Being healthy = No social life



  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    In about 20 years it won't be an issue anymore.:wink:
  • lambchoplewis
    I used to drink wine every evening starting at 4PM. I was wasted by dinner time. I decided I was "sick and tired of being sick and tired"! I stopped drinking, eat and exercise and feel and look great. I have been maintaining for 6 moths and find it very hard to go out and have one or two glasses of wine every 3-4 weeks!!! I do get wasted fast and I am a "cheap drunk"!! My real problem is not stopping after two glasses of wine, it is that I want to eat everything in site and tend to binge. I wish I could go out every now and then, look forward to this as a reward and NOT binge. This is my maintenance goal. I am not doing very good with this!!
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    Well, I sort of understand the feeling. I am senior in electrical engineering which means I don't really have a social life anyway - but we used to go out once a month if we could to party. I just haven't had time at all to go out and I've put my fitness as my first priority (well, second to my dog and husband) because I love feeling good about myself. Tomorrow night will be the first time I've gone out in a long time and I will be clubbing with many jello shots available to me. I haven't had alcohol in almost three months so it will be interesting. I think it's okay to drink in moderation and going out at least once a month should be a priority if you are a social butterfly.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Maybe now that you've gotten into the habit of making healthy choices, you can start going out again? I refuse to give up my pool league, which means 2 nights in a bar every week...with everyone drinking. I don't think there's anything wrong with having an occasional drink but one month I decided not to drink at all. Instead I had water or club soda with lime (looked just like a drink). My teammates and friends were more supportive than I expected them to be- they even bought me "a shot" to have with everyone...but instead of it being an alcoholic shot, it was a shot of cranberry juice and sprite- it looked just like the "washington apple" shots they were having, but it wasn't lower-cal and I didn't feel left out. Also, not drinking for a month made my tolerance TANK so I didn't have to drink a TON of calories to get a little buzz. I usually stick to vodka sodas with lime too- the only cals involved are from the vodka and it's not that much. Stay away from tonic water though- it has as many cals as regular soda!

    I hope this helps! You definitely don't need to stop your social life...just plan some ways to make good decisions when you go out, and try to allow a little splurge without going totally haywire :smile:

  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    That's how I feel. I just don't want to put myself in a position where i'm tempted, cause if bbq wings and a beer is sitting in front of me, I will eat and drink it ha.

    I tend to be the same way so when I go out to dinner with friends, I suggest places I know I can get healthy things I actually The Cheesecake Factory- they have a HUGE "Skinnylicious" menu with all different types of food (all under 600 cals) and they have "Skinny" drinks too. And an occasional splurge won't derail all the progress made from days/weeks/months of being healthy more often than not. You could always do an extra workout to "earn" a splurge too.

    But to say you'd rather not go out at all...although I can relate to the feeling, it's just not maintainable long-term...getting healthy shouldn't be a punishment and you're unlikely to stick with it if you feel that way. I know it's hard but facing those situations is the only way to overcome the insecurities. Eventually you'll find what does, and doesn't work for you.