It's driving me nuts!!

I can't seem to meet my 1490 calories without going over sugar and or sodium. Ugh! What do I do?!

Eating fruits and vegetables aren't worth anything to me anymore because they just put me above my sugar goal and way, way, way below my calorie goal. Processed foods have a lot of calories, which it kind of what I'm looking for, but the sodium content is so high! I struggle to get to even 1000 calories without going over either sugar or sodium.

I'm stressed out... I need HIGH calorie, low sugar, low fat, low sodium foods.


  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Beans fit all of those categories (I think).

    I tend to not watch sugar too much. I do try to get sugar from fruits and vegetables instead of processed foods. You could probably google GI Index and find fruits/vegetables with a lower glycemic index that wouldn't have as much sugar.

    Processed food has SO much sodium. I find that I can stay under on sodium if I cook and don't eat caned food or eat out often... but you are right that the sugar is still high.

    You could also try for higher calorie items with good fat -- almonds and avocado both come to mind for that.
  • nroesler
    nroesler Posts: 81
    Try making your food diary public so we can take a look at your recent entries (my home - settings - diary settings - click public)
  • obifatkanobi
    obifatkanobi Posts: 190
    Try a protein shake.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Is it necessary for me to stay under my sugar/sodium intake? I know that before MFP, my mom lost over 70 pounds just by tracking in a little notebook. I'm pretty sure she only tracked calories and fat. Dieting is confusing sometimes. MFP makes it seem really complicated on some days. Sigh....
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Protein shakes would be loaded in sugar, wouldn't they?
  • StarryEyedGirl
    natural almonds, avacado, beans... I have a hard time hitting my goals too as far as sugar and sodium and so on. I stick with the weight watchers mind set and pay close attention to fiber calories and fat intake... need fiber, low fats and within my calorie range. if I get too much sugar and its not from processed sweet more from fruits I don't worry too much about that!

    good luck
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Protein shakes would be loaded in sugar, wouldn't they?

    not necessarily. you can make your own, i imagine there would be great recipes out there.

    my recommendation if you are super concerned with sodium and cals are different kinds of veggies and beans. also, potatos have a lot of calories, do you watch your carbs? also, mix veggies like peppers and lettuce with proteins like nuts, tuna, chicken.

    try not to stress too much. no one is perfect. plus, i have heard that drinking extra water when you go over your sodium helps out. just don't drink TOO much water, that isn't good either.
  • coopcatt
    coopcatt Posts: 1
    I dont typically watch my sugar as much as I watch my calories and fat. The natural sugars that you are going to find in fruits and veggies are simple and are going to burn first when you do any type of exercise. The ones you want to watch out for are the complex sugar like high fructose and such that are hard to burn (soda, candy, etc)
  • Rhonnie07
    Rhonnie07 Posts: 36
    try eating more homemade foods, You will not get away from the sodiums if you eat processed foods. You do need some fruits each day, along with your vegetables. high protein foods will give you the calories that you need. Watch your labels when purchasing foods.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    It's fruits and veggies that put me over my sugar all the time, and I actually have a problem with them being so low calorie. Lol. For example, I don't have the appetite to eat all this fruit when I could have something small and processed for just the same amount of calories. But, then all that processed food ends up making me go over my sodium. It's frustrating really, but thanks everybody for your help!

    I think I going to try and incorporate more beans and potatoes then. I actually love fruits and veggies, but have just been worried about the sugar. I'll try to focus more on what types of sugar I'm going over on.... Also, I think I might look into getting a protein powder. I'm perfectly satisfied at like 1000 calories a day and that keeps me under my goals, so I might just have to drink the rest of my calories.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    The sugar from fruits and vegetables don't count. Eat the fruits and veggies and just subtract the sugar. It is ok to go over as long as it is natural sugar, or so I've been told. I had the same exact problem... I was finding that if I ate a yogurt for breakfast, that meant I couldn't add carrots to my salad at dinner because it would put me over my sugar. That seems silly because it is! If you are eating something like ice cream, yes, every gram of sugar counts. But not so with fruits and vegetables.
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    try thinking life food plan...not instant gratification! think healthy food and healthy have already lost 35lbs and should be totally psyched!! thats great!! apparently what you are doing is working!!now.... which sounds more healthy.... processed high sodium food or fresh fruit & veggies....? hang in there and be patient! good luck
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I have the same problem. I can usually do great on everything but sodium and sugars. Yes I do (unfortunately) eat a lot of processed foods and that ruins my sodium. The sugars I get mostly from fruits that I eat.

    I did find a protein shake at wal-mart today called Muscle Milk. It has 230 calories, 11 carbs, 22 proteins, 360 sodium and only 3 sugars. Haven't tried it yet so I don't know how it will taste. I'm not a big breakfast eater and I had been using the slimfast shakes occasionally but they have a lot less protein and lots more carbs and sugars.

    Even so, I still know it's not the best way to go but sometimes I just need something quick and easy.
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    Body Fortress (walmart) makes a vanilla Whey protein powder that is delish! 140 cals 3 carbs, 2grms fat, 26grms protein, 65 sodium, 1 grm sugar. 1 scoop with water shake with ice. delish~~~ you want you can add vanilla yogurt or fruit, but i like just the water & the powder for a cheap cal/low sugar/ HIGH protein fix!!
  • studentRN
    studentRN Posts: 440 Member
    I agree with the majority of the posters here... eat your fruits and veggies... it's important for overall health and don't worry about the sugars.

    I don't know what you have your sodium goal set to but as long as you're under 2500mg per day, you're good if you drink enough water. Avoid so many processed foods if this is causing you to go over 2500mg. I eat a frozen entree for lunch 3 days a week when I work and it is a lot of sodium but I never have problems going over my 2500mg limit.

    As for protein shakes... I use Jay Robb's whey protein occasionally. Honestly I hate protein shakes, the smell, the taste, the texture... but this one I like. I use the chocolate, add a packet of decaf instant coffee, a packet of splenda and 8oz of low-fat milk. Tastes just like a cafe mocha and has 25g of protein!! By the way, this protein kind is only 110 cals for 25g protein and only 1 carb, it's sweetened only with stevia. I tried the strawberry the other day, it was good, I just added a packet of splenda and a tiny bit of vanilla extract... tasted like a real strawberry milkshake!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I'd worry about the sodium/fat/calories WAY more then the sugars - especially if all your sugars are coming from fruits. It's the sneaky sugar that is added to condiments and sauces that you want to track, plus straight up adding spoonfuls of sugar to cereal or things like that.
  • bebbjeb
    bebbjeb Posts: 134
    I agree with the posters who've said not to worry about your sugars if they come from fruit/veg/milk - ie natural sources, as those foods provide so many nutrients, vitamins and minerals which are essential for your body and your health. I would worry much more about sodium and would really try to cut all processed foods from your diet. Eating as cleanly as possible is really essential to your health and will help with weight loss too. Processed foods may give you the calories you are looking for but as you know they are loaded with sodium and practically void of vitamins and minerals.