I was here a couple years ago, now I'm back

Never posted or knew there was a message board here before! Anyway, I'm Jennie. I'm 43, have Hashimotos (autoimmune hypothyroid), prediabetic, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, no energy, two young kids (3 and 6) to deal with, I'm a SAHM.

I kept waiting for my thyroid issues to be "fixed" so I would lose the weight more easily, but it's been 3-1/2 years since I was diagnosed and apparently I'm a freak of medical science because they can't figure out why the treatment isn't working. Time to take responsibility and do what I can in spite of my thyroid.

I belong to the Y and was doing Aqua Jog for a few years, but that didn't really do much (was fun though!). I started taking a weight training class in January & that was really working. I wasn't doing enough cardio, but eating better since getting the prediabetic diagnosis. Anyway, I had to stop working out in April to have surgery and had to wait 6 weeks before working out again. My diet suffered a bit because after the surgery I wasn't really hungry much, but the things I felt like eating were not the things I should have been eating, but I figured it was ok since I wasn't eating much period. Not good. Now my appetite is back, but I need to get out of those bad habits again! My 6 weeks are up now and I'm ready to get serious. The next session at the Y starts in a week or so and I'll be back in my weight training class and this time I'm vowing to hit the treadmill (or at least go for walks) on the days in between, also I need to add a third weight session on my own since the class is only twice a week.

I also just got diagnosed with the sleep apnea and haven't even gotten my CPAP yet, I'm hoping that will help with energy. It doesn't help that my 3 year old wakes me up at 5:30 am all the time! My hubby has been reading the Body for Life book & doing really well, though he isn't following it exactly. They do have some good strategies I'm going to try.

Anyway, that's me! Hoping this site will help keep me accountable & looking forward to chatting with you all.



  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    Good to have you back. I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and havn't gotten my machine yet either. I am hoping that it will help with my fatigue as well. Or at least some of it. Good luck!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Welcome! You have alot to deal with and getting trim and fit will help you to deal with it all alot better. My hubby and daughter are thyroid patients. My dad is too. I wish you well. Once you get adjusted to your medication you will begin feeling better. Good luck on your journey!:flowerforyou:
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    Great to have you here. Yes, do what you can in spite of the thyroid issue! :grumble: Great support on here....glad you found the message boards. :happy: Friend some people for further encouragement! :heart:
  • katlou2
    katlou2 Posts: 199 Member
    Good to see you here! I feel for you with thyroid disease it definitely makes things more difficult for you. Are you taking Synthroid. My friend's husband just got his Cpap and he feels 100% better. His doctor told him that the sleep apnea could have been part of his weight problems. It was the first time I had heard that. Being overweight doesn't always cause the apnea sometimes the apnea causes the weight gain. I'm new here, just joined yesterday and really hoping that the encouragement of everyone will help me stay on track. I don't know if I've ever seen such a nice group of people. I guess it helps that we have one major thing in common, trying to get and stay healthy. I've really noticed in this last year just how bad my energy level has dropped and I can't keep up with my kids at all.

    Take care and hope to see your ticker start moving SOON!
  • jelohi715
    jelohi715 Posts: 2
    Thanks for the warm welcome Ladies! I do know several people on here from my Mommy group, so I've got a head start on that support! :heart:

    katlou2, I'm on dessicated thyroid (Erfa). My husband had sleep apnea and got a CPAP a couple years ago. He has lost 30-40 lbs since then & doesn't use the CPAP anymore, he just uses a mouth device that helps keep his jaw aligned & that works for him now. I knew I snored sometimes, like when I was congested, but I think the apnea is a fairly recent thing. I have read that thyroid issues can cause swelling of your sinus & throat tissues & cause apnea. Lord knows I sure have swelling everywhere else!
  • mhesterruns
    Welcome! My husband has had sleep apnea see we were married in 1996. He didn 't wear his mask forever. He finally began wearing it and OMGoodness what a difference. Before he was falling asleep just sitting in the doctor's office. SInce he has worn it he is more awake and feels so much better. He feels the difference when he doesn't wear it (stuffy nose). If it feels weirds have your pressure checked or ask about a different style mask. The mask style makes all the difference!