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Is walking a waste of time?



  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    "I told him that I don't think walking 30 min a day will get his stamina up to where he wants it (because he is ultimately trying to work up to Insanity) "

    You're not very encouraging are you? Can't be bothered to go out walking with him, but he is welcome to go running with you.

    I suggest wrapping your baby up warm and getting your *kitten* out there with him.

    With love.

    LOL so you suggest, taking a baby outside in 16 degree weather when there is snow and ice on the ground? Yea, not putting my son in danger of getting hurt. I love my fiance, but our child comes first.

    Any other program, I will gladly do with him. I have the "You Are Your Own Gym" app, we have Nike Kinect, Dance Central 2 and 3, Biggest Loser for Kinect, Body Revolution, 30 Day Shred, Insanity, P90X, Leslie Sansone videos, Turbo Fire. Any of which we can easily do together while our son naps and stays warm.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I started off by walking. 13 months later & I'm still doing it...only now I'll walk all day if I can....and I can. Why would walking be a waste of time? I owe my whole start to walking. I went from walking to running. Got to start somewhere. I now run 10km with no problems.

    Just because you don't feel it's good enough.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    No physical activity is a waste of time. Some activities might be better than others depending on individual fitness/health goals, but walking isn't a waste. A waste of time would be your *kitten* sitting on the couch eating potato chips when you could be out walking...:flowerforyou:
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Yes walking is a complete waste of time. Where's my hoverround?
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    My main exercise is walking, look at my damn ticker!
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    If walking is a waste of time, I think that quite frankly, MFP shouldn't exist.

    We should all just get obese and sit around all day. Makes perfect sense.
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    Oh yeah?

    see the bar below......walking is the reason i lost so many pounds
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Compared to driving? Yes
  • sigsby
    sigsby Posts: 220 Member
    Start from where you are. Not from where others think you should be.

    It sounds like that is a good starting point for him.A big part of exercise is mental. If that's what he thinks then that's where it's at for him.
  • lilbell13
    lilbell13 Posts: 18
    I used to walk and it didnt do a thing for me! However I slowly got faster and started running. You have to start somewhere!

    I think it actually depends on how big you are and what kind of lifestyle you lead. If your big and dont do much and then start to walk, I'm sure you see results!

    I'm of the opnion that if it doesnt challenge you, it won't change you and that weight loss starts in the kitchen. If you dont clean up your diet, no amount of excersize will make a difference!

    Just my opinion!
  • ruwise
    ruwise Posts: 265 Member
    Walking is a brilliant exercise and one you can do your whole life barring any major accidents of course. If he did 30 minutes a day and maybe went on a longer walk at the weekends it would definitely help. It's the main exercise I've been doing so far. I strongly believe in it as I think if you are planning on making a change for life then the exercise you do needs to be something you can do for life.

    I don't see many 70/80 year old's in the gym but I do still see them walking.
  • KathrynKennewell108
    KathrynKennewell108 Posts: 72 Member
    A 30 minute walk will burn up a good two or three hundred calories, provided he doesn't ***** foot around. Bottom line. He's doing something. He's into it. It's a positive, and 80% of results come from tight nutrition anyway. You can lose weight and sit on your duff if your nutrition is right. Let him walk. He will gravitate to something else on his own terms... and that's the way it's gotta be to work for him.
  • symonspatrick
    symonspatrick Posts: 213 Member
    He is right about building up to it. He will push himself as he feels stronger and more confident. It is better to start out slower and not injure yourself. Weight loss is going to come from eating less calories than he needs. Any exercise will help to burn a few more calories. Walking is a great type of exercise.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Walking has health benefits. But his body will get used to the movements and burn fewer calories as he gets used to it, over time. This is true for any exercise.

    If he likes walking, that's fine. It helps to bump up his AMR for the day and that helps with the weight loss.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Walking is NOT a waste of time especially if the option is doing nothing. But I also think walking is essential at times for all of us too. When I'm tired I walk. When I'm lazy I walk. When I want to unwind I walk. When I want to think I walk. Walking has lots of benefits beyond weight loss and fitness. I also agree in the notion that you should walk before you run. If someone feels they are not ready to run (or do a 30ds) who are we to judge? Give them space and encourage them to take the steps they feel is necessary. At some point (if they are healthy and fit enough) they will look at other challenges hopefully in time.
  • Anything is better than nothing. I just started "working out" around Feb. 19 this year. I usually only walk 30 min 2-4 days a week. I have done 45 min once. My problem is that I get bored!! Encourage him with whatever he does. It REALLY helps when your significant other supports you. My husband is proud of whatever I do, even it it is only 5 minutes.
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    LOL so you suggest, taking a baby outside in 16 degree weather when there is snow and ice on the ground? Yea, not putting my son in danger of getting hurt. I love my fiance, but our child comes first.

    Wrap your son up warm and go out children love being outside, I look after children and walk to and from school every day with lots of little ones, they get fresh air and stimulation from the world around them we are out whatever the weather 16 degrees isn't that bad we have been out in the minus numbers ????
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Thanks for the input, truly appreciated! Just for the record, I have NOTHING against walking, I love to go for walks. My main concern was if it would help him build stamina and endurance walking 30 min daily, as that is his main goal.
  • aussiesarah
    aussiesarah Posts: 68 Member
    I agree with everyone else.

    Walking definitely helps to burn calories and although it won't turn him into a super athlete overnight is is definitely a great place to start.

    I very much believe that you have to be realistic with exercise plans if you want them to last and not just be a one week wonder. As lots of the others have said getting fit is as much of a mental challenge as a physical one. If you do something that you can enjoy early on (rather than breaking yourself with unrealistic workouts) you are much more likely to keep it up. And if he has decided to do this of his own initiative then that is great!

    After 2 years of hard work I have finally got to the ponit where I'm in the gym 3-4 days a week and running 10-15 miles at the weekend, however I still walk to and from work every day (3 miles each way) and that gives me an extra 450 cals to play with and also saves on transport costs!
  • When I started walking in January I remember feeling like I was about to collapse after 7 mins on the treadmill at a slow pace and now I can do an hour at 5.5kms (probably still quite slow to some people but for me I feel a it's a huge difference). I know that walking will eventually enable me to do more and more as I progress.

    I wonder if programs like Biggest Loser play a part in making people feel that walking or starting slowly isn't good enough? Perhaps people who don't feel capable of approaching their weight loss regime in full on attack mode feel as if they have failed before then even begin because they aren't doing enough? Any activity is better than none and for many people walking is great way to get started.