Body by Vi



  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    There is just the one flavor, but when my sister signed up for the program, they sent her a list of over a 100 different "recipes" you can make with the mix. She had me try a snickers one and it was pretty good!! :)
  • Elliemisaurus
    Elliemisaurus Posts: 56 Member
    A friend got me to try it awhile back, and it have me headaches, stomach issues, and other problems. Not sure if it was the soy, whey, splenda, something else, or some combination of things!
    Whatever it was, I stay away from that stuff now.

    BUT, I do know some people who swear by it. (Granted, they are promoters....)

    Do as much research as you can, but you're probably better off just eating real food... :)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    BUT, I do know some people who swear by it. (Granted, they are promoters....)

    Do as much research as you can, but you're probably better off just eating real food... :)
    Of course they swear by it. They have a chance of getting a BMW, dontchaknow. It's extra money in their pocket.
  • ruby72288
    ruby72288 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you for the info!! :)
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    This got me interested, then again I heard it from a promoter. She just said she lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks. To me that just sounds like she's not eating at all. I'm sorry but I need actual food or I'm doom to fail.
  • mcdanielheather14
    I am doing the vi shakes,I would like to add I am not some nut who thinks the shake has some miracle weight loss ingredient. For me it works because my life is so busy I have a hard time counting and controlling calories. I work 40 plus hours a week, go to school 15 hours a week, have 2 kids, and am the sole caregiver of my disabled husband. For me its easier for me to keep track of my calories and eat a healthier choice on the go. I mix up my shake for breakfast and go to class, I get home mix one up for lunch and do my chores, take care of the kids and everything else I have to do then I pack a real dinner for work and enjoy. It has helped me to stay at 1500 calories a day and in the morning I have started doing zumba to burn some of my fat. Its nothing in the shake making me lose weight but it is something that works for me and my situation. It just helps dieting for me be a no brainer. I also have a nerve disease that makes it very painful to chew ( trigeminal neuralgia) so not having to actually chew twice a day has helped keep my attacks down. Will this shake work for everyone? NO, Is it some magic diet supplement? no, does it help if your life is busy and you do not have time to prepare healthy meals and count your calories? Yes. I do not sell it and never would I could not push a product on people that I know does not work because it is a magic dietary supplement but instead a healthy alternative for some and a motivator. For my mentality ill drink these shakes and work out and it will help it motivates me to change my life style. Could I do the same thing with healthy eating and exercise? Yes but I do not have time to do all of that so VI has worked great for me.
  • Three4MeNHim
    I got sucked into being a sales rep about a year ago. So take it from me....don`t waste your money! Make your own meal replacement shake with ingredients from your home. Does the same thing but doesn`t cost you a fortune!
  • tiffanypizzimenti
    You need 2 bags for 2 shakes a day. Through the company it runs about $116 including shipping for a month's supply. I buy some from someone cheaper just to try them out, but I signed up through the company because they have a great deal where you can get yours for free if 3 people sign up under you. I get mine for free now. As far as the auto ship goes, it is not really a big deal. You get a login and password when you sign up and can go in and cancel at anytime.

    I have had great results with this program. It is not a miracle diet. It just helps me do the things that I already know I should be doing. I just find it easier to not have to "think" about 2 of my meals. Plus, I have a habit of skipping meals so this is helping retrain my body to eat properly.

    Good luck with whatever you choose :)
  • Wanderson1311
    Wanderson1311 Posts: 17 Member
    I am getting ready to get into boby by vi for several reason. you should find some one close to you that sells it cause you can get it cheaper through a promotor. Plus if you pinterest look up boby by vi cause they have alot of great recieps and my family just loves them. My daughter is 9 and she is my picky eater and she loves them.
    Body by VI is wonderful if you use it. plus it helps with all kinds of things as well. It helps my mom who is hypoglycemic. She has to eat every couple of hours but with boby by vi she would be able to substain her sugar to keep it up until lunch. Plus it helps my daughter with allergies get the protein and vitamins she is missing out on.
  • Fast_Track
    Fast_Track Posts: 33 Member
    Trader Joe's sells massive containers of Met-Rx Protein Powder (chocolate or vanilla) for $22. I've tried Advocare in the past, and have compared their shake with the Met-Rx shake - they're almost identical in calories and ingredients. I'd imagine BBV shakes are the same.