Cutting out Chips, Soda, Chocolate..All Junk food!



  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I really want to cut out Chips, soda's, chocolate, and everything called Junk! I wanted to ask if any of you have any advice or if any of you had success with this?? Thanks y'all! :heart:

    I forgot to add! ( Ill be eating some of what the above on saturday's but also in moderation. )

    I cannot eat moderate chocolate or chips, lol! Thats why I thought discipline will be good for me.

    I have cut out soda minus an occasional root beer which wasn't my soda of choice to start with lol. I never tell myself I can't have something because it takes an emotional toll on me in the grocery store or at home when someone else has it. I say I can have it but I don't want it and I remind myself why I don't want it. I tried giving up chips but I don't really want to. I eat more tortilla chips than any other kind. WHen i have doritos, I try to have them with a meal and not as a snack. When its a snack I fill up on the chips but with the meal I can eat 1 serving and not crave more. I switched from milk chocolate to dark chocolate. Its different but I don't eat it as much and it still gives me chocolate. Milk chocolate hurts my tooth and dark chocolate doesn't. I don't know why, I just accept it. You can learn to eat in moderation if you want to. Start by consciously eating less than you used to and gradually eat less and less. You'll be happier and maintain eating less of your favorite junk food. Be realistic, can you be happy forever eating no junk food at all? I can't so 'm learning how to still have it, just not enough to keep me fat. :-)
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I'm offended that you listed "chocolate" as junk food. :noway:
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    I have given them up for many months now, 6+ months I did indulge in the summer but before that I had given them up for about 6 months prior to that. My husband has been free from them for over a year. I have no cravings sure sometimes I want it but it nothing compared to the "NEED" the "HAVE TO HAVE" "ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT" craving I use to have before I stopped haveing any, I tried moderation, kudos to those who could do it but I had no self control. Totally cutting it out worked for me, and we've decided we'e enjoyed the benefits so much that this is our lifestyle change, why do we need it? We've gone through a whole calander year done everyone's birthday found alternatives for celebrations why do we need it, is what we are now thinking. Good luck in what you try. I believe everyone is different and what works for some may or may not work for others, for us this worked and loved it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    If one can completely cut out a food, one can learn how to moderate. It's a habitual thing. First rule of moderation (say with a bag of chips):
    Don't eat out of the bag.

    Take some out of the bag and put it in a bowl or holder.

    Next: Don't go back and refill. You learn habits by following them.

    My clients have good experience with little to no regain in weight because they learned how to moderate the foods they absolutely like to eat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jcreighton48
    jcreighton48 Posts: 18 Member
    Cutting out soda for me was easily the hardest part, I tend to always be drinking something and only water got kind of old! I used Mio quite a bit, which made it a lot less boring! I know part of my success definitely came from quitting soda!
  • dheiges
    dheiges Posts: 1
    try flavored sparkling water. tastes awesome!
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    This took me a while to master with the "moderation". In the beginning I would completely eliminate all of these foods and then have a binge day by the end of the week so I decided to do diet soda every now and again like at a restaurant if I chose a drink, the chips were never really an issue and I LOVE my sweets so I found subs for those. Your body will get used to it, but plan on probably 3 weeks for it to be second nature to choose those foods and not miss the original versions.....or that is how long it took me. There are still trigger foods which I avoid like the plague, but you CAN do this and eat healthy. Best wishes and good luck!
  • I cut out the junk and found really good alternatives, so that I can still get my "fix." lol. I eat nutella-banana-oatmeal cookies to still get that chocolate cookie feel. I found really good chip alternatives - pop chips, veggie chips, savory mini rice cakes, and peanut butter crackers! Yum! I also found that a sweet nut mix can be really yummy, and very filling!! Instead of soda, juice, and flavored waters - fruit infused water!! It's delish and has SO many benefits. I had already been exercising my butt off (literally!! lol), but changing that part of my diet got me to the next level in my health and in my weight loss.
  • Oh! and smoothies!! Yum!!
  • beatleschic87
    beatleschic87 Posts: 260 Member
    Way to go!
    You will be seriously suprised as to how great you feel after a week or so.
    For help with cravings make sure that you get your "sweet tooth" fix from fruit. There are a lot of amazing fruits out there!
    I mash up bananas and freeze them for my version of ice cream. That being said though, I will allow myself to have a "treat" here and there just as long as it's in moderation. If I'm craving some chips, I'll take a handful and eat them but put away the rest of the bag. Allowing a treat will help you not binge.
  • 5 weeks ago I was having chocolate bars, crisps, biscuits, fizzy drinks every day. 4 weeks ago I started with a support group run by my local health authority, led by a dietician and a physio. I now am careful about portion sizes, eat less bread and butter, and only a couple of plain biscuits as a snack. I can have 3 meals and 3 snacks. I use the food diary on MFP every day and am always just under my calorie allowance and never hungry. Best of all I do not even want chocolate or crisps anymore. When I want a fizzy drink I have a diet drink.
    I am having difficulty to remember to drink water, a cup of tea is much more enticing in this cold weather. I am also struggling with th exercise but I am losing weight and the exercise might become more appealing when there is less of me to haul around.
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    It can be hard, I could eat chips all day everyday, or at least I used to be able too. I found for these things I like and don't want to give up all together, healthier alternatives. I found for my salty fixes roasted brussel sprouts, like seriously delicious my 7 year old now begs for them, we/I eat them several times a week. Also fried chick peas/garbonzo beans.

    Roasted Brussel sprouts:
    Get fresh, half or quarter and drizzle with olive oil, I use about 1 TBLS for about 2 cups chopped up brussel sprouts. Sprinke with salt. Roast in oven at 400 degrees, set timer for 12 minutes, shuffle/turn/mix up and roast another 10 minutes. If you need a little added flavor to start getting used to eating brusses sprouts a little butter will really make them outstanding. My 7 year old likes the blackened leaves, she calls them french fries and now I peel quite a few leaves just for her.

    Garbonzo beans
    Rinse and drain a can of garbonzo beans, in garlic and olive oil saute in pan until dried out some, they will pop and sizzle a bit, they will get slightly browned, season with paprika and salt.

    I too am in the moderation camp of course it can be hard, also you don't have to change everything all at once, focus on one item master it move onto another. Once you are losing it can be motivating to make more changes to keep losing. I also like to eat as much as possible and find by eating healthier alternatives I can eat more of them, for me more is better :smile:
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    I personally wouldn't cut it out. You can eat fast food, chips, chocolate, pop, candy, etc while losing weight. Just lower the portion and don't consume it as often. I don't like cutting anything out as i would rather learn to eat the things I love but in a better way.

    Agree with this. Everything in moderation. I cannot live without chocolate or a glass wine on a Saturday. So I have them but they fit into my calories and its great. I try and eat ok during week. Life to short to deprive yourself of a little naughtiness every now and again!!
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    I guess no Pop-Tart Ice cream sammiches for you.

    Never had a pop tart :P

    You have not LIVED until you have a POP TART ICE CREAM Sammich
    I suggest you go out and make one Today. Not Asking.. DO IT!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    see I told you I wasn't meaningless even though you deleted me because you thought I was.