

  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I have it and love it! its is more natural than the stuff you buy in the stores just check out the ingredients. I also at just a tad bit more water than it calls for to make it a little creamier. I say buy the stuff! I love peanut butter and its a low fat alternative to it. Plus it is great for baking too!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Oh i forgot to mention that you can order sample packs from the website. So try it out first!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    True, but PB2 is the real thing minus the sugar and any added oils.

    That would mean a separation of the natural oils from the peanut itself through pressing, in which case...it's peanut powder with added sugar or salt (per PB2 nutrition facts) which ends up reconstituted with water instead of oil.

    ingredients are: Peanuts, sugar, salt

    2 TBS of powder is 54 calories, 2.8 grams fat, .55 g Sat fat, 94 g sodium, 3.7 g carbs, 3 g fiber, 1 g sugar, 4.3 g protein.

    Meh, sorry I'm a purist - the oil adds to the consistency and flavor, plus you can find natural PB without sugar or salt added (oil separates at top).

    Ditto on this. I'm a fan myself of *real* peanut butter. I don't want to see anything listed in the ingredients but PEANUTS. No sugar, no salt. Just peanuts. Crazy Richard's makes a wonderful one.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I ordered it in January and received it within the past couple of weeks due to crop complications. It was worth the wait. I do love it. At first I thought that I would switch the entire family to PB2. However, I've decided to keep the kids on natural pb and keep the pb2 for my Shakeology or when I'm craving peanut butter otherwise we'd go through it too fast.
  • auntbitsy
    auntbitsy Posts: 14 Member
    Why judge? Just answer her ACTUAL question.

    Yes, I've tried PB2 and I like it. Sometimes I use real PB, sometimes PB2, depending on my needs and calories for the day.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I LOVE PB2! And the reason why I don't have REAL PB in my house is because I cannot eat just one serving. Seriously, I have absolutely zero willpower around real peanut butter and at 200 calories/serving, it's a no can do for me. PB2 is a good trade-off for me. I like it in shakes, smeared on a rice cake, topped on celery, and I've even used it for making some chicken dishes. Does it taste as good a real PB? No...but it's still quite tasty to me.
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