How many push-ups can you do?



  • ShawnNhGa1977
    ShawnNhGa1977 Posts: 56 Member
    total or overall? total about 400 but not in a row throui gotta stop everyone once in a while to cutch my breathe but if you give me a little time i can do 400 push ups no lie
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I can do 18 now which is a lot better than 3 months ago when I could barely do a "girl" one. My upper body strength sucks.
  • total or overall? total about 400 but not in a row throui gotta stop everyone once in a while to cutch my breathe but if you give me a little time i can do 400 push ups no lie
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Check out this site or their app...I'm up to 87 total in 5 sets!

    I've been following this for about 6 weeks...I'm still doing modified (knee) pushups, but on the first day I could barely manage 15 in total...on Saturday I did 196 :bigsmile: Not bad for 6 weeks!

    Good for you!

    BUT, if you can do 196 modified push-ups, you can do full push-ups for sure.

    My trainer always makes me do full push-ups until 'failure' then modified until failure... I hate it when someone walks in and see's me struggling with the modified push-ups.
  • vlmay1955
    vlmay1955 Posts: 100 Member
    I do 150 "boy" push-ups in sets of 25 on my upper-body strength training days (2 or 3 times/week).
  • bleis71
    bleis71 Posts: 22
    Most at one time was 81 (in the service) Most in 15 minute time frame was 200 (Basic training mail call) Most in a day was 375 (feet on park bench doing morning PT in Germany with a psychotic, but great, platoon sergeant) LOL Haven't done a push up in 15 years, but plan on getting back into it
  • mjm9003
    mjm9003 Posts: 30 Member
    Three sets of 10.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    this video gives you too much of a pause with this down up stuff...
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    Sadly, zero. :(

    Carpal tunnel in right hand, my wrist has been screwed up on my left for a while. I tried to do some today and I couldn't even support myself. ;-;
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    Today I did 1 set of 20 and 2 more sets of 15 on the toe push ups :)
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    3 x 8-10 full push ups. It's been a battle to get even to this point.
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    17full push ups. (:
  • smkey
    smkey Posts: 121 Member
    Squeeze your butt and focus on holding everything in your core tight when you're doing them. And speed is your friend!
    So it's like sex then...

  • MissPhy6
    MissPhy6 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a 1st degree blackbelt in tae kwon do and we had to perform a push up challenge at our last belt test. I did 43 in 60 seconds -- all on my toes.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    I used to do 120-140 at once for my army PT tests, training for push ups is really just to keep doing them. I do a set of 50 twice a day now.
    There are tricks to do them.
    for example changing your hand position can allow you to change which part of your muscles are used. this can buy you a few more reps when you think you are burnt out. Start with your hands pointing straight when you get tired turn them out a little, when you get tired turn them slightly in. Moving them wider and closer can do this as well.

    Feet position matters, together or spread apart makes a difference. I like my feet together but you may do well with a little space between them.
  • Mickers36
    Mickers36 Posts: 84 Member
    I am pleading the 5th. Lol I can still do that if I don't live in the US right? LOL
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    meaning if someone posed me with my arms out in front of me on the ground I THINK i could make it to the ground without just simply falling to my face the moment they let go. at least that's what i think.
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    Regular: None
    Modified girly knee pushups: about 10
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I used to do 120-140 at once for my army PT tests, training for push ups is really just to keep doing them. I do a set of 50 twice a day now.
    There are tricks to do them.
    for example changing your hand position can allow you to change which part of your muscles are used. this can buy you a few more reps when you think you are burnt out. Start with your hands pointing straight when you get tired turn them out a little, when you get tired turn them slightly in. Moving them wider and closer can do this as well.

    Feet position matters, together or spread apart makes a difference. I like my feet together but you may do well with a little space between them.

    I move my feet further apart as I get fatigued. I think with wider spread legs/hands it's easier.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Squeeze your butt and focus on holding everything in your core tight when you're doing them. And speed is your friend!
    So it's like sex then...

    maybe if youre in jail
  • 0. I'm about to start working on that though.
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
  • Talleifer
    Talleifer Posts: 44 Member
    About 5 years ago I was up to about 87 pushups in one set. One day I did 6 sets of 50 pushups within a couple of hours. Now, however, I've let myself get out of shape but the past 2 months I've been doing well. I've only done pushups for warm ups before a chest workout though, so I don't know how many I can do right now. I usually do one set of 25-30 before doing bench press or incline chest press with dumbbells. I would test myself right now, but I already did a pretty good upper body workout today :)
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I can do about 2 and a half fake lady-push ups. Jealous?


    I can do about 10 (kitchen counter) push-ups.
    And I'm scared to death that I'm going to slip and knock my teeth out!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Finally, 45 Girl /20 mens

    This actually took me a month too perfect. I had an ankle injury for the past month and I had too resort too the Girl ones, but Im back too 100% now and loving it
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    13 complete push-ups. Yay me!
    Couldn't do 5 six months ago.
  • I'm 43 and I can do 10 real push-ups. Any more and my form starts to go south. I'm actually pretty proud of that. I don't know understand the reference people are making to lady and man or girl and boy push-ups. I'm talking about a push-up where your spine is straight and you are on the tips of your toes.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    A million.
  • A million.

    Teach me your ways.
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