I Always Relapse Please Save Me!!



  • Dont worry we've all dont it! but the first thing to keep in mind is don’t think of it as a diet but rather think of it as a lifestyle change. It's normal to want to eat a burger or want to eat pasta and that's fine as long as you don’t make it a routine. But you have to start small and the best way to do that is if you want a burger go get you a burger but don’t get a triple meat triple cheese (old personal favorite) get you a single or Jr. and only eat half the fries that way you get your craving out of the way and it wasn’t so bad on your “diet”. Eventually once all your good eating choices have taken over all your bad eating choices that’s when you will your new lifestyle. Everyone needs those “bad” meal's every once in a while to help you keep staying focused. Because if not you’ll start to feel like a junkie going through withdrawals and once you crack and get tired of your diet you’ll start eating every unhealthy delicious thing just so you can find just to get your fix (I know i did). There’s nothing harder quitting all your bad habit’s cold turkey that’s why so many people fall off the wagon the best thing to do is ease into it so you can stay on track. remember stay positive don’t get discouraged and theres always help here on the MFP.
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Rycka, and I have had no stickability in the past and I am SICK OF IT!! I am sooo ready to get this weight off (as if I have not said this before) but even more so now because I am fed up with quitting. I pray that I am able to stick with it this time, and hope to make some new friends in the process.

    Thanks guys, feels good to be back. ;)

    Habits are hard to break. You slip up because you haven't built the habits to support your weight loss. So best advice is start slow, do things that are fairly easy. Like exercise 10mins a day, eat 1 or 2 healthy meals a day and start there. Once that habit is solid, increase it, exercise a bit more add a 3rd meal etc... it takes time. Habits take time so be patient.

    Weight loss isn't a crash course.

    I agree with the guy above. For me I started working out first and then I started eating more healthy. The more weight that I noticed would come off the more I ate healthier. It has taken me almost 8 months to take off 30lbs but it was the only way that I knew would work for me. I still have a treat no and then but I find myself craving healthy foods, which I never thought would happen.
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    I completely understand as this is my umpteenth weight loss attempt. I've been successful before, but obviously not at the maintenance. I did somehting I haven't done before though, and made it through a 4 week plateau, normally I would have thrown in the towel as I was working my butt off (or trying to!) during that time. My advice is...don't think of this as a diet, think of it as a lifestyle change...really, I never use the word diet, I may just say that I'm no longer eating sugary foods, etc...set short term goals, such as I want to lose 10 lbs or so many inches by such and such date, when you reach that one, set a new one...find some exercising that you enjoy doing and do it a lot, I started out working out a min. of 1 hour a day and currently have some days I might do over 2 hours and some just 30 minutes but I try for an average of an hour a day...I have a goal dress that I have hanging on the outside of my closet door so I see it all the time...I make sure I have healthy food on hand at all times so that when I do want to stress eat, I can quickly find something low calorie....I log into MFP everyday and log EVERYTHING I eat, when I eat it if I can ( or I forget about those carrots, or apple and it can add up)...I am doing a weight loss contest, not that I expect to win, I just don't want to embarrass myself and come in last...I have lots of friends that know I'm doing this and check up on me in a nice way...try not to weigh all the time and don't worry about the number, remember this is about how you look, so when your clothes are looser and you're losing inches that's even more important than the humber on the scale (I have to remind myself of this all the time)...I have a longer term goal of wanting to look great when my daughter graduates in 2015 which will help me with the maintenance phase.

    I am no expert, just 9 weeks or so into this but I'm almost at 20 lbs loss and just feel like something has clicked this time that will make it work. Feel free to friend request me if you like, I enjoy encouraging others because I know how hard of a journey this can be! You can and WILL do this!!! :happy:
  • The key is figuring out why you fall of track. The person who said something about being too restrictive may have a point. Sometimes, that can ultimately lead you astray.

    For me, it's the perfectionism trap. If I don't eat PERFECTLY on a given day, I say to hell with it for the rest of the day and resolve to start again the next day. Until I screw up again. Then, I decide to start on the next Sunday or the next month or...

