Any good lunch ideas? Calories around 300-350



  • Sugasnaps
    Sugasnaps Posts: 7 Member
    Oh! Another go-to lunch or dinner for me is Trader Joe's Chicken Gyoza with a side of edamame. Total calories for the meal is 300 calories. The Gyoza for 7 dumplings is 200 calories and a side of Edamame is 100. Super filling and tasty too.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    I grill chicken breasts on the weekend so they're ready to grab and go. Then I just mix them with a pack of sauced vegetables..
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    Lately I've been doing high fiber wraps with about 3 oz of deli chicken/turkey, mustard, a slice of bacon, a slice of tomato, couple of lettuce leafs (leaves?), and a slice of cheese. That comes out to just under 200 calories, tack on an orange (or similar) and you've got just about 300. My diary is open if you want to check it out.

    That sounds super good!
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    I cook a chicken breast night before in some garlic powder and then throw it in silver foil in the morning and put it in a container with some peppers sliced. Yum and simple! But thats me :P
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    I eat a HUGE salad with about 4-5 oz of protein on it, with egg whites, veggies, and low fat dressing. It's so much and around 350 cals. It fills me up!!

    This is almost identical to what I'm eating at this very moment for a late lunch! I love Spinach salads. :smile:
  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    For work, when it isn't always convenient to pre-make something, I have some frozen meals that I really like. They are from the brand "Amy's," and they're quite good. They fall in that 290 - 390 calorie range for most of them. Some of the flavors I like best are: Brown Rice & Vegetables; Mexican Casserole; Black beans & tortilla; Santa fe enchilada, and brown rice; Black-eyed pea, and vegetable. They work well at work, because I just microwave them for 5 minutes and they're ready. (My work has a fridge/freezer, so I just bring some every couple of weeks and store them.) They don't seem highly processed, and they're very tasty.
  • bitterbrownie
    homemade frittata/tortilla - here's one that serves 4 for 196 calories a slice! (and it's a healthy sized slice too :) )

    you can put practically anything in and it provides you with protein, carbs etc :) enjoy hot or cold
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    It is sandwich-y, but I have a Flatout flatbread with low sodium deli meat, a little mustard and veggie condiments (sometimes). Comes out to about 200-240. Then I have fresh or frozen veg, about 1-2 cups depending on hunger level. Way filling. Sometimes I use pre-cooked chicken breast in place of the deli meat...saves on sodium.
  • smiller212003
    smiller212003 Posts: 39 Member
    Me and my hubby bake bout 4 lbs of chicken on Sunday and take it for lunches all week. Just change up the side!

    4 oz grilled chicken with....

    - spinach, a sprinkle of feta and tomato, a piece of toasted bread. Homemade oil and balsamic to top!
    - sweet potato
    - kidney beans/black beans (we also cook those at beginning of week and keep on hand) topped with jalepenos and a sprinkle of shredded cheese
    - rice

    i pretty eat chicken everyday, witht he exception if i have leftovers from dinner to take. And i dont really get sick of it!
  • caoceanlover
    caoceanlover Posts: 46 Member
    I like to do leftovers, salads I make at home with hard boiled egg, chicken or shrimp and lots of good vegetables. Also, I have an all in one meal I like to make. It has a vegetable serving, a complex carb and plenty of protein. It usually keeps me full through dinner. It has 278 calories, 23 carbs, 9 fat, 26 protein and 6 fiber. The recipe is below.

    1/2 cup cooked bulgar wheat
    3-4 ounces cooked ground turkey
    1 and 1/2 cup zucchini (grilled without oil, I use pam)
    1 teaspoon sirachi chili paste.

    Mix it all up and eat warmed. Sometimes I add roasted red peppers as well which adds 6 calories and 1 carb.
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    I like the ready made salads at the grocery store, they are usually under 300 calories so add some fruit, cheese, or crackers. I also like cottage cheese with fruit, Greek yogurt with fruit, or veggies with hummus. I tend to avoid sandwiches because of the carbs, but I have found sandwich thins and bagel thins that are only about 100 calories and they make very good sandwiches. Sometimes I will do breakfast for lunch and make or get a breakfast sandwich.
  • CoachRJones
    Roasted Red Pepper and Goat cheeses sandwich with Melon salad
    1 sourdough roll
    1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
    1 ounce roasted red peppers (canned in brine)
    2 ounces cheese, goat, 50% less fat
    1/2 cup mixed salad greens
    2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
    1/4 cup honeydew melon balls
    1/4 cup cantaloupe melon balls, fresh or frozen
    1/4 cup grapes, seedless, fresh

    Brush each side of the roll with 1/4 teaspoon olive oil. Top the bottom half with the peppers, goat cheese and greens. Drizzle with balsamic and cover with remaining half of roll.

    Calories 300
    Protien 10g
    Carbs 44g
    Fats 10g
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    One of my current favorites...

    Pouch of pink wild caught salmon, mixed with Frank's Red Hot sauce used to fill a bell pepper (just cut the top off and scoop the seeds). It's only around 200 calories, so you could add a piece of fruit. Pretty filling (the pouch is a couple of servings but I eat it all), great on protein, C and fish oil but not much else (need a well rounded supper). Very easy to make. Biggest drawback is that current prices on bell peppers and salmon make this $5 or so...
  • S_Tr_S
    S_Tr_S Posts: 249 Member
    Yogurt with toppings, oatmeal with toppings, nuts, salad with lots of tasty stuff, chicken and beans... you can even get a veggie burger for about 300 calories. Omeletes are great, too. :)

    Seconding the oatmeal -- I like mine with added fresh fruit and it keeps me full all afternoon.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    Tuna salad on celery sticks! YUMM!
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I've been doing a lot of wraps lately:

    1 Low Carb, High Fiber Tortilla (80 Calories)
    Chicken slices (~100 Cal)
    A little bit of cheese (~20-70 Cal depending on type; Parmesan is what is only 20, but a slice of something is more like 70)

    And then depending on the day, I either mix Pesto or Buffalo Sauce in with the chicken, or I'll just pour a little bit of light Caesar dressing on.

  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    Baked cod or baked chicken breast, paired with steamed vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower are my faves).
  • Sugasnaps
    Sugasnaps Posts: 7 Member
    Oooh, yeah... that chicken wrap sounds good.

    I love home made tacos too. Super lean beef or ground chicken or turkey. Spice it up a ton or as little as you like. Just leave out the high fat stuff like sour cream, guacamole, and full fat cheeses. There are some really tasty light cheese out there.

    La Tortilla Factory makes a great low calorie (50 calories per tortilla) tortilla that turns a 2 taco dinner really awesome. I use 1 oz. of meat per taco and even using super lean beef it still comes in below 300 calories for the meal.
  • Sugasnaps
    Sugasnaps Posts: 7 Member
    Okay, that sounds really good! To the poster with the Melon balls.
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    A cup of cottage cheese with a bunch of veggies. A "banana boat"...1 slice whole wheat bread, 1 tbsp peanut butter wrapped around half a banana and a spinach salad with balsamic vinegar. Grilled chicken and fajita veggies (onions, peppers, tomatoes) wrapped in corn tortillas with salsa and a little avocado,