Healthy recipes for lactose intolorant family???

so both my children and husband are lactose intolerant . i am having a heck of a time figuring out what to do recipe wise??


  • becki101_4
    becki101_4 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm lactose intolerant as well, and I've found that I can actually make most recipes out there with a few simple substitutions. Replace cow milk with soy (or almond, etc.) milk in baking. Goat cheese and yogurt are delicious tangy substitutes for cow cheese and sour cream. Make buttermilk by adding 1 Tbsp of white vinegar to 1 cup of soy milk and let sit for 5 minutes. The only thing I've found is that when making cream sauces (like for chicken pot pie) soy milk is very bad! Upon heating it gets cloyingly sweet and ruins the taste of the entire dish. Note that I use Silk Original soy milk, and you may not have that problem with the brand you choose to use. I've found that I eat a lot more Asian dishes now too, since so many of them naturally have no dairy, or they use coconut milk. So to sum up, with the right substitutions you can make all of the same dishes that you would with dairy products, and have none of the bloated gassy feelings that come with them :) Feel free to add me as a friend or message me for some detailed recipe ideas. Happy Cooking!