

  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member
    I just saw one, where you put an egg where the seed is and bake it! I love hot avocado<3
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    What are some good recipes/ways to eat avocado?

    With nose held and swallowing large chunks so you don't have to taste it or feel the texture ...
  • AleshiaBunting
    AleshiaBunting Posts: 48 Member
    Avocado Egg Salad!

    1/4 avocado
    1 hard boiled egg
    mash together
    sprinkle of sea salt
    wrap in lettuce

  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I recently mashed up an avocado, added some red onion, bacon drippings (just a tbl or so), bacon, grapeseed oil, salt, pepper, and used it to coat my salad in place of dressing. It was amazing. I ate like 5 cups of mixed greens. Ridiculous.
  • Fitburd
    Fitburd Posts: 92 Member
    I love to eat my avocados mixed with tuna and brown rice and nothing else, but I also love guacamole....

    4 mild chillies, finely chopped
    bunch coriander, chopped
    2 tomatoes, finely chopped
    salt, to taste
    1 onion, finely chopped
    ½ lime, juice only
    3 ripe avocados
  • jazzedorange
    jazzedorange Posts: 184 Member
    Whole wheat, light mayo, bacon, spinach, tomato and avocado. A BLT made tastier. BSTA? lol
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    I like to mash it with tuna for a yummy sammich or to eat with crackers!
  • AthenaLolita
    AthenaLolita Posts: 10 Member
    so many ways - Normally have it on the side of some pelau (rice, chicken and piegon pea). Or I can have it with a nice salad. Or simply by it self with salsa. :smile:
  • mjl_
    mjl_ Posts: 26
    Wow I didnt expect all these replies. They sound so yummy, I cant wait to try them!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    What are some good recipes/ways to eat avocado?

    I get a quart of salsa from a local authentic Mexican restaurant and mix it with that.(not the whole quart, just 1/2 c at a time lol) I call it my mush. Total yum. I also use it on sandwiches instead of mayo. It's great on a turkey burger or just with some whole grain tortilla chips. Or on a spoon lol.
  • FitGma63
    FitGma63 Posts: 17 Member
    I recently used it on a grilled cheese sandwich, as I had run out of tomatoes and didn't want it plain. It was interesting, but I'd rather eat them plain as the cheese masked the fabulous taste of the avacado!
  • jellybellykelly
    jellybellykelly Posts: 6 Member
    someone else mentioned avocado in place of mayo for deviled eggs... I did this recently for the first time and it has improved my life intensely. :-) Seriously, delicious.
    Also, I made a really simple "chicken salad" for sandwiches -- just shredded up some cooked chicken breast and mashed it in with some avocado. SO GOOD!!!
    And I am currently eating my new favorite post-workout meal... avocado, cucumber, grape tomatoes, cottage cheese, black pepper. om nom nom nom.
  • kittykat131970
    I like in on sandwiches..but esp like it chopped up on a salad...any salad..goes great! Nice and creamy texture...even good on a Caesar salad!
  • attard321
    attard321 Posts: 5 Member
    I like to mash it up and add a bit of greek yogurt and cayenne pepper/salt. I use this in place of mayo. Great on sandwiches or pitas.
  • 1two3four
    1two3four Posts: 413 Member
    On brown toast with salt, pepper, a squeeze of lemon.

    That right there! Yum, yum...
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    : )
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    Bacon, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and avocado on a toasted English muffin! Absolutely delicious!!
  • keegalie
    keegalie Posts: 82
    Dice it up with some tomatoes and mix with some feta cheese, a little bit of olive oil, some lime juice, sprinkle of oregano and any other spices you think would be good. Yummm!
  • CaciaXX
    CaciaXX Posts: 37
    I've been having it in sandwiches with chicken and salad, or in wraps with crumbed chicken pieces, lettuce tomato, carrot and sweet chili sauce
  • PhilipMSPT
    PhilipMSPT Posts: 11 Member
    No one has suggested any sweet avocado offerings.

    I've always treated avocado like a fruit (which it is) moreso than a vegetable.

    Cut in half, sprinkle it with some table sugar, and eat by the spoonful.

    I've blended it with milk in the past to make an avocado shake; perhaps vanilla almond milk is a healthier lighter option.

    If you look at some Asian grocers, you can find avocado ice cream options. Not the best dessert for dieting, but it is there.