help!!!! binged last night



  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    i know how you feel,, my problem is i wont take enough to eat at work when i get home im starving,, so then im scarfing down everything in site,, thats a horrible feeling...
  • lilolite
    lilolite Posts: 3
    I know it sounds silly!! It worked for me , but chug a class of water and go back to bed.
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    It's okay. It will happen. I just ate 3/4 of a can of Betty Crocker's Whipped Milk Chocolate Icing for breakfast. Total emotional eating binge. But, I know what I need to do to stop it. I have to want to. And it can be very difficult to do when food makes you happy. But, there are types of nocturnal eating disorders-you can even eat when you sleep walk. A sleep study will help find that out. At least you can figure out what to do once you know what is going on for sure. Keep trying, it takes awhile to rewire the brain and make new and better habits.
  • sagithia
    sagithia Posts: 135 Member
    Been there, done that.... over and over again. You have to control yourself, when you wake up in the middle of the night, drink 2 cups of water and decide if it is worth it to ruin your hard work during the day. I keep a current picture of myself on the fridge and a picture of my goal dress/bikini there too to keep me thinking about it.

    Don't kill youraself over this, give it time and move on!
  • suzyq1319
    suzyq1319 Posts: 14
    Thanks! I'll be trying this tonight.
  • suzyq1319
    suzyq1319 Posts: 14
    Thanks for the support and advice. I'm out to buy a 32 oz water bottle! I know that water is crucial for our bodies , I just never feel thirsty.
  • Hey Dont beat yourself, keep on going!!:smile:
  • suzyq1319
    suzyq1319 Posts: 14
    WOW!!! All of you are awesome!!! I feel like I have support for once. This is a really cool feeling to see that so many people understand where I am at. Yes, I have lost weight! I finally had it with all the excuses. My blood pressure was through the roof, my doc kept increasing my meds, I was a smoker , going through divorce, a perfect storm. Then, I just said I want to be healthy. This is the only body I'm going to have. I stopped smoking a year ago, my blood pressure started going down, DUH! of course it would. I knew that I was going to have those days where I was going to go overboard. I brought in some exercise, I decided to try a spinning class which I love! and I also I wanted to relieve some stress. I just get bummed sometimes.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I used to have this problem. The key is: 1 - don't keep junk food in the house at all. 2) make sure you have a little of smething you like each day so that you don't feel deprived. I know it's hard but you can overcome it. One day at a time.
  • suzyq1319
    suzyq1319 Posts: 14
    It's kind of hard not to have captain crunch cereal in the house , I have a teenage daughter lol! but, your right if it's not in the house , I wouldn't be eatig it, and I wouldn't leave at 2 or 3 in the AM to pick up junk food. And yes, one day at a time... Thanks
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