Young Athletic women 5'2ISH and 110-125lbs who actually eat



  • I'm 25, am 5'7'' and weight 135 lbs. I'm not necessarily looking to lose weight, but rather lean down just a little and gain more muscle (which in the end might result in weight gain). As for platueing, it's a real problem. I was 120 lbs in high school, but slowly gained 15 pounds in my early 20s (not the 'freshman 15,' but rather my body developing and getting more 'womany,' haha). I've never been able to lose more than 5 lbs of that weight, but neither have I gained weight. Staying full is tough, and I too fatigue when I don't get enough calories (which for me is just under 2000 a day). Sorry that wasn't much help... but you aren't alone!
  • wow, thanks to all!! You guys have made me feel much better about upping my calorie goal... I just upped it to 1400 net but I think I will consider gradually increasing it to 1600/1700 net. It's comforting to know that a lot of you have acheived your goal weight eating a good amount of healthy food each day. Very inspiring and I plan on adding a lot of you to my friends list!! (:
  • All of this is pre-pregnancy... I'm 35 weeks preggers at the mo! :-)

    I'm 5'3, and was usually around the 125lb mark. My profile pic is me pre-pregnancy.

    Tbh I didn't massively count calories, but I'd have a high protein breakfast (normally protein shake, 250cal), snack (150cal), chicken salad for lunch (300, homemade no dressing), fruit for snack, then a home cooked dinner and most nights a bit of a pudding :-)

    I was at the gym 2/3 times a week, loving a bit of HiiT or circuit work! :-) I didn't eat a low calorie diet, I was just mindful of what I ate... If that makes any sense?

    Nowadays I'm 151lbs with 5 weeks of pregnancy to go! :-)
  • kravii
    kravii Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'3 and around 118-120 lbs and 19.6% BF. I'm trying to get down to about 105-112 although I'd probably be happy as long as I can lean out my arms and get down to a D cup.

    Oh and I eat around 1800-2000calories and am vegetarian. I run about 9-10 miles a week, do yoga twice a week and have not taken an elevator since the beginning of the year :).
  • SMC_chick
    SMC_chick Posts: 36 Member
    Height: 5' 1"
    starting weight: 136
    current weight: 122
    goal weight: 115

    I do the 30-Day Shred five times a week. Sometimes I do other things in addition to that. I told MFP that I was only going to work out 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, so it gave me a net calorie goal of 1200 calories. I wear the Fitbit One, and that is how I track my calorie burn. I'm currently nursing a 13-month-old and not counting those calories, so that probably helps, but I would totally cheat if I didn't eat my "exercise calories". I end up too hungry. I also find that coconut milk or oil helps my metabolism. It is also my "I'm really craving something creamy and sweet" snack. I want to lose weight, but I guess I don't care if the number decreases as long as I can fit back into those size 1 jeans I wore after child #2 when I was dishwashing in a local restaurant. By the way, I'm breastfeeding baby #4, my girl after 3 boys. Anyone, or all of you, can add me. :-)
  • mizshyne
    mizshyne Posts: 8
    I'm 5'2 and arounnd 117 to 119. I don't look skinny at all! I LOVE FOOD lol specially my rice. On a regular day I woulld take in around min. 680<-- not to often to 2000 calories max. I seem to be having trouble hitting the recommended (1200cal) mark.

    Recently I have decided to up my protein intake, also increased weight training because I'm trying to tone up as well and I do workout 5 times a week.

    I'm no fitness expert but this works for me. I don't starve myself and I have enough energy to maintain an active lifestyle. Oh and have plenty of room for cheat days :P I hope that sorta helped you.
  • norakcarolan
    norakcarolan Posts: 17 Member
    I have some similar stats:
    Age 36
    SW 130
    CW 122
    GW 115-118 ish
    Eat betw 1450-1700 cal

    Those last 5 or so pounds are really a b**** at our height, huh?! I've been at a REAL plateau for about 3 months, but a few weeks ago I tore my calf at a Step Aerobics instructor training and have been forced to take a break with the cardio. It's really hard because I love the way a good cardio session makes me feel, and I love having those 300-400 extra calories to eat! I love food!! BUT, since my injury I've been doing weightlifting with upper body only (because I can't stay home and do and cut my calories and my carbs, focusing on trying to eat tons of protein and veggies, and I think I might be busting through this plateau! The scale moved for the first time in months and my body looks leaner and more defined, even though I'm barely working out! Sometimes I think an exercise break and a big switch-up in your diet can actually help more than months and months of working out like crazy and being "pretty careful" with calorie counting. Just my personal experience... good luck to all you fellow shorties, I might FR some of you! :smile:
  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    I eat a tonnn of vegetables and some fruit. it keeps the weight off without sacrificing energy. 5'2" 105. starting weight 145.