Food at work

hey everyone,

so i work at one of those places where we have food pretty much every single day. Yesterday someone brought in red velvet cake, today it was panera bagles, and tommorrow its going to be a chocolate fudge cake.We also have a lot of pot lucks, atleast once a week, that include a lot of cookies, cupcakes, and sugar. That should give you guys an idea of how healthy we aren't at work. I didn't eat any of the food that was brought in the last few days. But we have food like that at work everyday, and my desk is right in front of the area that the food is put on, but thankfully I'm short enough to not really see over my cubicle, just when i get up and walk around is when i see it. I've been able to keep my self control in the last month, but not gonna lie it's getting pretty hard.

My question, is like that for anyone else at work, and what do you usually do to keep your self control and not eat any of the unhealthy stuff that is brought into work?


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I work at a place like that. There is always food around. I'd suspect most office environments are pretty similar.

    Honestly, I can't really help you that much with the self control thing. The food doesn't bother me. However, I am a little bit of a clean freak so eating "community" food is risky business for me!

    Every once in a while someone brings in something that I want that I get to it before the vultures pick it apart and I'll just get a bit or two of it. That is usually enough to satisfy my craving, I log it, and go on about my day.

    I think the key is eating a bite or two of something once a week or so isn't going to hurt you, eating a monster slab of cake or two every day will!
  • bdburch
    bdburch Posts: 127
    I think the key is eating a bite or two of something once a week or so isn't going to hurt you, eating a monster slab of cake or two every day will!

    This is great advice. Moderation is definitely the key. You don't want to deprive yourself then binge one day.

    Other than that, I like to bring fruit. It satisfies my sweets craving plus I have the excuse that I'm not hungry to give to my coworkers. In the mornings I like to cut up an apple and sprinkle some lemon juice on it to keep it from browning. I find that the apple slices are much more convienient for work.
  • 8goodgirl0
    8goodgirl0 Posts: 127 Member
    I make sure I bring enough food with me.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I worked at a place like that, but it was a very small office and one girl would constantly be all over me to eat a piece of cake. She knew I was trying to lose weight at the time and she would say, "Don't deprive yourself, blah blah." I would assure her that I wasn't depriving myself and that if I wanted to I would have a little sliver of cake later on. Sometimes I had some, sometimes I didn't. Who is 2 pounds from her goal weight and who gained weight? Boom!
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    I pack carrots, hardboiled egg, radishes, broccoli, 100 calorie chips, etc. When I get the urge, I snack on my snacks instead of going for the sweets. You can do it.
  • gardnerkennedy
    gardnerkennedy Posts: 69 Member
    The satisfaction I take from declining to eat the treats--exercising my self-discipline--carries me through the day. When I am tempted, I try to think past the satisfaction of eating the cake to the greater satisfaction of not eating the cake. When I am really, really, tempted I have a little then log it here right away to reckon the damage done.

    After abstaining a few times, it really does get easier and does become a habit. Good luck!
  • adm603
    adm603 Posts: 48
    I always make sure I have healthy snacks with me. It is all about the self control. You are stronger than the temptation.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Make sure I have a desk full of healthy snacks to keep me satiated and occasionally enjoy a piece of cake too if it fits my macros.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    My place of work isn't that bad. Today someone brought in fried pastella like things with chicken, pork or beef in them, occasionally staff or patients bring in donuts, cake or cookies (I work in out patient clinic in a hospital). I am usually the one bringing in baked stuff because I love to bake, eat 1-2 pieces and have to get it out of the house. My coowrkers love to eat what I make.

    When there is high calorie crap here, I will wait until after lunch and if it is still there, I will take a donut or smallpiece of cake. Fortunatley, it's usually gone by 2:00.

    I also eat oatmeal or a smothie for breakfast and bring in veggie sticks, fresh fruit and a healthy lunch - so I am not tempted.
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    Where I work, the treat table is in the centre of the office and by the main printer so it is hard to avoid.

