been really lovely. I'm so happy that i am a part of this group.

    My weight losses recently have been weird. I have got into the habit of weighing myself every morning and everyday this week i weighed in at 132.8lbs showing a 0.2 loss (which is great every little helps) and then this morning i weighed in at 131.0lbs which is an amazing 2lb loss. It did the same last week all week it showed a gain then on friday a loss. weird. I guess thats why they tell you to only weigh once a week.

    SW- 180lbs
    LW - 133.0lbs
    CW - 131.0lbs

    Magglett - congratulations for your daughter. Have you picked your mother of the bride outfit yet? You must be excited.

    Busymum - there is no better incentive to lose weight and hit goals than a wedding to go to. good luck.

    And welcome to all the new posters in this group.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000

    Magglett - congratulations for your daughter. Have you picked your mother of the bride outfit yet? You must be excited.

    I did pick the dress yes ... I'm not sure how to post a picture here (unless I steal it from the web :laugh: ). If I figure it out I'll post one.
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    i received my bodybugg strap yesterday towards the evening so i have monthly subscription to the bodybugg site...just started it up again yesterday...i'm so psyched to start bugging it again...i haven't been using it due to the fact that my bodybugg strap lost its velcro so i went on the 24hourfitness.com and checked out the prices for the strap and they were on sale for less than 10 dollars i got the zebra print one...this is definitely going to help me in losing 5 ibs a month
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    Challenges will run Sunday to Saturday

    JUNE 13-19: Burn 1500 cal
    JUNE 20-26: Burn 1750 cal
    JUNE 27-JULY 3: Burn 2000 cal
    JULY 4-JULY 10: Burn 2250 cal
    JULY 11-17: Burn 2500 cal
    JULY 18-24: Burn 2750 cal
    JULY 25-31: Burn 3000 cal
    AUG 1-AUG 7: Burn 3250 cal
    AUG 8-14: Burn 3500 cal

    I propose a graduated scale challenge for calorie burn:

    By August 14 we should have worked our way up to 3500 calories burned a week without stressing or injuring our bodies. We will increase our burn by 250 calories a week, which amounts to a total of 25 minutes over the week, or 5 extra minutes at the end of each workout. Slowly we will build up the time we are spending on exercise. Feel free to do more than the week goal, but try to aim for it as a minimum.
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    today i will be starting my regular walking routine...meaning i haven't been on my regular walking route for quite awhile...PLUS it's a cheat day for me...so the weekends are cheat days...my walking routine is so close to starbucks and i haven't had starbucks since they had that special going on for the week or weekend of half price frapps...i sorta kinda wish there were coupons or a punch card for those...lol...buy so many and get one free after the punch card is filled...lol...i'll be smart and still check out the calorie intake of course by going online and see if they have a nutrition value and mark that down...even though its the weekend i'm still measuring my food and checking out the calorie intake
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