Stop doing SQUATS!



  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    Do you do sumo squats? Those if done properly are very easy on the knees. I have arthritis and no cartilage in knees and I can do sumo squats no problem. Proper form of course to have your knees follow direction of your toes. Do not go too deep. My son is a personal trainers and worked with me on proper technique and now knees don't hurt at all.
  • rnprincess
    rnprincess Posts: 103 Member
    I am not sure of your age or how overweight you are or any previous injury/trauma to your joints/knees (these all factor in)
    IMO here are some things to consider:

    1.What is your relationship with your doctor-does he know you and your history well, is he up-to-date with current evidence-based practices and do you trust his advice?
    2. Depending on the above, you may want to see an orthopedist.
    3. Are you icing after your work-outs? Ice and a non steroidal anti inflammatory such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen (alleve) will help
    4. Topicals such as Biofreeze are great both pre and post workout
    5. Supplements such as Glucosamine do work for cartiliage but if this is not the issue they won't really help

    Finally, you may just need to rest from the squats as you could have an overuse injury. There are additional exercises to strengthen your thighs so that the muscles, tendons and ligaments surrounding the knee get stronger to take some of the pressure off the knees.
  • TwinkiesNKetchup
    I haven't read all the input so if I repeat what other's have said, I'm sorry BUT you really should take your doctor's advice. Hurting is your body's way of telling you to rethink. Give your body some time to heal. Once you're completely heeled then I would recommend having someone who knows what they're doing watch you do your squat to insure you're doing it properly. You can also do some exercises to build up to squatting, since this movement is a tender one for you :) Over all exercise is not fun if it hurts (besides you know the after burn lol!)

    Good luck, believe me, when you're my age you're going to want those knees healthy! I have never had a knee injury (thank you God!) but they hurt like the ****ens walking down stairs and I'm only 48!! :smooched:
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    Doctors will always tell you to stop doing what hurts...common sense really.
  • RedfishGuy
    RedfishGuy Posts: 47 Member
    I really, really, really don't want to stop doing squats

    Substitute "banging my forehead into a wall" for the phrase "doing squats".

    To paraphase with the new wording:

    My doctor says I should stop until the bruise on my forehead heals, but I really, really, really don't want to stop banging my forehead into a wall.

    In the case above, you would no doubt listen to your doctor.

    edit: Likely, you have tendonitis from overuse. I get it in my left elbow on ocassion from pushups. Take some ibuprofen, lay off of it for 2 weeks, and you're good to go.
  • ddeleonm09
    ddeleonm09 Posts: 93 Member
    I really, really, really don't want to stop doing squats

    Substitute "banging my forehead into a wall" for the phrase "doing squats".

    To paraphase with the new wording:

    My doctor says I should stop until the bruise on my forehead heals, but I really, really, really don't want to stop banging my forehead into a wall.

    In the case above, you would no doubt listen to your doctor.

    Lmao! Well put.
  • celticminx
    celticminx Posts: 10 Member
    … exercising I started to notice some knee pain... I asked the doctor today and he said I should stop doing too many squats for now and do more lower impact exercises… He said losing weight is best and then start doing strength exercises… Is there anything else I can do?

    You got a lot of responses so I don’t know if you are still monitoring replies, but I just had to give my two cents anyway as it might help others with similar issues.

    I also have knee issues but I’ve been down this road before so let me share my previous experience. I HATE to exercise but love to dance yet this is still relatable. When I got the weight loss bug last time I was surprised to find myself dancing in my room for an hour or more just for the pleasure of it. After a week or two the pain in my right knee became more pronounced so I learned to modify my dance moves (which was hard for me because I love to shake it) and I started walking more. Before I knew it the pounds melted away and I realized one day that my knee didn’t bother me anymore when I had to take the stairs at work. This freed me to shake my booty the way the music lead me to do as well as allowing me to start lower body strength training.
    **Note: When this occurred I too what 200+ lbs. Everyone is different but I stopped having issues with my knee after about a 30 lb. loss.

