weekends and booze

Does any one out there have any helpful tips how to avoid the weekend gain? My problem: my husband and I go visit our parents. We stay there. None of my healthy food are in their fridge. Then we go to a wedding saturday night.. where we find it necessary to drink the entire night... mainly becuase its fun but i do feel guilty the whole time becuase i know come monday i will have ruined my entires last week worth of work. I just have a feeling that how this weekend is going to go if im not proactve.

So, what do i do? i need helpful hints, tricks and motivation. Get me through this weekend! plzzzz!:noway:


  • marthauchino
    marthauchino Posts: 9 Member
    I mix my drinks with half mixer and half club soda--less calories and I can still drink a few cocktails. Drink a full glass of water between each cocktail. Or drink wine instead of cocktails and a glass of water in between. You'll feel full and still be able to enjoy drinking! As far as nibbling, try to choose the healthiest snacks available--or take your own. The weekends are when I do most of my eating/drinking, too. Good luck!
  • crobby
    crobby Posts: 29 Member
    Maybe try bringing some healthier foods to their house: veggie platters, fruits, etc.
    And for the wedding drink water every other drink so that you end up consuming less.
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I tend to have one too many on my weekends too. One thing I have started doing is making sure I drink one full glass of water between each drink. This tends to make me feel more full and want to drink less...and it also helps me maintain a relaxed sort of buzz rather than a drunk sort of buzz because I'm drinking less alcohol over a longer period of time.

    Also, I have started planning ahead. For instance if I were going to a wedding I would log the amount of drinks I anticipated having, say 3, and only allow myself to have that much to drink. Once I hit my allotted amount I know I am done.

    Hope this will help a little. Good luck and have a good weekend!
  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    maybe you can purchase your own healthy food?

    My mother had a friend that stayed a week, She went and bought her own food, when she got here.

    as far as drinking... I would suggest just babying the drinks. Make one drink last as long as you can... One is better than 3... but that is if you absolutely have to have one.
  • thisemmabites
    Bring some food to your parents house. If you do drink alcohol, then make sure you drink tons of water too. I recommend NOT weighing in for at least a couple days after. I don't really think it's a true gain, it is more fluids. I think anyways. I usually weigh a couple pounds less the day after and then I'll be up two lbs, but it goes away in a couple days. Worry more about getting back on track and staying there before and after. You can do it!
  • crobby
    crobby Posts: 29 Member
    lol, it looks like we all have similar tactics
  • Anely05
    Anely05 Posts: 15
    That's a tough one! I would suggest for you to avoid all the high calorie, high sugar drinks...and opt for hard liquor with diet soda or low calorie juices. Remember is not what you eat...is how much...so even though your parents might not have a fridge full of healthy stuff...try measure what you eat and do not over eat at the wedding!!! I know it's hard but try! ^_^ Good luck and have fun!
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    i've taken to bringing oatmeal packets and luna bars on vacation so i can start the day with some filling fiber and have a snack around if i need it. i also try to go for a run as early in the morning as possible so that i feel like i've earned a few drinks later. also weddings are great for dancing! burns tons of calories and keeps you from the bar =)
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    You can also set limits for yourself PRIOR to getting there. Have what everyone else is having just plan to always eat half of what you normally would and only drink half of what you usually drink.

    I know it's hard to restrict yourself when with the family but this way you still partake in the food and drinks just not as much.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Lots of water. Order water as soon as you get there and have them keep refilling it. If you have something ELSE to drink, you won't feel the need (as much) to order some booze. I have to do this when we go out with friends or co-workers. Everyone drinks but I know I'll regret it (spending the money and giving up my 1 lb for the week) so I just drink a ton of water.
  • dhudgin
    dhudgin Posts: 73 Member
    I am really having trouble losing weight even with tons of exercise, staying in calories and NOT cheating... I do have a couple of drinks several times a week. I am wondering if it has to do with that- even though I count my alcohol in my total calories. Does anyone else have this problem???
  • ctorrence
    ctorrence Posts: 12
    I know I do. And I know that when you start diets, they say No alcohol. But I'm a busy mom, give me a break. Maybe it could be the kind of drinks? Maybe they have sugars? Just typing that gave me reason to wonder. So, what alcohols are better for diets? Surely someone has done some research?
    I'm a red wine girl, but during the summers, I love to make my own Mojito's.

    Diet Club Soda
    Light Rum
    Fresh lime and mint
    1 packet of Splenda
  • Robin304
    Robin304 Posts: 64
    Like others have said, take some of your healthy foods with you. As for drinking, water between alcholic drinks really works as everyone is suggesting. I stick with Rum and diet coke. I also make a plan about how much I will eat or drink ahead of time for occasions like the wedding. I add to my exercise routine before and afterwards to help with any extra calories. I don't drink often so I don't beat myself up about when I do. What good is life if you can't have a little fun? I recently went on a cruise, had a great time and didn't gain any weight. Enjoy!