The Zumba Crew



  • henke
    henke Posts: 2
    I've been going to Zumba for 4 months now and would consider myself over addicted!! lol. Its the best thing ever. In that 4 months I have lost over 5 inches around my middle.

    My instructor is brilliant and any suggestions you give her she comes up with new routines. Tried other classes and they were such a disappointment.

    Classes are amazing cause you have the atmosphere as well.

    Well & truly in the Zumbette family
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I love Zumba! I have taken classes with several different instructors and have found some really awesome ones. I really enjoy the classes and that motivates me. It is a great workout.
  • Hi. I've only been to one Zumba class, but I loved it! Normally I'm checking the clock every few minutes during exercise, but I only looked at the clock twice during Zumba and that wasn't until the end (to make sure I was out on time, not because I wasn't having fun). I want to get the DVDs really bad. I noticed that Zumba is not on the database here, so how do you guys track it, or do you just not bother?
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE me some Zumba!! :happy: I am a dancer and teacher, so Zumba is just the right thing for me! We did have an ongoing class at my dance studio with an AMAZING instructor. Unfortunately, our instructor is moving to China. Yes, China! I have no idea what I'm going to do. I don't really have the time to get certified and teach, but maybe some time down the road. Just as everyone else I tried another class and was completely disappointed. The instructor had no rhythm, musicality, and looked uncomfortable doing the steps which was not motivating in the least. It’s unfortunate that the Zumba training does not test or even look at who they are certifying. They will just certify anyone that pays the money. And its those instructors that give Zumba a bad name. A friend of mine took from the "bad" instructor for her first time Zumba-ing and I had to let her know that "this really is not how it is!" She then came to my dance studio and got the 'real thing' and loved it! (She was a dancer too.)

    So, with my instructor moving to China, the hunt for a good instructor is on. Or I will just go and get certified myself. Anyways, Happy Zumba-ing!!!!

    There is a Forum for Zumba Instructors who are "ZIN Members" you might want to ask your instructor who is leaving if she is a member of this, and if so she may be willing to post that you're looking for someone.
  • Allieballie
    Allieballie Posts: 102
    Hi there! I just joined MFP. I'm a Zumba instructor and have been teaching for 2 years. Mind if I join in? :)
  • blueyedncrazy
    blueyedncrazy Posts: 15 Member
    Ive never done Zumba, but would like to try. Does anyone have a DVD they can burn for me?
  • Allieballie
    Allieballie Posts: 102
    I log Zumba in as 'dancing' or mid impact aerobics. When I teach, I burn around 800 calories per class. I definitely count it :)
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey Allie! We are glad to have you here! We are getting more instructors on this board every day! I have only taught zumba about 5 times, filling in for my old teacher, but that was back before my twins, and I am not yet certified. Working on that though!

    Blue eyed...I know that you can get the dvd for cheaper on Amazon, but I don't know if anyone knows how to, or would be willing to share the dvds that they paid for, so if anyone wants to take her up on that, you might want to do so privately, since it is copyrighted material.

    I am so glad that this group is growing. I will probably start another updated thread soon since this one is getting so long.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh I meant to also say that how many calories you burn during zumba can vary greatly depending on how high energy your class or moves are. I suggest getting a heart rate monitor with a chest strap to accurately count, BUT in general, if you are very energetic in your dancing (like you would be if you were teaching..not taking it easy on yourself at all) I used to burn up to 900-1000 cals per hour, however when I am taking it easy, I can burn as little as 450 per hour.
  • Allieballie
    Allieballie Posts: 102
    Thanks for the welcome and good luck on getting your certification. The certification process is fun and welcoming. It was literally a day long dance party, filled with information and support. :) You can do it!
  • SraArroz
    SraArroz Posts: 238
    I agree about how many calories burned are determined by level of effort. I've found that as I go to more classes, I learn the routines better and end up burning more calories. I am still not very good, but last Weds I burned 570 calories in class, and that's about 150 more than I burned the first time I went. I really think the difference is that I'm starting to learn the moves better and am getting into them more and moving better.

    I also have a HRM with a chest strap. Of course I've been to a couple of classes where I got so excited about the class I forgot to start it up and realized it at the end when I went to see how many calories I'd burned and it hadn't recorded anything.. :embarassed:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Just wanted to let everyone know that I am about to start a new thread for this group called "The Zumba Crew w/o 6-14"
    Come on over to that thread and join the conversation!
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