Why can I not run?

I used to play soccer.....ok, some 25 yrs ago and could run. Now I am walking but want to start running and I just cannot do it. :frown: It seems when i start to run, and not at a fast pace, i am flat footed or something and it just feels wrong. I went for a walk today and tried to run and all I could do before it hurt and I could not breathe was 3 houses. This is depressing. help, please!!


  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Just run as far as you can, then walk again.

    Before you know it, you will be running more than walking and then running the entire time. The key is to keep going.
  • pjcapps
    pjcapps Posts: 63 Member
    Try couch to 5k (C25K). This is how I started running at 50. The program is slow and easy but it works build the stamina and lung capacitiy before you know it you are running 30 mins.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    Small spurts of running helped me. I started with Couch to 5K training program and it helped me. I finished the program but now that I am outside instead of on a treadmill it is a bit different so I'm still doing run-walk spurts.
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    make sure you get some good sneekers !
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    the 'feeling wrong' could very well be the shoes you are wearing just aren't the right ones for you to run in.

    But try the C25K program - I started running at 40 with it. I had never been able to run more than 30 seconds before I started it. I ran for 30 minutes straight yesterday.

    If you really want to start running, look into visiting a running store, and get fitted for proper shoes. They can make a world of difference.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I started C25K a little over one year ago -- one of the things that helped me was to run in Vibram FiveFingers -- I couldn't stand running in heavier shoes! I have since moved on to a 1/2 marathon training program and am entered to run 10 miles in Philly in the Broad Street Run on 5/5 -- I ran almost 7 miles this morning with an injured ankle and could have run further if the foot was in good condition.
  • Bourgie
    Bourgie Posts: 9 Member
    Remember to go slowly. Try the Jeff Galloway run/walk method. It helped me complete a quite a few half marathons. I'm using it to help me get back to running. I did not run during the 2012 due to a spiral ankle fracture in April 2012. I was a long distance runner in high school and realized that i needed to change my running method. I would also go to a running store and get fitted for the correct shoes. I find that the big box stores are not the best place to get fitted for shoes. They often cannot tell you if you are over or under pronated. Whereas usually in the smaller/local specialized running stores, the employees/owners are runners and very well versed and willing to spend the time to help you find the correct shoes. Good luck. And most important don't give up.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    I could NEVER run. Even when I was thin in highschool. I would try and run and get really out of breath. Last year I made this a goal of mine, and was trying to walk and increase my running distance, then walk again etc.
    This year, I completely changed my diet and went to a plant based diet. As soon as I went vegan I had all this energy.
    I went to the gym one day to walk, and I had too much energy and just started running and ran for a mile without stopping, which for me was HUGE!!! It was a goal for me. This was last week- and this week I'm up to 2 miles and going!
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    i hated running but using a HIIT program has made it more manageable, and i can vary this up to higher levels or for longer time, depending on my workout that day. Couch to 5K is basically the same thing - once you get started you'll see how easy it is:

    For example:
    warm up at level 1 for 1 minute, level 3 for 1 minute
    1 minute at level 5
    2 minutes at level 1
    repeat 4 times.
    cool down

    that's what i just did last week. just have to ease into it with different intervals, not straight out run for as fast as you can, as long as you can! :happy:
  • EmmaJean7
    EmmaJean7 Posts: 163 Member
    Google couch to 5k! Starts you out slowly its awesome
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Oh boy! I could have posted this. I too played soccer in high school and college. I loved it. I played the sweeper position and ran pretty much the entire length of the field for the entire game. Of course that was 30+ years ago, when I was a 120 lb 18 year old.

    Now, I'm a 220lb 50 year old woman. I want to run - I have a new puppy, an Australian Cattle Dog, and she will require intense physical activity to keep her happy when she gets older. I envision the two of us running miles around our small community.

    But before I can do that, I have to learn to run again. I decided to start a C25K program last week, but running feels so awkward - I feel like an elephant plodding around the track. I couldn't even to W1D1 - I'm in such bad shape.

    I have since joined Anytime Fitness and have gone 4 times in the last 6 days. I just stick to the treadmill for now. I am working on increasing my stamina and endurance. I will be ready to try C25K again in about 1-2 weeks, and I know I will be ready for it. We can do this.
  • HonoriaLucasta
    HonoriaLucasta Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, go slower than you think you should possibly go and get fitted for running shoes at a local running shop (i.e. not ****'s Sporting Goods or wherever). There are different types of shoes for different gaits/foot types and whether you roll your feet out or in or keep them relatively straight (aka overpronation, supination, neutral) when you run will determine the right kind for you - running shoes are for sure not a one-size-fits-all deal. Everything will feel off if you're running in the wrong shoes.
  • A lot of people have had success with C25K.

    When I tried to get going a month ago I couldn't seem to get anywhere with it, unfortunately. Not everyone is physically able to start in the same place of course. As I'm only able to jog for 15 seconds at a time before I'm rolling on the ground grabbing my burning knees and gasping for air while pleading for help as people run past, I need a remedial C260S (Couch to 60 Seconds) plan first. :ohwell:

    But yes, the principle remains the same whether you're able to jog for 6 seconds or 60: alternate low-intensity and high-intensity (in relative terms) to build up the duration of your high-intensity phases.
  • jboss1989
    jboss1989 Posts: 25
    Just run as far as you can, then walk again.

    Before you know it, you will be running more than walking and then running the entire time. The key is to keep going.

    Exactly. Even when in great shape, and a constant ballet dancer as a teen, I could never run more than a minute or two without cramps and burning lungs. Among other exercise, I have been working on just keeping my heart rate and breathing up while on the treadmill or elliptical, while still going at a pretty slow pace. Yesterday I took a friend's crazy dog for a walk, and decided he needed to run to get some energy out. I ran for ten minutes straight, just in my jeans and converse. He got tired first! I hadn't been working towards this specifically, but as I got into better shape and pushed myself, it just came.
  • seif0068
    seif0068 Posts: 193 Member
    I used to play soccer.....ok, some 25 yrs ago and could run. Now I am walking but want to start running and I just cannot do it. :frown: It seems when i start to run, and not at a fast pace, i am flat footed or something and it just feels wrong. I went for a walk today and tried to run and all I could do before it hurt and I could not breathe was 3 houses. This is depressing. help, please!!

    Try going in to a REAL running store to have your gait evaluated for the right kind of running shoe, and ask if they can please take a look at your form and give you some basic pointers. I too felt like I was doing something wrong and with a few minor tweaks to my form and the right running shoes, running felt SO much more natural.

    That said, it's just going to feel weird for awhile until you get used to it. You will get there!
  • kbodnaruk
    kbodnaruk Posts: 67
    I am not a runner - but have been doing the C25K program and it is wonderful - on the days I don't do the program I choose streets to run and walk in my neighborhood (and I push a 22 pound baby in a jogging stroller) and the other day decided to time one of my streets just to see how long it took and I ran for 5 minutes!! I started with only running for 30 seconds with the program and every time I choose a mailbox or two or a stop sign further just to push myself to do it. If I can do it - YOU can do it!! Good Luck!!
  • djmom1984
    djmom1984 Posts: 55 Member
    :smile: Good shoes.
    Loose clothing.
    Proper form - make sure you're not bending over a little bit, it cuts off proper air flow

    Three houses is fine to start. Then walk five. Run three. Walk five.
    Before you know it, you'll be running the entire way.

    We've all experienced this. just keep doing it.