    Do you think you know HOW to eat well? Have you stopped and asked yourself why you're falling off the wagon? It's going to be different for everyone, but there are some good ideas here.
  • TaniaM2013
    TaniaM2013 Posts: 7 Member
    Good Luck and you can do it. Think Positive. (:
  • foxymama73
    foxymama73 Posts: 60 Member
    Honey, you are SO not alone!! I go on this roller coaster every year in January..I start out doing well, pounds drop, then I hit the plateau, get frustrated, give up, try again next year. This year I'm doing it and sticking to it...like so many others have said, don't be so restrictive in what you eat, don't beat yourself up if you go off the grid, try to fit in some type of physical fitness everyday, even if its walking (one of my faves), AND, focus on having positive people around you who may be trying to do the same thing. This site is great for that..ignore the naysayers, cuz there are a few of them too...Making minor switches in how u eat and move can make a major difference...it took me three months but I'm finally seeing double digit weight loss. One last thing, as someone else pointed out, set up a goal for yourself, or an incentive. My incentive is that I'm going on a cruise in June, among other things. Good luck, you can do it, and feel free to "friend" me :) Have an amazing day!!:flowerforyou:
  • Dont worry we've all dont it! but the first thing to keep in mind is don’t think of it as a diet but rather think of it as a lifestyle change. It's normal to want to eat a burger or want to eat pasta and that's fine as long as you don’t make it a routine. But you have to start small and the best way to do that is if you want a burger go get you a burger but don’t get a triple meat triple cheese (old personal favorite) get you a single or Jr. and only eat half the fries that way you get your craving out of the way and it wasn’t so bad on your “diet”. Eventually once all your good eating choices have taken over all your bad eating choices that’s when you will your new lifestyle. Everyone needs those “bad” meal's every once in a while to help you keep staying focused. Because if not you’ll start to feel like a junkie going through withdrawals and once you crack and get tired of your diet you’ll start eating every unhealthy delicious thing just so you can find just to get your fix (I know i did). There’s nothing harder quitting all your bad habit’s cold turkey that’s why so many people fall off the wagon the best thing to do is ease into it so you can stay on track. remember stay positive don’t get discouraged and theres always help here on the MFP.

    This! Baby steps. You're posting what so many of us has gone through at one point or another. At one point I got tired of starting over. Want to know how I did it? I stopped quitting. Even if I ate a bag of m&m's, it wasn't the end of the road. Over time you will develop healthier habits. This is a lifestyle change. No one gained weight overnight so it will take time to come off. Some journeys are longer than others but take every loss and every gain and every bump like you mean business. Its not easy, its not supposed to be. It won't kill you to have an off day as long as you don't make it a habit. Best wishes. Keep your head up.
  • escapeartist90210
    escapeartist90210 Posts: 56 Member
    Suffer now and enjoy later, when you something bad enough...chances are you'll get it.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Rycka, and I have had no stickability in the past and I am SICK OF IT!! I am sooo ready to get this weight off (as if I have not said this before) but even more so now because I am fed up with quitting. I pray that I am able to stick with it this time, and hope to make some new friends in the process.

    Thanks guys, feels good to be back. ;)

    It seems to me that the people most likely to quit are the ones that make big huge drastic changes at the beginning of their 'diet' (eliminating food groups and exercising like a maniac ect)...then they find it hard to sustain those changes for a long period of time and wind up crashing and burning. That being said - consider this a lifestyle change and take it and slow and easy. Establish a sensible calorie goal (no starvation diets!!), eat foods you love in reasonable portions, get some exercise. Keep it simple, there's always time to fine tune it later on as the weight starts to melt off!! Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I am totally with you! I have restarted and quit multiple times, it gets very frustrating. Finally a few weeks ago I threw all the junk in the house away. After eating healthy for a few days I'm not even craving the bad stuff anymore. And even if you relapse for one or two meals, don't take that as complete failure; pledge to restart immediately! Good luck!
  • Femmekid
    Femmekid Posts: 424 Member
    Here are a few things I've come to read, learn, and understand about weight loss and the journey that follows:

    1. It takes 22 days of doing something over and over for it to become a habit.
    2. You have to find the right reason for you to lose weight.
    3. You WILL have off days, but you have to just pick right back up and keep going.
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    Stick with it girl! You CAN do this. I will share my story with you: Hope it helps! :):flowerforyou:

  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Rycka, and I have had no stickability in the past and I am SICK OF IT!! I am sooo ready to get this weight off (as if I have not said this before) but even more so now because I am fed up with quitting. I pray that I am able to stick with it this time, and hope to make some new friends in the process.

