insanity friends



  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
    I love the Insanity videos... I've been trying to do them almost every day to change my workout routine up from just running and lifting. I don't get sore from a 7 mile run, but I'm EXTREMELY sore from an hour and a half of Insanity! It's crazy. Anyone have tips on recovering faster?

    Make sure you drink some type of protein drink 10-30 minutes after your workout. Also, make sure you are eating enough "clean" calories or else your energy and recovery will be slow. As an example, I was trying to stay at around 1500 cals a day even though the program said I should be closer to 2100. I eventually hit a wall and didn't get over it until I started upping my cal intake to around 2000. I just made sure my extra 500 was super clean - no junk food :)
  • MizVandyk
    MizVandyk Posts: 602 Member
    I restart insanity in about 2 weeks any and all who take this site serious but also are fun are welcome to add me =)
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    Just started today! Did the fit test and the results weren't as bad as I thought they would be! Excited to start this journey. Cross training like this is the way I have been able to become a better runner! Love it!
  • Takyrah
    Takyrah Posts: 3
    Good morning!

    I'm now in week 2 day 4 of the Insanity Workout. Glad to have the Recovery today haha! It's hard but I'm determined to finish this workout. I already lost some cm's so I can't wait till the workout is done!

    Enjoy your day, I'm going to work now!
  • iwontdnyit
    iwontdnyit Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am doing insanity. Im on heading into week 3 tonight I do fit test 2,
  • Hello, im on week 3 day 4 of Insanity, i've never worked out so this is a really big challenge for me, but im willing to achive it!! :bigsmile:
  • Hey all Ive just started insanity today n took the fit test n woow I've just surprised myself by doing more than I've expected !! I've got nothing to lose but FAT, n I'm up for it coz I'm sick n tierd of being sick tierd .are you 2 ?! Add me n we can push eachother till we make it! :)
  • fitlaughl0ve
    fitlaughl0ve Posts: 21 Member
    On w1d4 of insanity, started doing the videos a few weeks ago but only just decided to follow the program properly! Starting to look forward to working out, I have more energy every day and feel great. Loving it so far.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Hi All, I'm on day 9 of Insanity. Tried and failed to finish before but this time I really think I'm going to complete it. I look forward to it each night. Okay help me to understand this. I am 48 years old 5'3 started at 175 pounds. I know that sounds like a lot but I wear a size 10/12 depending. My goal is a size 7. Not sure what that weighs on me.

    I've been doing the workouts ONLY 9 days and already my daughter says she is noticing I look smaller. I too thought I was noticing subtle changes but just thought it was in my head. No one can change in that short amount of time. Haven't measured yet. I'm going to wait until after the first 30 days.

    So I get on the scale today and I've gained 5 pounds. Now let me say My bmr is 1489 and my tdee is about 1800. I try to not eat over 1800 a day. But I eat what I like just less of it. I've cut out soda and junk but still enjoy all the other foods I like (not so much a sweet eater or snacker) just less of them. Went to 5 guys and had half the burger and half the fries I would normally eat and got a water. let me add i'm not looking for a six pack. just a smaller firmer tummy..

    Is it normal to gain so much weight in the beginning. Who gains 5 pounds in 9 days. Co-worker says its muscle cause she is starting to see definition in my arms. but i just cant wrap my head around gaining 5 pounds of muscle in 9 days. from reading the forums on here i know that is impossible especially for women.

    Any help underdstanding this would be great. I am trying not to be a slave to the scale but hopped on today out of curiosity.

    Oh hubby also said there is less of me around my middle which is my biggest problem area.
  • jez4ever
    jez4ever Posts: 190 Member
    Hi All, I'm on day 9 of Insanity. Tried and failed to finish before but this time I really think I'm going to complete it. I look forward to it each night. Okay help me to understand this. I am 48 years old 5'3 started at 175 pounds. I know that sounds like a lot but I wear a size 10/12 depending. My goal is a size 7. Not sure what that weighs on me.

    I've been doing the workouts ONLY 9 days and already my daughter says she is noticing I look smaller. I too thought I was noticing subtle changes but just thought it was in my head. No one can change in that short amount of time. Haven't measured yet. I'm going to wait until after the first 30 days.

    So I get on the scale today and I've gained 5 pounds. Now let me say My bmr is 1489 and my tdee is about 1800. I try to not eat over 1800 a day. But I eat what I like just less of it. I've cut out soda and junk but still enjoy all the other foods I like (not so much a sweet eater or snacker) just less of them. Went to 5 guys and had half the burger and half the fries I would normally eat and got a water. let me add i'm not looking for a six pack. just a smaller firmer tummy..

    Is it normal to gain so much weight in the beginning. Who gains 5 pounds in 9 days. Co-worker says its muscle cause she is starting to see definition in my arms. but i just cant wrap my head around gaining 5 pounds of muscle in 9 days. from reading the forums on here i know that is impossible especially for women.

    Any help underdstanding this would be great. I am trying not to be a slave to the scale but hopped on today out of curiosity.

