hello world!!! lol

my name is cynthia i am 26 years old with three kids and i am 185 in weight my goal is 145 wish me luck!!! i dnt even know where to begin because i am a soda fan .... i cant stop tommo i will start with no soda ... its gonna be weird because i have soda everyday !!! i am scaredddd i dont like juice or water.....ughhh lets goo


  • cpreston84
    cpreston84 Posts: 8 Member
    Good luck :) I'm just starting out too.

    Charlotte :flowerforyou:
  • Hi! I used to be a soda drinker and it's hard to cold turkey it but I did. Maybe if you substitute with a water and a crytsal light powder. You might be bored with just water to begin with. Soda has caffeine so you might need a tea or coffee for some caffeine to get over the hump. Good Luck!!!
  • lola978
    lola978 Posts: 5
    thanks ladies i am going to do my best :)
  • I use to drink 2-3 3 liters a day of sugar filled soda everyday. I was addicted to it, when I opened my last 3 liter I would start worrying about getting more. Now if I drink any at all its diet. I stopped craving it, I hope you do too. :flowerforyou:
  • lola978
    lola978 Posts: 5
    i am going to go with the crystal light to see .. thanks
  • Twistedlime
    Twistedlime Posts: 8 Member
    Hey!! Best of luck! It's gonna be difficult, but you can do it!!! :happy:
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    Welcome Cynthia, I'm sure you will be successful. You can try club soda, and put a splash of juice in it to give it flavour.
    You still get the satisfying fizziness that you don't get with water and only a small amount of juice so not too much sugar or calories. It's a nice compromise.
  • lola978
    lola978 Posts: 5
    thank you i appreeciate the supoort i have here never had that i think i am going to like this lol :):flowerforyou:
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    switch to beer....after a few, you just don't even care anymore! :wink:

    kidding of course....wish you luck. I still drink the once a month 12oz dr pepper and I used to drink 4-5 of those a day. Sobe lifewater and tea now.
  • lola978
    lola978 Posts: 5
    thanks nate lol hahaha