    Thanks guys, feels good to be back. ;)
    :flowerforyou: :wink:
    what's that saying, something about it doesn't matter how many times you fall just how often you get back up again. Congrats and if you want to do it you will! You are welcome to add me if you'd like.
  • bushel
    bushel Posts: 8 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. It takes a couple of months to break old, bad habits. Hang on with all you've got for a month and you'll start feeling way more positive. Once you start feeling more energetic from eating healthy and exercise, you will also feel more motivated. Do not overdiet or over exercise expecting quick results. You're in this for life. My goal is 1 pound a week. (I am a TOPS member; weekly weigh-ins keep me accountable. Plus other members (now friends) provide great support.) Hang on! It's a great journey!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,369 Member
    My guess is when you get motivated you start with a very restrictive plan. That is a hard plan to follow for a long period of time. You can make healthy foods that taste good (admittedly less tasty than junk) and will leave you full. If whatever plan you follow leaves you constantly struggling with hunger it is doomed to fail. I also think it is important to think of this as a lifestyle change. Whatever plan you follow must fit your daily lifestyle from this time forward. Its not a diet. Nobody can tell you what will fit your lifestyle, so it is up to you to do some experimenting to learn to cook things you like and find activities that you can tolerate. You might even find exercises that you will learn to enjoy.

    Good luck

    ^^^^ excellent advice! Don't make it impossible and don't think of it as a diet.
    One of my favorite quotes is, "If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up."

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I have been the same as all the others posting here. It wasn't until I quit weight watchers and found this site that I finally understood I am not on a diet. I am learning to eat healthy and get my body to move. You don't start your life over every Monday, when you have a tough day you just keep moving forward. Eating healthy is the same thing. You have to eat every day. If you make a poor choice it doesn't mean you give yourself free reign to continue poor choices until monday rolls around. You wouldn't repeat the same bad day till Monday. Just pick your self up and keep on moving. Make the next meal healthy. Committ yourself to logging in here every day for support and motivation.

    Best of luck.
  • I can relate to your frustration SO MUCH !!!!! I know every trick in the diet book. I've gained and lost weight since I had my first child in at 29 in 1994. I'm now 48 and getting sick of the same yo yo pattern of dieting.

    Last fall I lost 20 lbs during a 100 day fitness challenge. I was heading towards my first 30 lb goal (overall goal is 70 lbs.) when (60 days into the challenge) my gall bladder spazzed out. After emergency gall bladder surgery, I was hit with the holidays...and between entertaining family and taking things slow in order to heal, the weight started to come back on.

    Not quickly. In fact, I KNEW perfectly well I could start back on the healthy track. But NO...I started to sabotage myself. But why? I had support, I was successful...why would I stop?!?!?

    I'm desperate to figure out the "what's messing with my head" part. So here's a new trick I'm trying:

    I like to journal. So myfitnesspal.com is my new go-to site at least once a day. I am not limiting my calories. I am allowing myself to "give in" to my cravings (for now). The only condition I'm putting on myself is to enter every morsel into my food journal every day. I want to see what time of day I tend to eat the least healthily, and to note what's going on in my head when I succumb to the comfort food.

    I've set a minimal goal to lose one pound a week, though I'm not even requiring myself to stay under the calorie allowance - YET. But I do want to see when I go over my calorie count. This is an experiment to find out what is causing me to not want to succeed.

    Do you want to join me in this slow, baby steps way back to health?

    Peace :flowerforyou:
  • Hello! I am Lisa. I KNOW what you mean! I have relapsed several times before. But i am finding that making the entries in the food area have kept me honestly REALLY thinking about what I eat. i am on a no MSG and Gluten free diet because of Chrones and Celiac's.. yes both. I had always eaten for comfort .. and made myself sicker.I was in the hospital a week in February and my dr said "time to change " So I did. Now I am paying attention and making better choices and feel much better after a week already. Hang in there!