    Moral of this story?
    1. Listen to your doctor. Not liking what a doctor is telling you and feeling they are wrong are two different things. Only you can determine that. If you do feel that strongly that they must be wrong get a second opinion if it will ease your mind.
    2. Most of all listen to your body. Only you will hear what it’s telling you but you have to open your eyes and come to terms with what it’s telling you or you will give yourself a serious injury with time. Your body is the best judge of how much stress /strain it can take. Not a trainer or any other being, just YOU.

    That being said I did see some other advice here that I will take under consideration for my own use, so a big THANK YOU to all of you!
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Hopefully I got your attention lol. I need some input. So a few weeks after I started exercising I started to notice some knee pain...mostly in my left knee. It wasn't too bad so I just ignored it. I started doing a March Squat challenge and have since noticed that the pain has tremendously increased and now in both knees. I have double-checked on my form and it's fine. My weight is all in the back of my heels and knees are NEVER past my toes. I started taking glucosamine and a multivitamin, but still didn't feel any relief. I asked the doctor today and he said I should stop doing too many squats for now and do more lower impact exercises such as walking and swimming. He said losing weight is best and then start doing strength exercises. I really, really, really don't want to stop doing squats and much less stop doing P90x (which is an awesome workout by the way). Is there anything else I can do? Maybe a supplement?

    I'm in a similar situation. I'm trying to do pullups and have a shoulder injury. So I've stopped and I'm going to see an Orthopedic doctor. Maybe you can find one that specializes in knees?
  • ddeleonm09
    ddeleonm09 Posts: 93 Member
    … exercising I started to notice some knee pain... I asked the doctor today and he said I should stop doing too many squats for now and do more lower impact exercises… He said losing weight is best and then start doing strength exercises… Is there anything else I can do?

    You got a lot of responses so I don’t know if you are still monitoring replies, but I just had to give my two cents anyway as it might help others with similar issues.

    I also have knee issues but I’ve been down this road before so let me share my previous experience. I HATE to exercise but love to dance yet this is still relatable. When I got the weight loss bug last time I was surprised to find myself dancing in my room for an hour or more just for the pleasure of it. After a week or two the pain in my right knee became more pronounced so I learned to modify my dance moves (which was hard for me because I love to shake it) and I started walking more. Before I knew it the pounds melted away and I realized one day that my knee didn’t bother me anymore when I had to take the stairs at work. This freed me to shake my booty the way the music lead me to do as well as allowing me to start lower body strength training.
    **Note: When this occurred I too what 200+ lbs. Everyone is different but I stopped having issues with my knee after about a 30 lb. loss.

    Moral of this story?
    1. Listen to your doctor. Not liking what a doctor is telling you and feeling they are wrong are two different things. Only you can determine that. If you do feel that strongly that they must be wrong get a second opinion if it will ease your mind.
    2. Most of all listen to your body. Only you will hear what it’s telling you but you have to open your eyes and come to terms with what it’s telling you or you will give yourself a serious injury with time. Your body is the best judge of how much stress /strain it can take. Not a trainer or any other being, just YOU.

    That being said I did see some other advice here that I will take under consideration for my own use, so a big THANK YOU to all of you!

    Thank you so much for your advice! I've never been a fan of walking, but after reading that walking helped you develop strength that gives me much more motivation to start. A big thank you! :)
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    In addition to Glucosamine, you can take MSM and Chondroitin. Their purpose is to add lubrication to the joints and build up the connecting tissue and cartilage. However, all of these supplements are most often intended for those who suffer from Arthritis or for those who have a family history of Arthritis. If you're doing squats primarily to strengthen your core, then Yoga is an incredibly good substitute or precursor to heavy squats and lunges. I've been doing Yoga for about three months now, and the difference in my flexibility, balance, and especially my core strength is remarkable. I began with one session a week; now I do four sessions a week and I really enjoy it. I've gone from a 39-inch waist to a 35-inch waist since starting Yoga in late December 2012. I have realized many more health benefits from Yoga too. It's a well-rounded and safety-oriented workout with just a few unladen (without weights) squats and lunges added into each class. The session is slow with deliberate motion and intentional flow to focus on safety, form, and core muscle development. Usually, the first class is free as a guest trial. So just try it and see for yourself.
  • ddeleonm09
    ddeleonm09 Posts: 93 Member
    I take Chondroitin as well, but it's only been about a week. So I have a long way to go before I feel any effects lol. I've tried yoga, but I'm not a huge fan of it either.

