Any Roller girls or roller derby fans out there?

I am joining a roller derby team, and there is nothing in the exercise list for that!!! I know it's a great workout however. Not sure how many calories burned in a hour, since it's stop/go/stop/go, bursts of energy (although practices are more go go go!) Any derby girls or fans out there?


  • Roller Derby girl here. LOVE it! Started doing roller derby 5 months ago, which was my initial motivator that helped me lose 20 lbs since then (I know my ticker only says 13 lbs, but that's because I gained some after initially signing up on MFP). Remotivated and loving it. #RollerDerbySavedMeInMoreWaysThanOne
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    One of my good friends is a roller girl, and since I've started going to her matches, I'm really getting into the sport. Looking forward to next season.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    In for the roller girls.

  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    I was on a local fresh meat team for about a year before recurring hip & ankle injuries forced me to stop skating. I NSO for the league (Emerald City Roller Girls) now. :)
  • Cristie_Slack
    Cristie_Slack Posts: 3 Member
    Derby girl here! I love that I searched roller derby in the forum topics and got so many results! I've been playing for about 3 years, and I love it!!
  • lorilynne66
    lorilynne66 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm signed up for try-outs on March psyched!!!
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    I just started "derby bootcamp" with Jet City in WA last weekend. I would LOVE to see a derby board on here! I'm already in love with the sport and would especially love a place to talk to vets and other newbies :)
  • hypocritelecter
    hypocritelecter Posts: 61 Member
    Present and accounted for! I've been a roller girl since I was 15.
  • Cristie_Slack
    Cristie_Slack Posts: 3 Member
    I know Jet City's old coach! He moved to VA and reffed for my old league. From what he said they are a fantastic league! Good choice for your first team! :)
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    I know Jet City's old coach! He moved to VA and reffed for my old league. From what he said they are a fantastic league! Good choice for your first team! :)

    Sweet! I'm realizing what a small world derby is, and I like that there is a lot of support on these boards. I literally just started (this past weekend was my second week of practices) but Jet City seems like a pretty organized, if large, league. They also seem to have a good, solid reputation so I'm glad to know that it was a good choice.

    Practices seriously can't come fast enough for me :) I'm getting addicted to being on skates!
  • ximills
    ximills Posts: 37 Member
    I play for the Detroit Derby Girls
  • jillybeansalad
    jillybeansalad Posts: 239 Member
    It really depends on the practice. I've had 1,000 calorie burns, but it changes. I use a bodymedia fit armband thing that tracks how how many calories I burn throughout the day.

    It's definitely a great workout.

    There's a roller derby group:
  • Love love love roller derby :D
    There is a team right around the corner from me at the skating rink and I have always wanted to join.
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    roller girl here! I have actually lost about a stone already just through starting derby and still eating ****. Trying to sort that second part out now- I want to skate faster!!

  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    I track it as rollerskating but I don't trust the calories. It must be quite a lot burned though, especially doing back-to-back drills at practice, it's knackering!
  • ximills
    ximills Posts: 37 Member
    I've been wearing a heart rate monitor to practice and the reading seems to be averaging 1000 per 2 hour practicce after subtacting bmr. I plan on doing it for 10 times and averaging them out.
  • pennydreadful270
    pennydreadful270 Posts: 266 Member
    That's really handy to know! I definately need to eat a bit more on derby days but I haven't been eating back all that, not even close. I prefer to put my activity down as lightly active and spread that across the week.

    Talking of diet, this week I have been on a detox type thing (it lasts 2 weeks and I miss cheese and ham). I always make sure to eat something an hour or two before practice, but I'm finding veg, nuts and even protein don't really last that long before my stomach starts to grumble. A slice of toast or some pasta just seems to hold that off (I'm pretty sure a bacon sandwich is actually the best sunday-morning scrim food possible). I think I might go back to my carby ways once this fortnight is over... at least on derby days.
  • lili0722
    lili0722 Posts: 3 Member
    i skated as a fresh meat last summer. i'm looking to get back into it. i'm turing 38 in a few months and miss derby so much. after joining this site last year and never staying committed i feel as if i have turned over a new leaf. my goal is to slim down a bit before tying up my skates again. i'm giving myself until the beginning of June to shed some much need fat pounds before building the pounds of muscle. any and all support is welcome with open arms. derby love all!
  • I started in September and I love it. I too did the roller skating as a kid, plus I still ice skate regularly(well not since I started derby) and I roller bladed through my 20s and 30s. I'm 41 and way over weight, but I'm not going to let that stop me. I've never sweated so hard as I do at practice.
    To the derby girl who plays for're in my neighborhood :) I'm just across from Port Huron. I know some of our team mates go to watch you, but I always find out after. I'd love to get to see some live derby!
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    Former derby girl!
    I got into it after seeing 1 bout. Fell in love and never looked back. I haven't skated for about 2 years now, and after exploring different kinds of fitness, my big derby legs are just starting to slim down. I actually gained at least 20 lbs in the 2 years that I did it, but then again, I took advantage of every afterparty and post practice hangout.
    I'm hoping to start playing again soon. I miss it so much.