Female with 100+ lbs to lose. Looking for friends!



  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    Add me! I started January 15th with 100 lbs to lose....now have 74 to go :D
  • steamingcoffee
    steamingcoffee Posts: 55 Member
    Hi, I'm in about the same position. Trying to lose 81 lbs so going to add all of you if that's ok
  • Hi...I have been using MFP for almost a month now and also need to loose 100 pounds. I am focusing on the first 50 now and the more support we all have the better!! Feel free to add me!
  • Welcome to the club girl! This is a great community to be a part of, you're in good company.
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Already sent you a friend request! I always love having a news feed full of people that are striving towards the same goal as me. Anyone else can feel free to add me too! PS - To anyone interested I follow a forum with a group of people who are also working towards losing over 100lbs. If you search "Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread ! - part 14" you're bound to find us! Feel free to come join and jump in anytime you want. It's a very supportive group.
  • eowynmn
    eowynmn Posts: 165 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 25 lbs into a 125 lb loss journey. I'm very much enjoying my new found love for fitness, pushingmyself, dancing, lifting, and eating a whole, healthy diet. Welcome to the game!
  • I have at least 150 to lose eventually.....Want to be healthier for me new baby boy :) Feel free to add me too
  • Hi - I too have well over 100 pounds to lose. I try not to think of that, though, because it is discouraging. I started Jenny Craig a week ago and my consultant just told me about myfitnesspal. I think this will help a lot, because it really is all about tracking everything and being accountable. You can make great strides before your reunion, and then continue on to your next goal!
  • I joined a while back but am just now getting into it. I am looking for friends on here for support and tips and whatever else. I really want to lose some weight for my wedding in 6 months and also to get healthier. We want to start having kids soon and I know that will be easier once I have lost some weight. Anyone, feel free to add me!
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Hi there! Nice to meet you!! I too have over 100 lbs to lose in total. I have lots a bit with the help of MFP .. But still more to go. Good luck on your journey and feel free to add me if you'd like!! :) x
  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    I too need to lose more than 100 lbs. Thank you for starting this thread and bringing us all together. Everyone has been very supportive already! For anyone I may have missed adding as a friend, my apologies. Please feel free to add me anytime. The more support the better!
  • pjammer10
    pjammer10 Posts: 38 Member
    Im trying to lose 80-100 pounds while trying to juggle breast feeding a 5 month old. Cant quite seem to get motivated or figure out how to properly nourish my body to be able to take care of my baby. I figure i need extra calories to breast feed so i COMPLETELY over do it thinking it'll be burnt off during the next feeding. Looking for friends to help motivate. Feel free to add me!
  • Chelsea830
    Chelsea830 Posts: 18 Member
    I am in the same boat! I have about 120 I want to lose. Everyone, feel free to add me. We got this!
  • Keurigirl
    Keurigirl Posts: 5 Member
    You can do it! I'd love to be friends. I'm down 47 but still have about another 80 to go.
  • clau3260
    clau3260 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me. I also have about 100lb to loose. I have been here for awhile on and off, until recently I decided to stay more on track. New friends are always welcome :)
  • Terrainia
    Terrainia Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have also been a member for awhile but just recently began using MFP in the last month or two. I have about 80-100 pounds to lose and could REALLY use the motivation!
  • MsKriss281
    MsKriss281 Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome! You made the first really important step and honestly you will love it here, I'm addicted.

    I started in January and still have 100+ to lose. Anyone can feel free to add me. Good luck on your journey!
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    Please add me! I've got near enough 100 to loose so would love some friends with the same aim!

    Same goes for anyone reading this :-)
  • ej_glen
    ej_glen Posts: 34 Member
    I'm new too (well, joined ages ago and didn't actually start using it until really recently). Hoping to lose 127lbs. Please feel free to add me!
  • You guys can add me too! I have WELL over 100lbs to lose... More like 130lbs