    Does anyone know if Zumba would be ok to do?
  • aliencheesecake
    aliencheesecake Posts: 570 Member
    You could try to half-squats... Like, in 30 day Shred there are a few exercises where you go into a half sitting squat and just use the tension to build muscle strength, while also doing arm or back exercises to work in small muscle groups.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hopefully I got your attention lol. I need some input. So a few weeks after I started exercising I started to notice some knee pain...mostly in my left knee. It wasn't too bad so I just ignored it. I started doing a March Squat challenge and have since noticed that the pain has tremendously increased and now in both knees. I have double-checked on my form and it's fine. My weight is all in the back of my heels and knees are NEVER past my toes. I started taking glucosamine and a multivitamin, but still didn't feel any relief. I asked the doctor today and he said I should stop doing too many squats for now and do more lower impact exercises such as walking and swimming. He said losing weight is best and then start doing strength exercises. I really, really, really don't want to stop doing squats and much less stop doing P90x (which is an awesome workout by the way). Is there anything else I can do? Maybe a supplement?

    Did your doc say that you have osteoarthritis? There are supplements that you can take. I take them and I have experienced a lot of healing in my very arthritic knees. Glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM supplements don't help everyone. I have gotten a LOT of relief from egg shell membrane supplements. Also, of all the herbals, I have found the kitchen spice, turmeric and the pineapple plant extract, bromelain to be very effective anti-inflammatories. There are combination turmeric and bromelain supplements to be had.

    In general, you want to avoid all junk food--especially while healing. Eat your veggies for your mineral levels---especially cooked spinach. Staying properly hydrated is extremely important.

    I lift weights but the only cardio I do is in the pool---very healing. Most public pools have various pool fitness classes from beginners to "aquatic boot camp" (I've watched--it is pretty brutal). :smile: I don't do squats but I do everything else. Maybe I'll get to squats eventually (but I am, after all, 65 so realistically, I need to be content with what I can do). Weight loss is the single best thing you can do for your joints. That and strengthening exercises to stabilize the joints. They do all of this during pool exercise. One last thing is that you might want to get a podiatrist to check over your feet and your gait characteristics. When I started to have trouble with my right foot, I went to a podiatrist who prescribed custom-fitted orthotics for my shoes and that has made my foot pain go away along with heel and knee pain. Good luck! :smile:
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Why take all the supplements and pills? Just follow your doctor's advice and quit with the squats for awhile. Definitely take the supplements to assist in alleviating a prior health problem which I suspect you probably have. Also, get input from a professional about how to do squats or for alternatives because while you say that you are doing it right, something here is amiss and it's best to check all the bases..

    I used to think I had "bad" knees.. started doing squats and I never think about knees (up until this topic came up). When squats are done properly, particularly with weights, they improve your knee health not the opposite.
  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I really, really, really don't want to stop doing squats

    Substitute "banging my forehead into a wall" for the phrase "doing squats".

    To paraphase with the new wording:

    My doctor says I should stop until the bruise on my forehead heals, but I really, really, really don't want to stop banging my forehead into a wall.

