Yo-yo dieting?

Hi! I've lost 15 lbs total so far on my journey. The bad news is that in the past 3 months my weight hasn't budged and it refuses to go anywhere below 161 lbs.
I heard that yo-yo dieting could possibly help? Where you eat, for example, 1300 net calories for 3 days but then on the 4th day you eat 1800 net cal and repeat
I believe it's supposed to rev my metabolism into action and I'm considering doing it to see if it works. I was just wondering what you think about this dieting?


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    It can work. It's calorie cycling though... yo you dieting is when you go on crash diets, lose weight, gain weight, diet again.

    Switch up your exercise. Go longer, higher intensity, different exercise. Try eating at maintance for a week or two. That can help.

    Also, not consistantly eating enough can hurt you too
  • elkrisle
    elkrisle Posts: 5 Member
    THAT'S what it's called! THANK YOU. I knew it wasn't actually yo-yo dieting..
    I've just recently switched up my routine and hopefully it'll put a dent in my plateau, so thank you! (:
    And no worries on eating enough, I eat quite a lot haha
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Are you properly measuring all liquids? Weighing all foods? Tracking everything?

    In the past when my weight loss had slowed I went back to basics. I made sure I was weighing every bit of food I ate and measuring all liquids. I found that even foods that have a cup measurement listed as serving size actually come out to weight more than the grams listed. My oatmeal, for the 1/3 cup serving, actually weights 10grams more than what it should. A scoop of my protein powder weights more than it should.
  • elkrisle
    elkrisle Posts: 5 Member
    I sure am, everything I eat is tracked down, and most of the time I track a bit more than what I consume just in case there are extra calories I don't know about.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I sure am, everything I eat is tracked down, and most of the time I track a bit more than what I consume just in case there are extra calories I don't know about.

    Undereating can hurt you as well. Track what you eat. Weigh and measure what you eat.