My face gets BRIGHT red when working out. Help!



  • MJackson54
    MJackson54 Posts: 44 Member
    Ever since I can remember (since a very young age) I would turn red whenever I did aerobic exercise. things like playing basketball, running, etc. I was told it was an indicator that I was oxygenating my entire body well.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Sometimes this happens for really good reasons. I love those times. I revel in that color.

    This morning it happened and i was overheated or something and almost keeled over. I hate that ish. But I hadnt had more than a couple sips of water this morning and I usually kill a bottle as I wake up and stretch. I have stupid hydration needs cause of something off in my brain. But whatevs, my own fault - I usually catch it before I black out. Hasnt happened since.... I dunno - May of last year?
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    i always thought I was very fair skinned...i mean after all I use the second fairest moisturizing cover up on the make up scale...

    i get a little red but not that red...

    however my daughter has taught me that there is really fair skin...she's quite pale...

    and her face gets SO BEET RED no matter what level of exercise she does....

    it's the fair skin...

  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    I'm fair skinned and flush very easily - whether it's from working out, embarrassment, or just being nervous. However, my favorite running shirt is red... because it's obviously important to color coordinate.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I have fair skin and auburn colored hair and my face gets SO red! :mad: I swear people think I am dying when I work out or am doing other strenuous stuff, but it's just ME. It's always happened and I'm not dying, I'm just working out and feeling it! I too, don't give a POO what others think!
  • dliz908
    dliz908 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't have pale skin and it happens to me, my husband tells me I look like a tomato.

    My skin isn't particularly pale either, but my face turns really red when jogging or doing a class. Except for small circles on my cheeks that are very pale lol. Looks so weird, but I am getting used to it
  • birdgirl01
    birdgirl01 Posts: 6 Member
    So glad I'm not the only one this happens to! People do look though. When I get home it's still so red that my husband asks if I'm ok. I liked the "tan" comment :happy:
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    Another red faced girl here : ).
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    I'm not even pale and my face turns red when I'm: happy, angry, embarrassed, crying, exercising, laughing . . .
    Hence the "rosy" nickname which is completely unrelated to my actual name. I figure it is better than buying blush.
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    I have the same issue, not a pretty workout!! But then again, I am not a pretty cryer either!! I get red and blotchy, am also very fair skinned with red (mostly gray now) hair.

    Somethings we have no control over. If you feel good, are getting a good workout in, your doctor isn't concerned, don't worry about what others think!! :blushing:
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Same here. My Hubby calls me Magenta (from Blues Clues).
  • SusieMarie1
    SusieMarie1 Posts: 10 Member
    Sorry I am replying so much later, but i didn't see this until now. But I am dying to know, did the antihistamine actually work? is my question. For what it's worth - for all others, I am pale, but I do not have freckles or reddish skin, I have a yellow/greenish base to my skin. I also do not wrinkle (or haven't yet at 50 now (my 50th birthday is coming up in April), not even very fine light ones around my eyes. Nothing, just none, and I had a great aunt who, family legend has it, also did not wrinkle or have gray hair (i still have neither) My two sisters and brother, who have aged well, still have some degree of wrinkling and some graying hair. We all have traits from our father, and the aunt who had who had no wrinkles at all like me was on the dad's side, so no "Milkman" jokes fit.

    Anyway, i am very sick so I am in bed and indoors a lot. I cannot tolerate the sun a lot. Although when i did better with it in years past, i tanned beautifully. So I don't think this is necessarily a red/freckly skin problem.

    I wish more doctors or nurses could post more about it here. What i have been told, and what makes sense to me, is how sick I feel when I get real red, and feel like I am about to pass out, what i've learned or been told, is that people with this have trouble sweating properly (i do sweat, but not a lot) and it's the blood capillaries and vessels rushing the blood to the surface of the skin in an attempt to give it time to cool off, since there isn't sufficient sweating to accomplish this. So it's a mechanism to prevent one from overheating. I have overheated anyway.

    One time, i was in a public restroom, after or before working out, and i had used the brown paper handtowels provided in the public bathroom. Most people, i suppose, would have blotted/patted their skin; unfortunately, i was trying to remove some cosmetics/foundation, so i had rubbed a bit harder. When i pulled the paper towels away from my face, the girl next to me screeched in horror. (yes, i was mortified) I always knew I looked a bit redder and blotchier, but am very self-conscious about it. I have to put my hands on my knees and feel like I am about to keel over, all blotchedy, embarrassed and ...not totally confident about what is going on and if it's dangerous or not. Or if there is other steps (like in a public bathroom, there were no ice cubes to help cool me down) I could use to alleviate it, or if a Dr. or a skin doctor could help me. I have some incurable auto-immune diseases, and i so wanted to work off the fat I got from steroids and this other med i was put on. I used to be this nice healthy weight and instead I am battling all sorts of problems along with the medications. Of course, I care more about reaching remission, but the weight is really getting me down. I would be grateful if others can post tips or info about this condition from others of you who endure this. Thank you for your help. -s-
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    My dermatologist said to suck on an ice cube and that will help with the redness while working out. Haven't tried it yet. Throw some ice in a water bottle and give it a shot. Can't hurt.
  • Little late to the red face club, but I know I frighten people with how red I get. My face gets very hot too and the skin feels tighter. I also turn red in the sun. I also don't sweat very much. I hate this.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I get red too, always when I do cardio. No big deal. :P
  • KX19
    KX19 Posts: 27 Member
    Ugh! I know just how you feel! I'm so self conscious about it though that I have to work out with makeup on! I know, silly right?
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    my face got really red at first (first 3 months) and now it doesn't get nearly as bad (after I lost all the face fat i guess). it's ok, it just means you are gettting an awesome workout!
  • Chrissysftns
    Chrissysftns Posts: 113 Member
    Me too! Sometimes, at bootcamp I will even turn a shade of purple (or so my sister tells me)
    but otherwise, I am Tomato..or fire hydrant RED.
    It's embarrassing, but there's nothing you can do about it.

    I'm right there with ya sister! Plus, I'm a "head" sweater, so it makes it even worse that i am DRIPPING in sweat..and others don't.

    oh well! We go to the gym to workout, not look pretty ;)
  • Chrissysftns
    Chrissysftns Posts: 113 Member
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