HELP! Sweating is ruining my face :(

Can any one reccomend a really good facial cleanser/moisturizer that isn't made from gold and diamonds or baby whale fat??? My face is like a poppyseed bagel. Plz and thanks

I think my breakouts are due to increased consumption of dairy, and all the sweating while working out... I wash my face regualrly, I dont wear make up a lot and when I do I don't sleep in it. I am using garnier face wash and Simple moisturizer. I never broke out not even in high school!

ANY TIPS?!?!?!

Whats the point of having a hott body if It's giving me an ugly face ??? LOL :)


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    After everyone started raving about it, I've picked up some coconut oil. A little goes a LONG way, and it was $5 at Trader Joes.
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    Bump to read replies later
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Tr sticking your head over a bowl of hot water - the steam opens the pores - then get a koalin clay face mask and draw that shizz out!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Do you exercise with makeup on? I found that increased breakouts for me.

    Do you wash your face right after exercise? If I don't I get acne too. It's terrible.

    What I found helped was to wear one of those cotton headbands while I exercised. I washed it after exercise when I wash my HRM chest strap. At that point I also wash my face.

    Make sure you are properly washing your face. Also, make sure you regularly change your pillow case and regularly wash any makeup tools you use. I don't keep those applicators in my face powder compact. I wash my makeup brushes and sponges once a week and use a brush cleaner spray after each use ( you can make your own really easy with rubbing alcohol, a bit of shampoo ... I forget the other ingredients but the recipes are online). Never touch your foundation bottle top after you have touched your face as well. If I keep my makeup tools clean it helps. I also have to make sure I keep my hands off my face and make sure my phone is clean.

    Do you wear a lot of hair products? I find if I do and my hair is touching my face I get breakouts because of all the products. I try not to use a lot.

    The best cleanser I have found is a knock off of Proactiv. I believe it's called AcneFree... normally in the Pharmacy section. It's a three step kit and where I am in Ontario it usually costs about $25 and last a long time. Depending on where you are some stores sell other versions or the generics.

    Personally I hate Garnier face washes. What about getting an acne face wash to use? If I wear makeup I wipe it off with a makeup wipe and than use an acne cleanser.

    When I feel a pimple coming at night I will dampen a cotton swap and than put a drop of tea tree oil on it. I than dap that on the area where I can feel the pimple coming. Every now and again I do somewhat of the same thing but for my whole face. I dampen one of those cotton rounds (a cotton ball would work too) and than a drop or two of tea tree oil and than wipe that over my face. It sounds weird to put an oil on your face but it works well. Make sure it's watered down a bit and don't put it too close to your eyes or nose.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    It probably won't help too much, but I have a wicking headband that keeps sweat from dripping in my face. I still sweat on my face through pores, but it's not rolling down my face.

    It's bondi band if you're interested.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Cetaphil (or however you spell it) anti bacterial bar.

    Also, what are you currently using on your face? I never EVER had acne issues. Not even when I was a kid and RARELY washed my face. About half a year ago I started breaking out on my face BAD! I bought proactiv. That didn't work. I went through what I was taking for vitamins and got rid of all the hair, skin and nails supplements and anything that had a trace of Biotin in it. That didn't work. I bought other "acne fighters" and used it on my face. That didn't work.

    I tried EVERYTHING. It was so bad that I was considering seeing a dermatologist. I HATE wearing concealer and I've been forced to wear it and it makes me want to cry. My husband was upset FOR me! LOL.

    Then I stopped trying everything. I did an experiment when I was on vacation. I used the generic soap that they had at the resort and I stopped using the acne stuff that had syacilic acid in it for a few days and my face started to clear up. I started using the acne stuff again because I was doing a test and BAM! Acne city.

    One of my friends said if I go to see a dermatologist they might do a culture to see if it was bacteria which led me to get my anti bacteria bar.