    But I have a choice everytime I go past... do I ... don't I?

    So far I have abstained. But in the future, I may not always and so I will just log it and move on with my day.

    Just remember it's your choice whether you want to eat it or not. Good luck!! You have the power!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    I keep a picture of "fat me" in my cube for this reason. I can always see it as a reminder of what I used to be like. I never want to be that way again, and eating all the BS foods that people bring will certainly put me back there. Ain't gonna happen.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I would just be angry about it, and therefore refuse to participate in their piggy ways.

    Yeah only piggies eat that stuff...
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I keep sugar free gum and tea bags at my desk. When somebody brings in something that I don't want to partake in, having gum to chew on or a hot tea sweetened with Splenda helps take my mind off it.
  • jtw1971
    jtw1971 Posts: 8
    same here...always a sales rep bringing donuts, or kolaches..or cookies!...nobody wants to bring a fruit tray! I bring my own food too.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I bring breakfast, lunch and 4-6 snacks with me to work. That way I have no excuse to eat food from elsewhere. I'm now used to it and it barely bothers me when there's food available but when it does, I figure out how many calories it would be BEFORE eating it, figure out what super awesome thing that I love would be less calories than that and then promise myself that if I make it through the workday without giving in, I can stop and pick up my treat on the way home. I almost always forget to pick up my treat so it works out well. Even when I do pick up my treat, I've already planned for it and I enjoy it.


    At work: cinnamon raisin bagels - 350+ calories (including butter/cream cheese)
    Substitute: Wendy's Frosty Jr (170 calories) OR Fiber One Brownie (90 calories) OR Ben & Jerry's Froyo Phish Food (240 calories)

    The exception is homemade baked goods from people I know are amazing bakers. In that case, I'll eat 1 cookie or a small piece of cake or something because that's worth it to me. I still log it and make it fit into my goals unless I know it's a rare event in which case I let myself go a little over since I'm at maintenance.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    My place has a complimentary coffee bar for customers which involves plates of all sorts of nice cakes and biscuits being left out. We also have lots of open days where we have lots of food and you can guess how healthy that is when they're catering for motorcyclists! I used to graze on cakes etc all day long - probably eating maybe 3 or 4 little cakes or biscuits on average.

    My approach was to mention to my boss (a failed healthy eater) that not everyone wants stodgy food so at our last one a couple of weeks ago, we also had crudites and dips, lots more side salads alongside the usual fayre which went down really well with the customers so we're going to do that from now on.

    As regards the day to day tempting snacks, I've offered to do the shopping for them so I'm now buying ones with less calories so if I really, really, really can't miss out, then they're all sub-100 calories so it's not the disaster it could have been as long as I stop at one - so far this has worked.
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    I think the key is eating a bite or two of something once a week or so isn't going to hurt you, eating a monster slab of cake or two every day will!

    This is great advice. Moderation is definitely the key.

    ^^ This ^^ I have the same situation in my office. One coworker's wife is a baking machine and she bakes the absolutely best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had!!! So, I don't bother to resisit... LOL I have my cookie, log it into MFP, and go about my day. Maybe I run more to make up for it or maybe I adjust my remainder of the day meals to keep on track, or maybe adjust the next day, but I don't stress about it because every day there will be some give and take. NOT getting the cookie would just call to me through the day! LOL Good luck!!! :)
  • otterish
    otterish Posts: 50 Member
    My office shows love via food, and had a carry-in in my honor yesterday.
    They brought many of my favorite foods and I wanted to taste and appreciate it all since they went to the trouble just for me.
    So I had a bit of each food, logged it all and ended up just 50 calories over for the day.
    It can be done, but it takes planning and some restraint.
  • luckylei
    luckylei Posts: 19 Member
    I keep a picture of "fat me" in my cube for this reason. I can always see it as a reminder of what I used to be like. I never want to be that way again, and eating all the BS foods that people bring will certainly put me back there. Ain't gonna happen.

    Love this idea!