Over Training?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks ndj for the info.. I haven't heard any other way of modifying or completing SL in lieu of gym access :)

    dixie whiskey is that moonshine???? LOL

    :love: :love:

    Only person here to ever ask me about my username. It's a song!

    ohhhhhh LOL
  • sowenby1984
    sowenby1984 Posts: 101 Member
    You're doing primarily cardio so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    I would, however, like to ask why you plan on doing 3 hours of cardio per day. Especially when the MFP tools have you eating back all of those calories, that doesn't seem like an effective use of your time. May I ask what your goals are?

    I do not eat back all my calories I try to stay around 1500-1600, but that is with working out for an hour /hour and a half hours, I also use a Bodymedia fit system to track my calorie burn.

    My goal is to lose weight :happy: be healthy, and hopefully run a 5k before the year is over.

    Like I said I do not have access to a gym. If I start doing the TapOut XT I will not be working out for three hours, at that point it will be maybe two hours max depending on how long the workout is that day and what kind of burn I get from it.

    Why do you want to lose weight though?

    Ummm because I am 5' 1" and losing 80 pounds will put me at a much healthier BMI and I don't want to end up with my fathers health issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol all because of his weight. I want to be able to do more with my 4 year old (sports etc) I want to be able to get out and do more as a family, I just can not keep up with my hubby and son at this weight. Also it wouldn't hurt to be a hot mommy either :wink:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I do not eat back all my calories I try to stay around 1500-1600, but that is with working out for an hour /hour and a half hours, I also use a Bodymedia fit system to track my calorie burn.

    My goal is to lose weight :happy: be healthy, and hopefully run a 5k before the year is over.

    Like I said I do not have access to a gym. If I start doing the TapOut XT I will not be working out for three hours, at that point it will be maybe two hours max depending on how long the workout is that day and what kind of burn I get from it.

    A couple of people have suggested some good home workouts, including You Are Your Own Gym (there's an app for $3). You can also get something like bands or a sandbag. If you're going to fit in some more time to exercise, strength training is going to get you more bang for your buck. It will help you lose fat while retaining what looks good.

    As stated before additional cardio will be a waste. Either you'll eat the calories back or you'll be too tired to do anything productive during your non-workout hours plus your body will start catabolizing muscle. Extreme amounts of cardio (loosely defined as more than 60-90 mins per day) will not help you with your fitness goals.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    You're doing primarily cardio so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    I would, however, like to ask why you plan on doing 3 hours of cardio per day. Especially when the MFP tools have you eating back all of those calories, that doesn't seem like an effective use of your time. May I ask what your goals are?

    I do not eat back all my calories I try to stay around 1500-1600, but that is with working out for an hour /hour and a half hours, I also use a Bodymedia fit system to track my calorie burn.

    My goal is to lose weight :happy: be healthy, and hopefully run a 5k before the year is over.

    Like I said I do not have access to a gym. If I start doing the TapOut XT I will not be working out for three hours, at that point it will be maybe two hours max depending on how long the workout is that day and what kind of burn I get from it.

    Why do you want to lose weight though?

    Ummm because I am 5' 1" and losing 80 pounds will put me at a much healthier BMI and I don't want to end up with my fathers health issues, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol all because of his weight. I want to be able to do more with my 4 year old (sports etc) I want to be able to get out and do more as a family, I just can not keep up with my hubby and son at this weight. Also it wouldn't hurt to be a hot mommy either :wink:

    I don't think you are getting my question

    Are you trying to lose 80lbs of fat or just trying to get "skinny" and meet a number on the scale? Cause I would recommend lifting if you want to become lean and not skinny fat.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I asked cause I think it's really imperative to know what your goals are.. I only have a goal of 20lbs to lose and I'm almost there. I'm between 167-170lbs last few days but my body fat percentage is only 25%. I have faced the reality that I won't, don't want to be 120-130 lbs like I was in high school and am happy being at 160, maybe 150 once I hit my goal.

    Cardio will help you lose weight but you probably won't like how your body looks just doing that. Lift heavy too and reap the rewards.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Training 6-8 hours a day combined with inadequate food and rest.
  • LoveFitNation
    LoveFitNation Posts: 43 Member
    So I know you have a bunch of ideas here - I hope you are getting your answer in it all!! I just recently came across a website www.dailyhiit.com ...I thought about doing it for a little while...instead of doing so much long cardio - you may want to do some HIIT...this website will give you a new exercise each day - they are tough and will always be tough if you push yourself... You will need a couple weights at home or sand bag - but other than that you can do it at home and it doesn't take long...some studies say that HIIT training can be just as or more effective than long cardio...

    Also - make sure you are def fueling your body- you don't want to tear your body down...good luck!!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    what are your goals?

    one of the things i learned last year is that it's pretty impossible for me to work out like an athlete (ie consistently working out for more than 60 minutes a day/6 days a week) AND still lose weight. it's because the harder i work, the more calories i need to get through the workouts.

    so if your goals are fitness related like getting ready for a marathon then i'd say do what you need to do, but don;t expect too much by way of weight loss.

    i got the best results fat loss wise when i worked out for no more than an hour 5-6 hours a day since i could still could a slight deficit with that.
  • Abbdul
    Abbdul Posts: 103 Member
    what i learned about training if you do the vigorous routine everyday, ur body tend to adopt and stop responding to it.. for the fat loss its a good to idea to shock your body every other day. let ur body rest every after two days of workout and then start again .. it works for me and i dont recommend it but you can try if it works for u
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    i personally think yes you may be over doing it, really should over 2 - 3 hrs of your life be taken up with exercise" id aim for 1 hr per day at the most, in the long run if you decide to go ahead with your idea i guarantee you burn out soon.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    There are plenty of "Body weight activities" you can do at home :)

    If you search the forums and google, you should be able to find what you are looking for.

    I would recommend doing planks, squats, dumbbells or using bottles, lunges, pushups, leg lifts!
    Also been starting to explore fitnessblender.com on the pilates section and they sure burn!!!

    Good luck :)
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    I have also read on bodyrecomposition.com that too much cardio stalls fat loss! I have been through phases where i've done 2-4hours of cardio in the gym daily.. I felt tired and sick of it and wasn't seeing much results.. I am currently doing at most 1 hour if I eat normally and I am seeing similar results. So if you're doing it for weight loss I say don't because it is pointless and might make you hungrier. If you're doing it for a marathon and to gain stamina then maybe yes. But second the idea of increasing bit by bit!!!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    The "You Are Your Own Gym" app for Android is on sale for 1.99 if you have an Android phone or tablet. I'm downloading it myself because at 5'2 and 80lbs to lose as well. And I want to lose fat and build muscle along the way.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I prefer the lifting-heavy-weights-at-the-gym method but the internet is full of ideas for exercises you can do at home. Just today, I found this article on Yahoo. Some require equipment you may not have, but many are just body weight.

  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    With what you're doing, you need not worry about overtraining. Most overtraining is usually caused be inadequate diet and inadequate sleep.

    As others have mentioned, there is absolutely NO reason to do sooooooo much cardio. You need to lose the thought process that you have to do cardio, cardio, cardio to lose weight. Weight is lost by a calorie deficit. You get there by either reducing your calories, increasing your activity, or both. A well balanced workout regime needs to consist of both cardio and weight training, weight training being 3/4 of what you spend your time with. I would suggest looking into bodyweight training as a gym appears to not be an option for you at this time.