    That is all I use now (that and some anti-aging serums that I've always used with no issue). I use rubbing alcohol as my astringent and I have not touched any of those "acne medications" since I got back from Mexico in November and the most that I get for acne now are the occasional zits at that time of the month.
  • Eyesblu
    Eyesblu Posts: 60
    you could try using a buffing sponge on your face. ehh Im not sure of the correct name..oh yea exfoliating loafa for your face. I use it everyday or every other day when washing my face. I use plain ole neutragena facial clenser and a combination skin lotion. I use Retin A also because my face use to break out badly. My face stays pretty clear although it hasnt always been like this.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Do you wash your face right after working out? If not, at least bring some face wipes with you and wipe your face off after working out.

    If I don't do that, I breakout too.
  • TimeForMe99
    TimeForMe99 Posts: 309
    Have you been using the Garnier product for long? I find it leaves a film on my skin.

    For acne DD uses Cetaphil cleanser and moisturizer (or the drugstore analog) daily and Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque a few times a week. A little dab of the masque left on overnight really takes down a bad breakout. All of these are dirt cheap and available at any drugstore (in the US anyway).
  • ThisGirl2013
    ThisGirl2013 Posts: 220 Member
    I cut out creamer/coffee and just use the Dove white bar for sensitive skin and my face already looks a lot better, after just a couple of days.
    I think that the cleansers and dairy just make it worse, to be honest.
    I also agree - wear a headband while working out and wash right after.
    I also break out if I use product in my hair and it touches my face.
    Talk about frustrating - no acne until I hit adulthood. Blah *lol*
  • carissawhitworth
    Thanks girls!! I do not work out in make up. But will prob end up doing it sometimes since I am joinging a gym. I am a stay at home mom so I really don't wear it unless it's an errand day or family day or date night. I wash my bedding once a week, I wash my face every night but not RIGHT after work outs, and I moisturize a lot. I do masks every now and then. I am really bad at washing my make up brushes and replacing sponges so I need to keep track of that. I will deff give cetaphil a try. I was really athletic my whole life and never had this issue... Its like rosacia looking on my cheeks now, and I am breaking out on my chin and between my eyes.

    I usually have pretty clear glowing skin. I never drink soda or juice, I eat healthy THIS SHOULDNT BE HAPPENING AHHH

    Could it be the dry weather and lack of sun too?

    Love the headband idea good idea.
    Love the face wipes idea too deff getting some.

    Thanks so much :)
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I would also make sure you're drinking enough water, that's good for your skin. also how's your diet looking? last year I broke out thanks to pre-menopause and nothing worked until I changed my diet, cutting out most processed foods. I have very oily skin and use Neutrogena deep cleanser and Olay moisterizer, I'm told I look much younger than my 46 years.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Thanks girls!! I do not work out in make up. But will prob end up doing it sometimes since I am joinging a gym. I am a stay at home mom so I really don't wear it unless it's an errand day or family day or date night. I wash my bedding once a week, I wash my face every night but not RIGHT after work outs, and I moisturize a lot. I do masks every now and then. I am really bad at washing my make up brushes and replacing sponges so I need to keep track of that. I will deff give cetaphil a try. I was really athletic my whole life and never had this issue... Its like rosacia looking on my cheeks now, and I am breaking out on my chin and between my eyes.

    I usually have pretty clear glowing skin. I never drink soda or juice, I eat healthy THIS SHOULDNT BE HAPPENING AHHH

    Could it be the dry weather and lack of sun too?

    Love the headband idea good idea.
    Love the face wipes idea too deff getting some.

    Thanks so much :)

    What are the ingredients in your face wash and the other stuff you use on your face?

    If it's syacilic acid you could be allergic to that like I am. I'd go out and get the bacteria bar (it's not that expensive) and try using that for a week or so and DON'T put any other medicine on your face and see what happens. It definitely worked for me.

    Also check the make up you use. Does THAT have any acne fighting stuff in it or even SPF? I now have to read the ingredients of my make up and make sure there isn't any anti-acne stuff and I'm scared to use anything with an SPF just in case I break out from that. I have to make sure it's hypo-allergenic as well. PITA but totally worth it to NOT have to use that stupid cover up!
  • carissawhitworth
    My diet has been pretty SPOT ON my diary should be public I mean I have cheats, but Who doesnt?? I deff eat much better than I was 2 months ago and my skin was great. I drink lotts of water that is all I drink besides one cup of coffee a day. I havn't chaged ANY of my make up, or used any weird new cleansers. I am not allergic to anything. I used to use biore.