    In the case above, you would no doubt listen to your doctor.

    edit: Likely, you have tendonitis from overuse. I get it in my left elbow on ocassion from pushups. Take some ibuprofen, lay off of it for 2 weeks, and you're good to go.

    this is by far the best advice given here! Love it! And so true.
  • ddeleonm09
    ddeleonm09 Posts: 93 Member
    Hopefully I got your attention lol. I need some input. So a few weeks after I started exercising I started to notice some knee pain...mostly in my left knee. It wasn't too bad so I just ignored it. I started doing a March Squat challenge and have since noticed that the pain has tremendously increased and now in both knees. I have double-checked on my form and it's fine. My weight is all in the back of my heels and knees are NEVER past my toes. I started taking glucosamine and a multivitamin, but still didn't feel any relief. I asked the doctor today and he said I should stop doing too many squats for now and do more lower impact exercises such as walking and swimming. He said losing weight is best and then start doing strength exercises. I really, really, really don't want to stop doing squats and much less stop doing P90x (which is an awesome workout by the way). Is there anything else I can do? Maybe a supplement?

    Did your doc say that you have osteoarthritis? There are supplements that you can take. I take them and I have experienced a lot of healing in my very arthritic knees. Glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM supplements don't help everyone. I have gotten a LOT of relief from egg shell membrane supplements. Also, of all the herbals, I have found the kitchen spice, turmeric and the pineapple plant extract, bromelain to be very effective anti-inflammatories. There are combination turmeric and bromelain supplements to be had.

    In general, you want to avoid all junk food--especially while healing. Eat your veggies for your mineral levels---especially cooked spinach. Staying properly hydrated is extremely important.

    I lift weights but the only cardio I do is in the pool---very healing. Most public pools have various pool fitness classes from beginners to "aquatic boot camp" (I've watched--it is pretty brutal). :smile: I don't do squats but I do everything else. Maybe I'll get to squats eventually (but I am, after all, 65 so realistically, I need to be content with what I can do). Weight loss is the single best thing you can do for your joints. That and strengthening exercises to stabilize the joints. They do all of this during pool exercise. One last thing is that you might want to get a podiatrist to check over your feet and your gait characteristics. When I started to have trouble with my right foot, I went to a podiatrist who prescribed custom-fitted orthotics for my shoes and that has made my foot pain go away along with heel and knee pain. Good luck! :smile:

    Nope, no osteosarthritis. Thanks for the tips on the food! I actually had some yummy veggies for lunch. Tasty and beneficial. :)
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    For now stop with squats until your knees feel better. Adding Fish Oil may help .

    Does fish oil really work? I've tried to research it, but I haven't found too much info on that.

    Ive been taking it for a couple of months and it hasnt done alot pain wise for me. Memory seems alot better though lol

    So with my pain I have started doing a five minute warm up on the bike and that seems to of settled it down also Im guessing age has something to do with my pain been exercising on treadmills etc for years upon years so mine could be wear and tear..
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    DD ... I agree, for now stop and rest your knee and let it heal.

    For me, I too have knee issues because I had surgery on my right knee many years ago.

    20-30 minutes before I workout I rub Aspercream ( on my knee. It really does help! BTW I also use it on off days ... when my knee feels a bit sore, swollen, etc.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I take Chondroitin as well, but it's only been about a week. So I have a long way to go before I feel any effects lol. I've tried yoga, but I'm not a huge fan of it either.

    Does anyone know if Zumba would be ok to do?

    Zumba is a very HIGH impact workout ... so if you have bad knees you still need to wait for the healing to take place and then modify the workout to suit your needs.
  • abbyrae1
    abbyrae1 Posts: 265 Member
    as I"m sure others have mentioned....
    make sure your knees aren't going inward, your upper thighs should be parallel with the floor, knee bent at a 90 degree angle, thighs parallel with each other.

    add fish oil to your supplements, this can help lubricate your joints. Also try icing/elevating when you are don with a workout. I would try to skip squats and any other exercises that cause pain for the time being. Swimming is a treat way to get some cardio in and will have less of a harsh effect on your knees than even walking.

    heal fast!