Getting over myself



  • tldillard3
    tldillard3 Posts: 14 Member
    LOL!! Just wanted to say that I posted this to make myself be honest with myself. LOL!!! Not for attention. It's easy to just continue to lie to myself but I felt I should put myself on blast.
  • swissbrit
    swissbrit Posts: 201
    Whats the point of hiding things from yourself as you are not even fooling youself and the others dont matter :sad:
  • hetsergirls
    hetsergirls Posts: 1 Member
    Wow! I feel like I am reading my life right now but I didn't write it. I am not losing and getting so frustrated. But also not being honest with myself everyday either. I will start getting back on track and be honest with myself. Thanks for your post. It was mice to see I am not alone
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    LOL!! Just wanted to say that I posted this to make myself be honest with myself. LOL!!! Not for attention. It's easy to just continue to lie to myself but I felt I should put myself on blast.

    I don't think you're lying to yourself. It's your mouth, and you'd have to be blind and your tastebuds and nerve endings removed to not see and know what goes in it on a daily basis. I mean really, come on now. Give yourself more credit please.

    I think you're just not ready to restructure your diet because you might be afraid of it being too much work and that you won't be able to stick with it or whatever else it is you're afraid of, which is the real reason why you haven't made any true, lasting changes: Fear. And maybe some shame too regarding how far you've let yourself go. And/or guilt. All those fun things that regularly plague people and keep us bound up and inactive, always wishing, but never actually doing.

    MFP is a tool. As all tools go, you can use it beneficially for what it was intended to do (help you get on track every day) or you can manipulate it and continue to feed into your fears, in which case it won't do you any good whatsoever and you might as well not even start. Just being honest.

    Maybe instead of "weight loss" have your goal be "fat loss". Maybe instead of some general "I need to eat less" use MFP to help you keep track of your protein intake, or cut down carbs or whatever it is you need to adjust. Set your diary to private and nobody else has to know. Do this for yourself, by yourself, at your personal comfort level to help you get a grip. Bringing others in is optional around here.

    Yes, it will take time and energy because you'll have to become mindful of your intake instead of just ... ahem ... let me be straightforward here ... gluttonously stuffing your face with anything that happens to be in front of you and looks/smells good at the time. Beg pardon if that offended, but I'm a straight shooter and know no different, and you did say you had to get over yourself, so I'm just helping you along. :bigsmile:

    However, being mindful of your food choices and tracking them will take less time and energy than say, having to go to the doctor and pharmacy all the time to keep track of diabetes, or heart disease, or any of the other preventable lifestyle diseases we burden ourselves with.

    It's all a give-take, you know? Your current lifestyle is costing you something, else you wouldn't be here posting about wanting to make changes. I know this cause I've been in your shoes and was super scared of logging calories because I didn't think I could do it. Turns out, yes I can. I can find an exercise program that I love, too, and stick with it for more than 2 weeks. Whee!

    Like I said, I don't think lying to yourself is your true problem. There's other things going on. Cause ... been there, done that.

    It's just a decision. Make it, set yourself on that course, and then walk it out step by step, day by day. It doesn't have to be a major overhaul and it doesn't have to completely uproot your life. Make it manageable and realistic and readjust as you go along to make it work for you, that's the whole secret. :smile:
  • suzbaru
    suzbaru Posts: 37 Member
    1. Pre-plan your meals.

    Log in the night before and plan your meals for the next day or week. Think about errands you'll be doing, work, etc. Are you meeting people for dinner or lunch? Plan your calories around those events. I find it best to start with dinner and work my way up to breakfast.

    2. Keep healthy snacks available and ready.

    Nuts, fruit, yogurt, etc. When I get hungry and I'm running around, I grab almonds from my glove box and eat 23 kernels, which is one ounce and will tie you over. Just wait 10-20 mins and you won't be hungry after you eat them.

    3. Eat more low calorie large items. Veggies.

    Do you know how much 100 grams of spinach is?! It's A LOT. Cucumbers, celery, lettuce, etc. You'll feel like you are eating more but you'll be stopping the calories.

    4. Don't stress over it. Plan your meals so it won't happen again.
  • babyskunkles
    babyskunkles Posts: 86 Member
    As far as exercise goes, it doesn't have to be in the gym. Involve your children if possible. It's going to be nice weather soon, so it will be perfect to go out and walk with them. You could go to the park and play - anything burns more than sitting on the couch.:happy:
  • kaitthegr8t
    kaitthegr8t Posts: 28 Member
    Pre-logging has helped me. I map out my meals the night before (I just finished for tomorrow). Doing this helps me see how many calories I will consume throughout the day, it takes away the "gamble" of eating bad early in the day to make up for it later (because let's face it, we never do). Buy your produce local and fresh, it will force you to consume it before it goes bad. Also, find things that work for you. If you are busy and on the go, make yourself a shake in the blender before you close down your kitchen for the night and store it for the next day. Add ice in the morning and you are good to go! They make a great breakfast on the go, and are a great way to use any fruits and veggies that are about to go bad.

    Eat healthy! Eat healthy! Eat healthy! Time is not an excuse for poor eating habits. Good luck!
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    heres what i did ( please note what works for me may not you)

    i logged everything, once you visually see what youre eating either it will click it or wont

    i slowly started phasing all the junk out

    then i started cooking my lunches on sunday evening. i cook about 12 chicken breasts, then dice them up, add some steamed broccili, some cheese and put in the fridge.

    i create the recipe in mfp

    realise your weight didnt suddenly appear overnight and it sure as hell wont just disappear that quickly either

    once you start doing that and get in a pattern it becomes easier and easier
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    yeah... i hear you guys. It's pretty much what i was thinking. I already knew i should be honest with myself but the anger and guilt takes over most days. I guess I keep looking for a "fix" when I know what i really need to do is just DO it.

    Thankss for the encouragement!!!

    think we all deal with, or have dealt with, that same issue. It is part of why we found this site. I had to consciously fight that ugly voice in my head - all the guilt, threats or promises of failure, begging me not to even try... - I had to fight it every second of every day. For over a year before I finally feel in control of that damn voice. Now the inner voice tells me to keep going and I can do it! And forgive myself for missteps.

    If you start small - log every ounce of everything you put in your mouth. No expectations, just so you can see where you are. Once you see (after a week or so) you can identify small changes that will make a huge difference - eat a smaller portion of something, drink more water, no more soda (or less soda to start), serious junk food in very small portions or infrequently...You get to decide how you approach this and take it as fast or as slow as you need to. Remember, you are teaching yourself to be healthy after a lifetime of not being healthy. It takes time and patience and the ability to forgive yourself and move ahead anyway.

    Listen, if I can do this (and I did) YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!
  • __stacyb
    __stacyb Posts: 306
    Log everything! The only person your cheating is you, when you don't. Not wanting to see something in your diary is great motivation not to eat it, at least for me it is :)