    Maybe it's the moisturizer.

    Im deff gonna look for a good bacteria bar :)
  • carissawhitworth
    I have heard al ot about the coconut oil too and I have organic coconut oil. but how do you use it as a face wash? Just plain? do you heat it up add exfoliants or baking soda???
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I'm in the same boat and my face has been clearing up better than ever lately. I haven't had ance my entire life, only as an adult. What worked for me is L'oreal 360 anti breakout. I have really dry skin for some reason this winter so I have to pile on moisturizer after using this product, but it works better than anything else I've tried. After a few days of using it, it only dries out a couple tiny places on my face. Most of the acne I has is gone. Buy something to treat your acne and always moisturize. Change your pillowcase as often as possible. Tie your hair up when you go to sleep, especially if it has products in it. Try not to touch your face a lot. I have a new moisturizer coming in the mail. I can let you know how it works out. Its made by L'oreal as well.
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    I currently use the WalMart brand equivalent to the St. Ives Blemish scrub (has 2% salicylic acid and ground-up apricot pits to exfoliate). I also use my bare hands to wash and rinse my face, then I have a designated towel for drying my face. Why use the community hand towel (full of bacteria) or a washcloth repeatedly--that's just putting bacteria right back on my skin!

    I generally only moisturize in the wintertime when the air here gets super-dry. At one point the only thing I could use as a moisturizer was plain aloe vera gel--no perfumes or colors. Anything heavier than that, even if for sensitive skin, broke me out. I also had to use plain Ivory bar soap as a face wash at one point (I know, super drying but it worked).

    It's essential to keep makeup applicators clean. You may also benefit from a visit to your doctor--there are antibiotic lotions you can apply directly to your skin, also oral antibiotics that can help. You may also want to have labwork done to rule out any hormone imbalances that could be causing the acne.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Can any one reccomend a really good facial cleanser/moisturizer that isn't made from gold and diamonds or baby whale fat??? My face is like a poppyseed bagel. Plz and thanks

    I think my breakouts are due to increased consumption of dairy, and all the sweating while working out... I wash my face regualrly, I dont wear make up a lot and when I do I don't sleep in it. I am using garnier face wash and Simple moisturizer. I never broke out not even in high school!

    ANY TIPS?!?!?!

    Whats the point of having a hott body if It's giving me an ugly face ??? LOL :)

    quit the dairy?? or at least cut back? that'll have more of an effect than sweat...
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    My diet has been pretty SPOT ON my diary should be public I mean I have cheats, but Who doesnt?? I deff eat much better than I was 2 months ago and my skin was great. I drink lotts of water that is all I drink besides one cup of coffee a day. I havn't chaged ANY of my make up, or used any weird new cleansers. I am not allergic to anything. I used to use biore.

    Maybe it's the moisturizer.

    Im deff gonna look for a good bacteria bar :)

    I wasn't allergic to anything either until recently when I had my issue.
  • bananapancakebella
    I have heard al ot about the coconut oil too and I have organic coconut oil. but how do you use it as a face wash? Just plain? do you heat it up add exfoliants or baking soda???

    I would be very wary of putting coconut oil on your face if you are breaking out! For many people, coconut oil will cause acne. The oil cleansing method can be great for some people, and I highly recommend castor and olive oil mixtures if you'd like to try it. Coconut oil, while excellent on your body and to eat, is highly comedogenic, and not good for breakouts. Please be wary about putting it on your face.

    Also cetaphil, while being touted as a great product in the 1980s, is chock full of unhealthy chemicals and most dermatologists no longer recommend it. For me personally, cetaphil caused cystic acne.’t-doing-your-skin-any-favors/#ixzz1JXCBxTEu

    There are plenty of better basic cleansers out there if complicated ones irritate your skin. If cetaphil works for you, then great! But for both coconut oil and cetaphil, some people react badly to them (and tons of people love them). My point is that these CAN be very irritating and can cause acne in some people. But experiment, find a cleanser you like, and use it and a basic moisturizer before and after working out.