getting back into it?

how do you get back into healthy eating and exercise when you're just not into it anymore? im feeling down and all i want to do is slug around and munch. i try to remind myself of all the hard work i put in to lose weight but even that isnt helping. i dont know how to get back into it when i have no motivation anymore


  • utuxia
    utuxia Posts: 6 Member
    go out and do something fun, goto the beach and swim. Take the kids to the zoo (lots of walking). I find I have to get out of the house and do other things besides exercising in a gym.
  • weightloser122
    yeah i feel like its really important for me to get back to the gym so i can do weight training but its like you couldnt pay me to do that these days. i guess ill try to start with just being more active on fun activities like you say. thanks
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    oh I know that feeling, NOTHING could convince me to go, but i promised myself that i will go tomorrow, that is the hardest part, actually going.

    go for walks and watch what you eat, the rest will come.. DONT GIVE UP
  • zaxaz
    zaxaz Posts: 32 Member
    When I feel unmotivated, I try to pick up objects that add up to the weight that I have lost. In a gym you can pick up weights. At home you can pick up food items, eg bag of rice, gallons of water (rule of thumb is 1 gal of water is 10 lbs). I walk around a bit then put the extra weight down and think how much better I feel not lugging the weight around.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Take it slow. I just got over a month long 'I don't want to do this' thing. All I did to get back on track is start slow, slowly increase my water again, slowly increase my veggies, slowly decrease eating out and junk food. It took a while, but that's better than never getting back to it again :)
    And what's nice, is that sometimes, after the slump, you'll have a nice 'big drop' (And I mean a couple of lbs, nothing too drastic) at the beginning of getting back in. That's always a nice motivator xD
  • nomorepizza2
    nomorepizza2 Posts: 85 Member
    have you thought about getting some exercise equipment for your home?
    I have had it with gyms and running (too much effort) but my stationary bike has been a godsend. I use it every other day whilst watching tv. On the other days I use my dumbbells for strength training.
    As for dieting, you don't have to eliminate those guilty pleasures, just count your calories and budget for them!
  • Log_n_Jog
    Log_n_Jog Posts: 64 Member
    I'm sorry you're having a tough time. I think everyone goes through this at some point! Some things that have helped me along the way (aside from what's already been mentioned) is looking back at what I've accomplished. I take a picture of myself on the 1st of every month so I can see the changes in my body even if it doesn't show up on the scale. I keep a journal to log how I feel each day and little NSVs I make along the way. I also started a running scrapbook so I can look at my old race bibs, finish line photos, and medals for motivation on those days I don't feel like working out. Look at other people's before and after photos for encouragement and motivation. Try different things and see what works best for you!