Self Image....

I'm so stuck on focusing on how far I still have to go that I forget to give myself credit for how far I've come. Long story short, my highest weight (three years ago) was 245. I lost 50 lbs at that time, then gained back 20. I started running (C25K) last year and lost 30. I started MFP 3 weeks ago and have lost 5. I still have 30 to go to get to the high end of my weight range, and I'm working hard to get there. The problem is, when I look in the mirror (especially naked) I still see the 245 lb girl and get so discouraged. I know I've come a long way when I look and pictures and when I buy clothes, but how do I get past how I see myself???


  • jclimey
    jclimey Posts: 14
    You are doing great. Keep up the good work. How about a new hairstyle and a change in your clothing style. You will be a new you when you look in the mirror and see how great you are looking.
  • Something that makes me feel good as I lose weight is to take my older, bigger clothes and donate them. Then I go out and buy some new stuff that is my size and go out with some friends for a dinner splurge. You gotta give yourself a break sometimes. Don't give up, and keep up the hard work! Feel free to add me as a support friend. :)
  • Linda468
    Linda468 Posts: 3
    Thank you! My real problem is how I look without clothes, makeup and hairstyle. Without all that, I look/feel flabby, saggy and jiggly. As gross as it sounds, I wish I had a picture of me at my heaviest in a sports bra and tight shorts, like they do on the Biggest Loser. So I had the comparison.
  • n8dawg77
    n8dawg77 Posts: 216 Member
    Good for you... I'm in the same boat Linda!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Same here. well fat guy in the mirror, not girl. Look at the fat girl and tell her you don't have time, your to busy running.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    Last summer I got to within 3 lbs of my goal & still didn't like what I saw in the mirror. I couldn't see past the fat girl. Then I quit smoking and gained all but about 5 lbs back (like 60 lbs) and am starting my journey again. When I look at my pictures from last summer it's like I don't remember being that 'skinny'... our minds to play some horrible tricks on us.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I have come far. I look a lot different and still I have a negative body image. Its getting better and each day I have to tell myself I am good. Poor relationships with food, poor body image. More mental than physical which means even with the weight loss I still have much to work on. But it will happen. Just occasionally I have to get myself out of my own head
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    I agree with the last post..just some wee change in either what you are wearing or perhaps what you are doing or both!

    Know the feeling well as my weight had been stuck for nearly two years and is only now begimming to shift again and that aminly because I have started to have massages to eleviate some of my back pain which in turn is making me less stressed and not having to take quite as many painkillers. That has also lead to my being able to go swimming again.

    Keep up the good work..we are all rooting for you! .. :drinker:
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Try not to look at ALL of the weight you want to lose but look at a smaller portion of it at a time. Set small realistic goals for yourself. Try to get through the first 5 pounds and reward yourself with a spa day or go see a movie. Don't reward yourself with food... your not a dog. I get my hair done, go see a movie, buy new clothes, buy new makeup etc. I have 10 pounds left and those same 10 pounds have been hanging on for 4 months now. Was thinking it was 3 months but just realized its another month gone by. But I'm not giving up or caving in and going on a food binge. That just ruins all of the work I've put into taking off these past 65 pounds. Now that the temps are reasonable outside I'm going on my walks again. You just have to hang in there and try not to go backwards. Keep going forwards. Don't undo all your hard work. You can do this.
  • Rgtjax85
    Rgtjax85 Posts: 99 Member
    Just sent a message that I hope will encourage you. I think you have made yourself aware that you should focus on what you have accomplished more than what needs to be done next. Just keeping being positive and see the "real" you is amazing.
  • Linda468
    Linda468 Posts: 3
    Don't reward yourself with food... your not a dog.

    Oh my gosh, I LOVE THIS!!! Thank you.

    And thanks to everyone. It helps just to hear that others struggle with the same self image issues. We really beat ourselves up, don't we??
  • Thank you! My real problem is how I look without clothes, makeup and hairstyle. Without all that, I look/feel flabby, saggy and jiggly. As gross as it sounds, I wish I had a picture of me at my heaviest in a sports bra and tight shorts, like they do on the Biggest Loser. So I had the comparison.

    Doesn't sound gross. Maybe ask someone to do that for you and put the picture in your bathroom on the mirror or somewhere you can see it. It might help to actually see the progress you make as you make it.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I definitely get this. I'm down 65 pounds and I don't see it. I've just made myself a promise to trust other people. When I try on clothes I always ask someone else what they think. I've heard it takes time for the brain to catch up. So, for now I am trusting that I must look smaller since my clothes are smaller. I trust that I have a waist because people keep telling me I do. My mind has known I was fat for years, so it may take time to adjust. For now, I trust others and I just keep going.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    every time you look in the mirror find something good to say about yourself
    my eyes sparkle...
    my smile is pretty
    i love this top...
    these boots make my legs look great....
    find something new and good every time now matter how small it'll make you feel better

    if you can keep a log of them
    log peoples compliments
    and ask others how you look

    it took a comment by a topshop sales lady for me to accept i no longer had a huge butt and that i could wear skinny jeans!!!
    and everytime you look and see the old you look again and find the new you.
    soon you'll see the new you straight off and then you'll have to pull yourself away from the mirror! ;)
    congratulations on you amazing progress and good luck.