Cross Fit, 30 Day Shred, P90X, Running

What did you do that gave you results quicker than you expected??
And how long did it take YOU to see a difference in your shape?

Cross Fit
30 Day Shred
JM No more trouble zones
weights & cardio


  • njfitnessgirl
    Last summer I was training for a 1/2 marathon and I was running 4 days a week and doing some of P90X for 2 days for weights and then a day off. I was awesome shape.
  • haileysugarfits
    haileysugarfits Posts: 70 Member
    Last summer I was training for a 1/2 marathon and I was running 4 days a week and doing some of P90X for 2 days for weights and then a day off. I was awesome shape.

    Awesome.. Thank You for your reply!
  • sonhando
    sonhando Posts: 69 Member
    In my past experience running alone didn't do much for my shape. I did 30 day shred a couple of years ago along with daily walking and was thinner than I ever had been in my life and it defintely changed the shape of my body for the better. I could fit into clothes easily that I hadnt been able to in years. The results were quick. But... Then then I slacked and i gained back 5 lbs.

    I've had this recurring back issue so I started lifting weights recently . I'm stronger now and the back pain is gone. I have not lost the 5 lbs but I feel so much better.
  • Splinter24
    Splinter24 Posts: 13 Member
    I started doing crossfit a week ago - 4 sessions in total. I can already see changes in my body.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I'v been running since high school...and pretty much weigh what I weighed I would say nothing beats running as far as maintenance goes. Last year I ran 2 half-marathons and a full marathon, have a few more races planned this year. Love it. I'm 45, 5' 11" 170 lbs...

    When it comes to change, however, I would have to say 30 Day Shred. I bought the DVD for $9 and thought how bad could 20 minutes a day be? I'm in shape, right? Wrong lol. With 5 lbs weights it was all I could do to complete Level 2. I didn't take before pics so had to find one from a year or so ago and couldn't believe the difference! As the many threads on MFP will attest, it produces amazing results. You still have to eat right and give it your all, but if you do, there's no doubt you'll see a difference.

    My weekly routine is normally eat right, run 2-3 times (with long runs on the weekends), and a Jillian DVD 2-3 times a week. It takes me a little longer to complete it because I also train for races, but still see great results.
  • EKN1417
    EKN1417 Posts: 34 Member
    Weights + Cardio is what most successful people on this site will avise for long-term, lifestyle changing, results. That being said, most of the programs you list ARE a type of weights (or at least strength building) + Cardio- including P90x, Crossfit, Jillian Michaels, etc.

    Whichever one you decide should depend on lifestyle factors as any type of strenght building and cardio program is going to get you fat loos and a better shape- PROVIDED you are eating the right amount of calroies.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    THIS is what I plan to do this Summer. Last Summer I was in better shape than now. I'm trying to get back to that point. I was running 3-4 days a week and I did Jari Love videos (weight training) the other days. 1-2 days off.
    Last summer I was training for a 1/2 marathon and I was running 4 days a week and doing some of P90X for 2 days for weights and then a day off. I was awesome shape.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    I did P90X and it shed a bunch of my initial fat/weight. I started lifting heavy with smaller doses of cardio about a year ago. Haven't looked back since.
  • ladyjh578
    ladyjh578 Posts: 207
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I feel I can fully answer your question; I have done 30ds, No more trouble zones, 2 rounds of p90x, 2 half marathons and a full, I've been crossfitting for over a year now.

    P90X got decent results, but nothing compares to Crossfit as far as fitness and how fast you see results. If you are serious about seeing results, the JM vids are a waste of time. For reals. I wasted 6 months on her.

    If you choose not to do Crossfit, at least get in the gym and lift heavy. Forget the videos.

    ETA: my awesome friend just suggested this regarding this thread: Starting Strength/Wendlers with moderate cardio... like CF/running.

    I also know many girls with super hot bodies that do the Strong Lifts program.
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    I personally do not like DVDs because I get discouraged very quickly if I'm not able to "keep up" with them. I am currently doing cardio+weights (walking on treadmill 3 days per week, Stronglifts 5x5 3 days per week, one rest day) and have had slow but steady progress. 6 pounds in 6 weeks...right on schedule so far.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I've done all the things you've listed and hands down crossfit got me the most results and the fastest! I'm in the best shape ever and I can even run faster/longer than when I was marathon training. I've NEVER had abs before, but now I do.

    Diet is also a huge factor (probably 80% diet 15% exercise and 5% mental determination)...but what you eat is a debate for a whole other thread. I personally eat meat, veggies, fruits, and nuts.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    Bumpity bump
  • KellyL23
    KellyL23 Posts: 81 Member
    CrossFit has gotten me in the best shape, hands down. Between running, 30 day shred, and just lifting weights alone, I got bored with all those and gave them up or slacked big time. CrossFit is never boring, and pushes you to work hard. And I have only been doing it 3 months, I can't wait to see what I look like in a year.
  • tacguy
    tacguy Posts: 196
    P90X for me was great! Still doing these programs after 4 years.
    Many on your list I did in the past, standard weight training, running, but did not get the results, although many people do.
    I've never done crossfit, but know people who do and they have great success. The membership is quite expensive if you do it at a crossfit gym.
  • akrae
    akrae Posts: 18
    This is a good post. I'm training for a half marathon and have found that running alone doesn't do much for me, either. I have to really watch my food intake and add other things, like others have mentioned. However, I will say, it DID work for me before I had a baby, so who knows.
  • panda007dammit
    panda007dammit Posts: 36 Member
    It's hard to tell what I should count as making the most difference. Over the past few years (starting from total couch potato), I've done 30DS, other JM videos, Insanity (2 rounds), P90X (2 rounds hybrid with Insanity), running, cycling, and now weight lifting. Did I shed most of my weight doing JM videos? No, but I'm not sure I would have been able to successfully transition to a healthier lifestyle without them. They were simple to follow and convinced me that I could actually work out. I'd felt like a hopeless case prior to that. I lost the most actual weight while cycling. The most visible changes in my body occurred while doing Insanity/P90X. However, lifting has made me so much stronger in such a short period of time, and while that's not necessarily visible right now, that is still an incredible change in my body.

    Frankly, do whatever you want for exercise. You'll get the most results out of your diet.