women going the change

Is there any women out there going through the change of life? I am telling you I really believe the older you get and with the changes starting it is much harder to lose weight. I am wondering how you all feel about this. Is there a special way of eating that helps you lose. I hate it Even the weeks I have tracked everything and stayed in my calories I dont really lose. I think it was back in Jan I started and I have 6 pounds off. To me that is nothing really. I should have alot more then that off.
Anyways I am going back to my tracking tomorrow cause I have been off track with that and I also need to get back at walking.


  • morticiamom
    morticiamom Posts: 221 Member
    Oh man. I wake up at night heart pounding, sweating, feeling like I'm going to suppocate and die of heat. I hate it. I haven't really had much trouble losing weight, but I've noticed that the weight wants to hang around the belly much more than it did when I was younger.
  • smilingirisheyes
    smilingirisheyes Posts: 149 Member
    It's slower for me at 41 than it was at 29. I've just resigned myself to that and it's kind of lit a fire under me to get the rest of it off before it gets even slower.
  • shayemimi
    shayemimi Posts: 203 Member
    I am 46 and definitely going through the change...in my late 30's I started having REALLY heavy periods, then in my early 40's they started coming closer and closer together AND heavy. For the last couple of years I have had the worst night sweats, I wake up drenched. I've always been a heavy sweater, even in my teens when I was thin so I haven't noticed an increase in hot flashes,during the day, lol because I've always had them.

    Anyway,I lost a few pounds here and there but never stuck with any change of lifestyle for long enough and kept gaining the weight back. My Dr. told me often that it was going to be harder because of the hormones, but to just eat healthy and exercise and I could manage it... sure, lol. Well I finally got sick of the yo-yo ride and last June started CONSISTENTLY eating healthy and exercising, esp. stopped skipping meals and walking almost everyday in the summer and then the elliptical for daily exercise.

    Well, in July I had 2 of the HEAVIEST (scary!) periods of my life 2 weeks apart and then NOTHING for 4 months! WHA? lol This was so weird and so awesome!!! (my hubby was snipped about 10 years ago hehe so no scares there). The night sweats are still there but not as intense and I've had a couple days here and there of spotting every 3 or so months I think, but that's it so far.

    I haven't had any trouble losing weight during all this. I've often wondered if maybe the hormonal changes have also been HELPING me in this case, or if I just finally got determined enough to push through and get the ball rolling and keep it rolling. I do know that when I do have my t.o.m. I usually go up a pound or two for a few days, but then it comes off after. I also know I've had to find a balance between getting too few calories but few enough for me to lose. That will be different for everyone. Upping my exercise really helped me, even if it was just making sure I walk briskly every day. I also drink a TON of water.

    The best thing I can say is just keep going. It's got to work eventually if you are consistent and try to get most of your calories from fresh healthy unprocessed food. You get the most food for your calories that way, and you feel WAY better!!! :D

    Also, if you can ask your Mom what it was like for her. :)