IBS, low FODMAP and eating enough

Hi All, following a really bad dose of norovirus I have had quite severe IBS, my GP was useless so I looked into diet and discovered the low FODMAP approach. I have been doing this since Friday and have seen a considerable improvement in symptoms.

However I really need some vegetarian meal suggestions ESP ones that have a decent number of calories and protein! I only just started logging again today so my diary won't really help you but I am not really looking to loose anymore weight, do lots of exercise and need around 1700 cals a day (I add exercise cals on to that btw) I am not feeling hungry as I guess my tummy is still somewhat unhappy but the bonus of logging is I know when I eat too little ..

Help and fellow fodmapper a please


  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    Hi there, I have only just started on a Low FODMAP diet. Mine is on top of being gluten and dairy free. I'm not sure I can be of much help to you though as I'm not a vegetarian. I hope that you get some good recommendations soon.
  • ellewoods37
    Hi! I have been doing low FODMAP for about 3 weeks. Unfortunately, since chickpeas aren't allowed, it is extremely hard to find vegetarian options. i suggest a LOT of quinoa. Also, have you considered going pescatarian so that you have some more protein options available to you? Since soy isnt allowed tofu is out of the question too which makes things extremely hard. I fear that you may have to become a bit more lenient in your vegetarian ways in order to eat healthful, and complete meals.
  • Farburnfred
    Farburnfred Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks, there is no way that I will eat anything that breathes so no, meat/fish is out.

    As I understand it tempeh is ok but I have never tried it and might have to order online so will see how that goes. Some sources seem to say tofu is ok and some not, in a week or so when everything has settled totally I will maybe try some.

    There does seem to be some variability in what people can tolerate and what combinations of low-FODMAPs people can tolerate so I guess its just about finding my own way.
  • veggie_dancer
    I'm considering a Fodmap diet but am vegan and allergic to wheat (possibly gluten or oats as well) so it'll take some planning. I have found some links that might be helpful though:
    http://cookingwithnothing.com -there's a lasagne recipe which might work, and a quinoa chocolate cake.
    http://fodmapsdiet.com/recipes/- I really like Hungry Hungry Hippie's recipes & these ones are tweaked for low FODMAP.
    If you're just vegetarian fritatas with safe veggies might fit the bill too.
    Hope that's helpful!
  • ellewoods37
    Yes there is DEFINITELY variability. my doctor suggested doing total FODMAP for 6 weeks and then start introducing one group of foods back into my diet one at a time to see what specifically gives me trouble. it could JUST be polyols, it could be all FODMAPs.
  • fox320
    fox320 Posts: 12
    I've been low-FODMAP for about 8 months now and from what I had found tofu is okay because the soy is fermented, making it a digestible carbohydrate. When I ate it I noticed very little difference in my digestion, although i prefer not to eat tofu anyways because soy isn't that great for women. Other suggestions I have are maybe introducing gluten free oats, eating more nuts and seeds (given your stomach can handle them, I take them well.), quinoa, and brown rice protein powder. Good luck!