    Oh hubby also said there is less of me around my middle which is my biggest problem area.
    Actually, I have heard many people with the same concern - including women. Hopefully, others will chime in. First of all, congrats on getting though the first 9 days. Personally, I gained my second week, but it was only 2 lbs. The rest of the program I either lost weight or stayed exactly the same. However, like you, even when the scale wasn't dropping, I could see results with definition and muscle. I started off weighing once a week, but it got a little discouraging, so I just quit looking every week. I could feel my body changing for the better and I knew results would come. They did. Not as much as I had hoped, but I lost 16 pounds over the course of 63 days. Keep going! Don't get discouraged. Many don't see huge results until Month 2, so you still have a ways to go.
  • gabbymyg
    gabbymyg Posts: 5 Member
    I ordered Insanity and am just waiting for it to arrive!!! VERY excited to start. I am already a healthy weight for my height and a size 8-10 clothes, i'm just being vain after i've put on weight (a tendon injury put me out of action for two months).
    Not really that bothered about what it says on the scale and i don't think you should be. You should do weekly measurements as opposed to weigh ins. You really see the difference that way. Everyone has this 'ideal' weight in their head that they would like to be but a lot of the time, that's completely unrealistic. Id rather weigh more but be more toned than weigh less without the muscle tone.
    If anyone is going to start insanity in the near future and would like to do it with me, please let me know!
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 425 Member
    I'm on week 1, day 5 which I completed today. I also threw up afterwards... I've been working out for 3 years and for what I feel very intense workouts..........this is the FIRST time I have EVER been sick like that. But let me tell you, I worked my *kitten* off!! Just have to remember next time to eat a little something before hand..

    But otherwise, I LOVE insanity, Shaun T is a beast and he kills me everyday!
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    love P90x
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    I'm one of the lucky ones who lost weight consistently throughout the program but I know many people don't see much movement on the scale, or even gain initially. What I've read is that the gain comes from the muscles holding on the water when you start. Everywhere you look you will get the same advice, DON"T RELY ON THE SCALE! This is so true as some of you have already said you can see the results in the mirror but not on the scale. The best measure of success is in your measurements. Take weekly measurements at your upper arms, chest, waist, hips, and thighs, and you will most likely see steady progress. Of course you need to be eating right as even with Insanity you can't out-workout a bad diet! That doesn't mean not eating, just make sure you are eating the right foods. I followed the insanity nutrition guide fairly closely during my first round and it worked quite well. The recipes aren't all that bad either!

    I'm doing my second round now along with some weight lifting and am eating around 2300ish cals/day. While my weight has stayed steady for the last 4 weeks I still see improvement in the mirror and in measurements.
  • balanceten
    balanceten Posts: 5 Member
    New to MFP and my husband and I are on week 5 of insanity! I am constantly on a wight loss roller coaster. Hoping the combo of MFP and insanity will do the trick! Of course, my husband has lost 11lbs while I am at a whoo hoo 2lbs. But I hear month 2 gets more insane and I have definitely noticed how I am more toned than when I started. ADD me as a friend please!

  • I got some scales that tells you your body fat percentage as well as your weight, this is useful to help explain if your weight does increase whether it is through muscle or not.

    As for the diet its about quantity as well as whattypes of food you eat, I weigh most of my food as its so easy to eat more than the recomended portion size, that way I know my calorie intake on here is much more accurate than just guessing.

    Hope this helps :-)
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Hi All, I'm on day 9 of Insanity. Tried and failed to finish before but this time I really think I'm going to complete it. I look forward to it each night. Okay help me to understand this. I am 48 years old 5'3 started at 175 pounds. I know that sounds like a lot but I wear a size 10/12 depending. My goal is a size 7. Not sure what that weighs on me.

    I've been doing the workouts ONLY 9 days and already my daughter says she is noticing I look smaller. I too thought I was noticing subtle changes but just thought it was in my head. No one can change in that short amount of time. Haven't measured yet. I'm going to wait until after the first 30 days.

    So I get on the scale today and I've gained 5 pounds. Now let me say My bmr is 1489 and my tdee is about 1800. I try to not eat over 1800 a day. But I eat what I like just less of it. I've cut out soda and junk but still enjoy all the other foods I like (not so much a sweet eater or snacker) just less of them. Went to 5 guys and had half the burger and half the fries I would normally eat and got a water. let me add i'm not looking for a six pack. just a smaller firmer tummy..

    Is it normal to gain so much weight in the beginning. Who gains 5 pounds in 9 days. Co-worker says its muscle cause she is starting to see definition in my arms. but i just cant wrap my head around gaining 5 pounds of muscle in 9 days. from reading the forums on here i know that is impossible especially for women.

    Any help underdstanding this would be great. I am trying not to be a slave to the scale but hopped on today out of curiosity.

    Oh hubby also said there is less of me around my middle which is my biggest problem area.
    Actually, I have heard many people with the same concern - including women. Hopefully, others will chime in. First of all, congrats on getting though the first 9 days. Personally, I gained my second week, but it was only 2 lbs. The rest of the program I either lost weight or stayed exactly the same. However, like you, even when the scale wasn't dropping, I could see results with definition and muscle. I started off weighing once a week, but it got a little discouraging, so I just quit looking every week. I could feel my body changing for the better and I knew results would come. They did. Not as much as I had hoped, but I lost 16 pounds over the course of 63 days. Keep going! Don't get discouraged. Many don't see huge results until Month 2, so you still have a ways to go.

    I totally got that wrong. My TDEE is about 2300. I eat 500 below that and try not to go over 1800 calories a day
  • donna1432
    donna1432 Posts: 87 Member
    Ive completed Insanity and Asylum.. its an intense workout but you have to push yourself also if you have to modify do so and as Shaun T says Listen to your body... :) I have a support group with some Insaniacs in it Id be happy to put you in.. let me know also add me as a friend>
  • jaynita2
    jaynita2 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm on week 5 of Insanity and am super excited about the changes that I've seen in my body so far. I've even lost a few lbs. to boot! Never would I have thought (being a former couch potato) that I would be able to do a program of this sort. I'm glad that my husband puts the disc in daily and pushes play for me!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,273 Member
    I'm starting April 1st so I created a group "Insanity April 1st To May 30th" join my group if you are starting April 1st, it's way better when you have the support of a group, people to push you and people you don't want to let down!

    Let have fun with it!